yes, that's me. a girl. Sometimes faceless, blending in with the crowd, going with the flow... not always, though. there's a part of me that stands out.

I'm everything you can think of... Serious, wacky, smart, dense, obnoxious, snappy, shy, outraged, upbolting... I'm an assortment of everything, and everything is based upon my surroundings.

I'm Robyn Karlson, preferrably known as robyn. I'm 14, and just turned that way on November 18th. (My b-day present was Snowed In)

I have blond hair, just past my shoulders, with chin length bangs - just the right length if you ask me. I've got bright, bright, bright green eyes, and some people compare my looks to those of Kirsten Dunst. I love getting compliments like that, she's really pretty. No, I don't go for women, silly, or else my many passions for Leo Dicaprio would be flushed down the drain. He's just as lush as Tay Hanson - and that's a job for anyone to try and beat.

I have a mom, Ashlei, and a dad, Jeff. I have a little weiner dog, spot, who's all black, with a light brown spot by his tail. I'm thankfully an only child, and i'm grateful. i hate little kids, but I *love, love love* babies.

Some of my lovely poetry. graphic style. I love writing, all sorts, here's s'more poetry stuff, until I make a page for it.

Sitting by the HighWay,
Way for a drive-by,
Hopin' you'll see me,
Feelin' sorry if you were me
Letting my life flow
'round the corner i see you go
love and hate,
crossed my face,
and a tear rolled down my cheek