so you've taken a brave, maybe foolish step into my mind. somewhere that even i get lost sometimes. remember, if you get lost on any of the pages within the site, click the eyeball at the bottom of the page

A dark unfathom'd tide
Of interminable pride —
A mystery, and a dream,
Should my early life seem;
I say that dream was fraught
With a wild, and waking thought
Of beings that have been,
Which my spirit hath not seen.
Had I let them pass me by,
With a dreaming eye!
Let none of earth inherit
That vision on [of] my spirit;
Those thoughts I would controul,
As a spell upon his soul:
For that bright hope at last
And that light time have past,
And my worldly rest hath gone
With a sight [sigh] as it pass'd on
I care not tho' it perish
With a thought I then did cherish.

~ Edgar Allan Poe ~
there will come a time when you find yourself thinking, who is this person? where does he come from? where is he going? to answer your questions you can select this icon to find out more about me. don't judge me by my life, judge me by my desires.
there are things in my nightmares which cannot be explained. some or just echoes of the soul, others are obsessions. either way they must be expressed. such is my artwork, like it or hate it, either way i will continue.
can you withstand my nightmares? can you understand what makes me bleed? visit my journal, follow the reaper, and give in to your fate. please understand i am a graphic man, and so my dreams are too. if these things frighten, then tread not on my soul. please understand i use livejournal, and it is friends only. add me, then i'll allow you access to my soul.
there is light, even in the darkest recesses of a person's heart. the light comes from the love of your friends, and here you'll find a page dedicated to those who have found me in my darkness and brought me back to the light.
Down for now
Down for now
can you not handle my nightmares? can you not handle my life? then for you i have left a single out.... a single portal out of the shadows. these places, although made by followers of the reaper, may be more to your liking.