Glad you stopped by! I hope my site is fun and informative for you.
I created this site for beginners and experienced Fly Fishers alike. It is for the enjoyment of all, and I welcome any feedback you may have. I hope you become a regular visitor here. I intend to add to the site from time to time, and hope I am able to offer good information for you all to enjoy.
So feel free to cast a line in and.....well.....fish around.

If you are a beginner to the sport and live in the Connecticut area, I am offering Fly Casting and Fly Tying lessons at reasonable rates. If you are interested, feel free to email me .
A little about me: I have ten years fly fishing/fly tying experience and have all the necessary equipment, tools, and materials necessary to give adequate lessons to the novice angler. I have a brook that runs through my back yard, which offer an excellent "practice field" for casting a homemade recipe to a waiting trout. I have a flexible work schedule, allowing me the opportunity to do this. So if you are the least bit interested....let me know. Men, women, and children alike. This hobby is fun for everyone. Once you start, you'll be hooked!......sorry I couldn't resist that one.
Check out the banners throughout the site. You will be linked to other sites of interest to our sport. Need a book on fly fishing or fly tying? Click below on Amazon.com, or turn to "Suggested Readings/Videos" Page.
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