Microsoft's death

The Beginning of the End

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Microsoft's reign is comming to its end. If you haven't heard yet, the judge has issued the findings on facts, which clearly state that Microsoft is a monopoly. After this the verdict is expected to be released in early 2000.

Microsoft is the country's biggest company (in market cap), and it is the purpose of this page to explain why Microsoft is a monopoly, and should be stopped. I don't however hate Microsoft. I don't hate Bill Gates or any Microsoft employee, I just simply believe that the company Microsoft is using unfair business practices.
The latest news
Why Microsoft must die
Why Microsoft will die
Is Mircorsoft a secret communist agency, you decide.
Questions? Comments? Feel free to mail me at

This page is under HEAVY construction and some of the links might not work.

You are the person to visit my page.

Last updated May 23, 1999