Has anyone ever question why the West is so interested in the DSAI issue? Are there really no human right here or really they merely instigating the public to topple our own government ?

Most of us are aware of the Rodney King case in the US, and the mass-rape of ethnic Chinese women and looting of Chinese property in Indonesia. We also heard of military beating and bullying civilians in the Phillipines and the Singapore government manipulating court proceedings so that they may never return to oppose them again.

Why then would President B.J Habibie and President Joseph Estrada question human right here? Why would Chris Patten, or Vice President of the United State, Al Gore spoke in support of the so-called reformasi movement at the Apec Business Summit meeting and the rest of the western community threaten our government ‘‘that they will be watching" ?
The answer is simple. Our Prime minister has always been the voice of Asia, the only one who dares to publicly criticise the West and boycott international meetings. He is the only leader who dares to defy the IMF and implement our own financial measures. Thus, the West is using this opportunity to unset him.

The fact is we should be grateful that there are no incidents of riot, mass-rape, looting, famine or abuse of power in our country. We dare to take the lead to experiment with currency controls while the world is watches. We have a Prime Minister who leads, unlike a neighbouring country where he rules.
Is there a need for drastic change? Our country may not be perfect, but which country is? There are two issues at hand. The Anwar case should be allowed to be settled in court, and our country’s economic measures in the international arena. Street protests will only cause instability and keep investors away.
The bottom line is that we should be proud to be Malaysians, to stand united and not make fool of
ourselves in the eyes of international community.

By : Proud Malaysian