Durotec web site contains information about products registered worldwide. Some of these products may not be available in particular countries, or may or may not be approved or cleared by a government regulatory body for sale or use with different indications, dosages and restrictions in different countries. Trademarks may also differ between countries. As a result, users should always consult local distributor..

The information contained on this site is not intended to provide or replace medical advice, or to promote any of the products registered as remedies of Durotec. The purpose of this site is to provide scientific information on the drugs and products discussed.

The information contained is based on scientific data and fully referenced. However, Durotec is not liable in any manner whatsoever for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or other damages resulting from the use of, reliance on, access to, or inability to use this information, or from any alteration to the content of this site that Durotec may make at any time..

Although Durotec will make every reasonable effort to include accurate and up-to-date information on this site, Durotec shall not be liable in any way for errors or omissions in the contents of this web site.

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Last update: 2001/01/02

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