The HARC continued a long tradition of supporting the activities of scouting in general, and boy scouting in particular on Saturday, January 4, 2003, at Markham Park, in Broward County, Florida.

With Bob Young, KC4KME as net control, and Saul Greenberg, KN2P, as a mobile rover, communication and logistical support was afforded the scouts during their annual hike of several miles during the winter. This year, the course was somewhat different in the sense it was completely contained within the park itself, allowing Dan Frost, KG4MLC, Rick Adamson, KC4ZHL, and Larry McDermott, KE4ESV to provide great support and safety along the trails hiked on by the scouts. Dan's truck was a Godsend, allowing us to have water and supplies transported to and from the rest areas during the event.

We enjoyed a nice lunch after the event with the scouts and their leaders, the meal having been prepared by none other than our club member Danny Shattuck, N4YES, whose dual citizenship as a HARC member and scout leader made him a busy fellow indeed on Saturday! Danny should be proud of his son Johnny for having completed 2 laps around the course, and we should note that Brenda, KD4KNL, was also instrumental in administratively working behind the scenes to ensure success with the scout's hike.

Those of us participating in the event had a great time with breakfast, preparations, setup, and closeout. We enjoyed great conversation and story telling, discussing and comparing our batteries and antennas on the air, eavesdropping on the SW Florida repeater, and were surprised at how quickly the morning passed.

Our thanks also to Miss Alice, WA4ZPX, for her behind the scenes monitoring of communication on the HARC VHF frequencies during the hike, and providing support as it was needed.

Our thanks also to Sonyha Rodriguez-Miller, KF4VQN, whose efforts at creating and maintaining our website makes for great viewing and communicative support...almost the best pictures on the Web!

Many hands do make for light and enjoyable work...please note the HARC plans and activities for the year, and participate in as many and as much as you can. A few hours work for great camaraderie and enjoyment is more than a fair trade!

73, be well, and GET ON THE AIR !!!
HARC Repeater  146.985, 600 khz neg offset, PL tone 88.5
Listen for Ms. Cindy Frost, KG4MLD, every Monday, on the HARC repeater, at 7PM...follow her instructions as an emergency net control station, key the radio, and check into the portion of the emergency net that is her area of responsibility. You will not be asked to do more than this, and operating your radio during the net is a nice way to stay proficient in it's use.

We are an emergency repeater for Broward County, please get on the air and show both Cindy and the county our support.

Until then, signal well, see you at the next meeting...
Larry McDermott KE4ESV.
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