Yawn !! What have the dead people and long-ago things
got to do with me ?!

Imagine this - if your great - great - great grandmother had not met your great-great-great grandfather and had your great-great-great grandmother.....you wouldn't be around today either . Get the picture ?

History is the thread that draws the past , the present and yes , the future together . Often it is only when we look back into the past that we understand the meaning of those events , actions and circumstances .

We said that a large part of the Bible was a historical record . Up until the last century , it was practically the only record of life and times in the Old Testament era until certain scholars were able to unlock the secret of hieroglyphics and cuneiform - the writings of ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians . Today , archaelogy has given us many interesting insights into the everyday life , history and culture of Biblical times . Did you know that :

Cuneiform tablets from Nineveh contain a poem about the building of an ark and the earth being covered with water....and the ark coming to rest on Mount Nisir after the rain stopped .

The walls of Jericho are thought to have fallen inwards - despite the walls of anicient cities usually being designed to fall outwards to crush potential attackers such as the Israelites .

Babylon , once the most magnificient city on earth with walls so thick that there was room on the top for one four horse chariots to pass another , is now a heap of ruins just south of modern day Baghdad - just as predicted by the prophets Isiah and Jeremiah many years prior to the event .

In Jerusalem today , we can still see the sites of the pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame man ( John 5 ) and the pool of Siloam where Jesus healed the blind man after putting clay on his eyes ( John 9 ).

Jewish dwellings in Jesus' time had flat roofs made of clay and brushwood . A staircase or ladder on the outside led to the roof . The roof could be broken open easily , as the four friends who let the paralysed man down in front of Jesus found out ( Mark 2:1-12 ) .

Archaeology and other studies of past times can provide us with interesting backgrounds but cannot prove conclusively the happeningof events recorded in the Bible simply because too litlle evidence has survived . However , nothing in the Bible has ever been conclusively disproved either ! The Bible is still the world's greatest book of history , however , it is not just a history book . It is a book which gives meaning and purpose to history as God's divine plan for the salvation of all creation is revealed through wars , slavery , love affairs and intrique of the Israelites . So coming back to our first thought , what has history got to do with me ? Alot . Especially if it's God's plan for humanity ( that's you and me ) revealed in the World's Greatest History Book !



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