Dave's Magical Mystical Tour

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A Concatenation of Coincidence

It's taken me three months to gain perspective, but I guess I'm ready to spill my soul in prose!

The creative work at the Vox Humana, (October on), coincided with an experience in waking life where I "saw" ("over-iterpreted through the backdrop of life" according to psychology: it is what is called a waking dream, only it lasted three months!), the reincarnation of Princess Di and Mother Theresa. Or Kenny and I, I'm not sure which! Mystic impressions are just that: impressions. I've been left many puzzles! We were wishing to be psychic twins next time, and it was twins I was shown.
The Medical profession left me alone for the most part. I just had to go through an intense examination period...they found nothing physically wrong, no drugs in my system, but said I was blending dream states with the waking state...and I agree with them!

I saw the NOW from a different perspective. Changed my view of the past as well! Time is NOT what it seems! There's MUCH MORE "bleed-through" than we acknowledge.

All times exist simultaneously.

Leonardo DaVinci "saw" helicopters. Where? In his IMAGINATION! The imagination is the "interface" between the physical and the spiritual, but WE ARE BOTH! We've always interpreted "the End of Time" as the destruction of the Earth. Armageddon. Silly pessimists, I say. Einstien tried to get us to see: It is our VIEW of time who's day is done.
So I'm just doing what I can, which is tell most, if not all. Got LOTS to say, in this "free to take the responsibility for your speech" forum! I do take responsibility. I take pride in it as a matter of fact. I know myself and I know I did a great "job" communing!

The translator is what I called myself up in the hospital, the first trip! And though I TRANSLATED, don't expect me to describe it well. Our concepts are way out of date, and I had help! It was an INTERNAL translation, complete with talking to friends in our minds, just like in The Lord of the Rings Masterpiece by J.R.R. Tolkein.

I'll tell you ONE thing: Fantasy writers portray us much more accurately than the media!

Media has a blind spot: it can't see that it interprets the news just in it's choices of words to deliver the news, not to mention that all that violence doesn't happen to everyone, just those who wish violence into their lives.

Remember 'Live by the sword, die by the sword'?

You WANT strife? You GET strife. You WANT peace? You LEARN TO COMPROMISE! Then everyone lives intermittently happy forever more!

Details about Theresa and Di, or Kenny and I????


Those "psychic children" need to grow up free from scrutiny, so I'm keeping my mouth shut about those specific details as I know our society VERY well! But don't worry! There's plenty more to share! They'll share what they wish to share! I will say I hope we're even MORE psychic than we are now! We've got tons of examples where we think of one another at the same time, and do things totally in concert...well not ALL the time...GRIN!!! My honey's a bad angel and likes to be bad. I like to be good! It makes for a nice balanced connection. We got magic from our connections! Talk about psychic networking! Like I told the Vienna Community Leaders upon retiring:,
"Who needs email? We have E-thoughts!"

Those children will FEEL individual so that they have control over their lives, cause they DO!

When we touch the deepest part of us, we speak from a greater knowing. I KNOW who I am connected to in the present: The PAST and the FUTURE! My true self is timeless, and I'm constantly aware of the eternalness of the soul. Time does NOT mean to me what I was taught anymore. I "stepped OUTSIDE" of time! And it only takes ONE PERSON to convince the Collective Consciousness of a better viewpoint. Einstien saw this from a scientific viewpoint. Diane saw it from a global viewpoint. I saw it from a PERSONAL viewpoint. The state I was in, is the state we are (or at least, I AM!) aiming for, yet with less extremes. Had I been treated properly, there would have been NO extremes, just evidence of the great JOY welling from within me. The stress of being locked up against my wishes, (the second trip), launched me into an even deeper perspective. One from which I have NOT returned, though the stress is gone. My JOB was to REMEMBER my perceptions! And I have! We EACH are in control of what we do!

EACH of us get's to see OUR OWN BELIEFS revealed in our daily lives, within the framework (USUALLY!) of humanity's assumptions.

We need to see that each of us writes our own story in life, and the "sub-plots" can veer far beyond the supposed normal.
Our Collective Consciousness has the verification of the details, and I see the results ALREADY! Collectively, I see humanity really asking important questions about itself. I watched as coincidence after coincidence occurred in San Francisco, where the reading list of the high schools is being expanded to include more perspectives!

Myself, I have a documented healing on my leg that happened during my 'awakening', While I was typing the Girls Club Memorial, a battery casing split to read D URACELL, , our Christmas Cactus sprouted a very unusual leaf: they are usually flat, but this one has an extra leaf growing out perpendicularly to the flat leaf, and one undeniably magical item that my soulmate Kenny Cowan verifies: the colorful three-in-one triangle design above appeared on a crystal globe in our home. For two years we've washed it and seen that it was clear!

I MUST add that one of the MAJOR impressions I got was that humanity is three sexes! Yes. Society ignores hermaphrodites!

Right now the medical profession is wondering about their approach: they ask the young, very young, children to CHOOSE between one or the other sex! Perhaps we should allow them to grow up the way they were born!

Why must humanity put LIMITS on its self-expression?

May the next Age be the Age of Personal Fulfillment!

Let's start with Diane.

I met Diane in 1973 when I was in the Christian Brothers. I was eighteen. She is a mystic, and I witnessed what happened to her. She had a vision of a ship coming to take them away. She and her husband waited a year, not understanding, but accepting.

A year later, her husband received a letter from a cruise line wherein the person in charge of hiring went to lunch, locking his door, to return after lunch, door still locked, to find a Letter of Recommendation on his desk that wasn't there before. He offered them a position.
(He paid attention to his heart!)
They accepted the position and moved away.

There is much more to the "Story of Diane", but relevant to this story, they will remain where they belong, in our memory or linked sub-pages! GRIN!

Before she left, she told me how she felt the most beautiful physical existence would be to be a whole world. She asked me if I would recognize her in a different countenance, and then immediately assured me I would. She said someday she would return into my story.

I accepted and waited...

Twenty-four years!
She joined a couple of others that were helping in my perceptions and helped me get a handle on my fears, as I was certainly in uncharted territory.
I knew something important was happening and should just trust and wait, like Diane.
I knew that once I got to the hospital, the magic show was about to begin! And what a magic show I got!

After I returned home, the holy ashes her guru had given her returned, drifting onto my lap, as I sat there and watched the leaves on the batique Kenny gave me in Hawaii change to animals. One of the animals even winked at me!

I saw a friend who recently died in the countenance of a stranger, who puzzingly asked me about fares for Muni, etc. as if he wasn't sure why he was asking.

At the hospital, (the following trip), I kept seeing "parallel personalities" of people I knew.

I have absolutely NO DOUBT that we are more than we seem and that when as we live and when we die, we produce, "psychic children" (for want of a better word, and better frame of reference...remember that Einstien proved the misconceptions of our view of time.

Now to the:

The Price is Right
 My 'over-interpretation' concerning the Price is Right 'started' around mid-November.
 I didn't see anything wrong then, nor did I later, nor do I now. WRONG is the wrong word to use, you see!
 I just wasn't accepting other's interpretation of my behavior, was not even concerned with my behavior, it felt so right for me, but then I was higher than high on LOVE!

Kenny says the first thing I said he REALLY couldn't understand was when preparing to watch a magic show on TV I said, "Maybe I can watch if I watch through a mirror." Not sure why I said that!

 Later, I was watching Regis and Kathie Lee and Rosie O'Donnell was guesting for Kathie Lee, and Penn and Teller were on. They performed an act, and I marvelled at their magic.
I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep the night before, and was exhausted. Penn was on the couch snoozing, and I thought, "Wow, what magic, He knows exactly how I feel!"
Yes, over identification, I think it's called. Ask a psychiatrist. I don't feel it as intensely now, so it was all just "part of the experiment". (Remember that in the movie MOTHER, Debbie Reynolds, Albert Brooks?) Yes, more "over-identification".
Well imagine my surprise when later I turn on The Price is Right, and Bob Barker says, "I'm going to wake you up in the gentlest way possible."
 It hit me like a ton of bricks: His inner self was speaking directly to me!

(Yes, over-identification.)
 Later on I tuned in on a show and watched as Magic was proven to The Price is Right,

(yes, my interpretation!):

 They had a show where a prop got stuck, the man behind the prop board stepped out, and as they stepped away from the prop, the prop did it's own thing. It worked.
 Bob exclaimed something like, 'Look at that! What an historic day, and we have the three', and then he pointed out the three people involved in the prop. I wondered NOT at his behavior. I understood that magic had just been proven to THEM. Not me. For I knew it was just the free will of the prop, expressing it's desire to provide the illusion of magic, for humankind's benefit.
 And the healing on my leg? And the battery casing? The Three-in-one design? I guess it's a result of over-interpreting my universe! GRIN! Doctors didn't want to discuss that. Told me to ignore it. Would you ignore it?
Me, I think Diane got her wish, cause I certainly have!
And frankly, in all honesty, I didn't NEED proof of the power of Love!
I've always felt there was more to life than what showed on the surface. I've never considered myself psychic, so now I feel that
we ALL are, it's just well hidden in the human psyche.
 Living without hurting, in appreciation for life's goodness, is all I've done in this life. Oh, okay, I ignored a few opinions...that's just another way of saying the philosophies presented to me as a child (and an adult!), were incomplete to understanding. I understand why, now. I couldn't possibly put what I went through into words as there were perceptions that I have no words for.
And I gotta tell you, it's a relief to say this, it's been bugging me for two months.
It's worse than coming out was, though most told me they knew I was gay, rather than me tell them! I've never hidden who I am, you see, but then I grew up in the
Greater San Francisco Bay Area.

I didn't have to hide anything growing up. No one should have to hide themselves under a bushel.

But at least I'm here to enjoy the Love that my Love, Kenny Cowan, lavishes on me, and I on him.

Versions of reality abound! Choose a nice one, we say!

You only have to "lose your lies" and

"believe that you deserve for the sun to shine"-Peter, Paul, and Mary. (Thanks, PP&M!)

Oh... and treat other creatures nice! Thank you from the true bottomlessness of our hearts, from both Diane and I.
WE ALL went to a lot of trouble to 'wake me up', gently!
That's it for now...except Kenny finally got it yesterday...I knew he would, since he always has...he tried to convince me that the objects he found at the flea market were just what he was looking for, and that they were gifts from the angels. (He's into angels!). He said "see, the world works"! I grinned and asked him who he was trying to convince and he just started laughing and said, "I see your point"! (He KNOWS from the Heart...a very UNTYPICAL Aquairian!)
Dave Starkovich, -March Tenth, updated March Fifteenth, 1998.
"Wherever we go, whatever we do, we're gonna go through it together.
We may not go far, but sure as a star, wherever we are, it's together."
Listen with your HEART!
(Assess your reality with BOTH your physical perceptions and YOUR inner awareness. Nature is here to teach us about the variety of consciousness! Who needs aliens from outer space? This planet is FILLED with different consiousnesses! BTW, A personal thanks from me to Shirley MacLaine, who showed us all how to go out on a limb and live hopefully ever after! See SWEET CHARITY and read Out On a Limb by Shirley MacLaine!)
"Kiss today good-bye.
The sweetness and the sorrow.
Wish me luck, the same to you,
but I can't regret what I did for Love,
what I did for Love.
Look my eyes are dry, the gift was ours to borrow;
it's as if we always knew, and I won't forget what I did for Love.
Love is never gone, as we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today good-bye and point me toward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget,
can't regret
what I did for Love."
-Michael Bennet conceived of A Chorus Line, one of his gifts to humanity. He died of AIDS
Thank you Michael, for embodying your vision through your art!
We've been here before! Our sisters and brothers will return with us again!

I say, I came, I saw, I've SHARED! My Momma and Poppa taught me well!

America needs to learn to do the same!

This world is built on an INNER sharing! When the outer matches the inner, we get it right.

We can't help but share every detail of knowledge with everyone and everything, and only our insistance on the status quo slows our growth of understanding!

That's why I'm so honest on-line. What's the point of hiding? I only accepted a gift from others, in retrospect, the chance to prove to the collective consciousness the validity of the Seth Material...accept your own gifts..they're waiting for you!
Where do you get your gifts? Start with the Seth material by Jane Roberts and Rob Butts! Then do what you want to do! There are MANY paths available (an infinite number as a matter of FACT!), not just ONE PATH, but ONE for EACH individual!!!
Myself, I saw how I overcame the "curse" of illness, to find happiness within my predicament. HAD I NOT changed my attitude in 95, I would have not be who I am.

Thanks, you kindred spirits!
Don't worry, BE HAPPY! (I do like to cheerlead, as well as blow my own horn!!!)


OOPS, almost forgot, I'm FAR from perfect!

Trust is my key, Imagicnation is my gift, and Love is my fuel. Oh yeah. Self-honesty is MOST important. That I got plenty of! (Too much, some say! Just another opinion I ignore.)

Life's here to interpret!

Speak, meek!

That's the purpose of the net!
BTW, Glad it's over!!!!!!

It was VERY distracting. It's much easier to keep it in the subconscious, and just appreciate the Beauty in Life!

P.S. Before writing about my experience, I consulted the I CHING. I'm like that. You see, I didn't HAVE TO say anything about what I went through.
I got the trigram for Inner Truth! That's how the I CHING has been to me!

A letter from Diane resides in the cover of my I CHING. It has no words on it, only emotions IN it.

That's how I AM! That's how she IS!
Pleased to meet you! GRIN!

What a delight to be trapped in a TRULY MAGICAL Spell of Making!
That's OUR limitless creativity!

To talk or not to talk.

It really wasn't a question as I'm the ONLY one who witnesses what I witness about life. My cats know the story from their perspective, Kenny from his, my neighbors and friends from theirs, but it's up to me to tell you!

Gotta take your place on that great Mandala!



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