Attack List
These are the attacks that you will be able to obtain throughout this rpg, there are physical attacks such as a punch and kick (you start out with 1 punch or 1 kick). Once you reach a trainner you will be able to learn combos from the trainner you chose for example, 3 punches to the face, 1 punch to the gut (stomache), and a double handed axle to finish him off, it depends on your trainner what combos you can learn, and you might be able to make up your own combos if you train hard enough.  There are also your latint energy attacks such as Eye Beam, Freeza Beam and Ki Blast (you start out with 1 of these latint energy attacks), when you reach your trainner you can learn better moves such as the Kamehameha and the Special Beam Cannon, but it depends on the trainner you pick what moves you can learn/master.
Physical Attacks!
Punch: A punch hurts your opponent about 25% of your strength (don't worry, we do the math), you can punch a preson anywhere except the groin and leg (cause it just looks ridicolous).

Kick: A kick hurts your opponent about 30% of your strength, you can kick a person anywhere except the groin (cause thats just low down dirty).

Knee: A knee hurts your opponent about 45% of your strength, you can knee your opponent in the gut, or the face.

Elbow: A elbow hurts your opponent about 40% of your strength, you can elbow your opponent anywhere except the groin and the leg.

Club: A club hurts your opponent about 35% of your strength, you can club your opponent anywhere except the groin.

Club to the Neck: A very good attack since it is the only move that can damage the neck, this move hurts your opponent 100% of your strength, this move can only attack the neck.

Headbutt: This attack hurts your opponent 50% of your strength, but there is a downside to this attack, it hurts you 10% of the damage you cause to your opponent to your face, you can only hit your opponent in the head, arm,and stomache, you need to have your head to do this move.

Flying Headbutt:

Double Handed Axle: A very effective move, this move hits your opponent straight in the ground (if your fighting in a place with ground), this move hurts your opponent 50% of your strength!

Slash w/ Long Sword: This move can only be used if you have a sword, this move either hurts you opponent 50% of you strength plus the modifier on the sword, or it can cut off an arm or leg if you hit him, you must have access to a arm to swing the sword, you need twice the speed to dodge this attack.

Throw a Ninja Star (Shrunkin): This move can only be done if you have 1 to 10 ninja stars, because, well, thats how many you can throw at once. For each Ninja Star you can do 25% of your strength plus modifier of damage. You need a arm (hand) avalible to throw Ninja Stars. 5 Ninja Stars per arm, you need three times the speed to dodge this attack.

Latint Energy Attacks!
Eye Beam: This move is used by the face since the beams comes out of your eyes, it is a weaker move that only takes one turn to use, it does about 15% of your power levels damage. (if you have 1.5 as much speed as the person who uses this move on you then you can dodge it, if you have 1.5 as much of a power level as your opponent you can block it without getting hurt).

Freeza Beam: This move is used by one arm since the beams come out of your finger, it is the weakest move in the rpg that only takes one turn to use, it does about 10% of your power levels damage.  (you need twice the opponents speed to dodge the beam, if you have the same power level as them then you can block it without getting hurt).

Ki Blast: This move is used by one arm since the blasts come out of your hand, it is a weak move that only takes one turn to use, it does about 20% of your power levels damage.  (you need the same the opponents speed to dodge the beam, if you have twice power level as them then you can block it without getting hurt).