Main Page

This mage isn't meant to exist, however after people continued stumbling to the old webr ring site due to the old HTML fragment, I guess this page needs to be up.

There are three rings that I manage and these three are :

Pure Manga Ring

    This is the oldest ring out of the three, it is for manga related web sites only, and not anime related context. The most frequently asked question is that there really is no difference between anime and manga, but from experience there is a huge difference between sites which specifies manga as opposed to anime. For one thing, manga sites tends to be more in depth about the actual manga, and I guess I'm highly biased in saying that anime web sites tends to be a paragraph about their favorite anime (most of it copied from somewhere else) and not much else.

    Sites that contains bits of anime are welcome, though if the anime content overwhelm the manga contents it will not be admitted.

    If you have a site about original manga, please join the Origin ring instead.

  • To join please go to the following URL:

Manga Translation Ring

    Another manga ring, though this one is specifically for manga translations. Please note that you can join either Pure Manga Ring or Manga Translation Ring or both.

  • To join please go to the following URL:


    I gave up trying to fend off manga artists, especially since their number is increasing every month. For artists, circle of artists or enthusiasts this ring is for you. Please note that all work must be original work.

  • To join please go to the following URL:

    This site is a member of WebRing.
    To browse visit Here.

Admin Stuff (IMPORTANT)

  1. Once you have submitted your site into the ring please wait while I approve of your site.
  2. You will then receive an e-mail if you site have been approved, please go to the ring hub to find the navigation bar that corresponds to your ring.
  3. Remember to paste the navigation bar on the page that you have submitted to the ring. Any other pages will result in a broken link! If that happens, your site is automatically "looped" out of the system.

Y.W © 1997 updated 02.07.2001