Lighting the Way: Chapter Five

Written by: Son Pan

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Lighting the Way: Chapter Six

It wasn’t long before a train ticket collector came by to collect tickets. Hiroshi saw him coming from down the aisle and got to his feet. "This is crazy! I have scho-…well, no I don’t have school tomorrow, but still. Akari-san, you didn’t tell us you were gonna take us to Honshu!" Hiroshi bellowed.
Akari sniffed. "We aren’t going to Honshu." She softly said.
"Wherever!" Hiroshi nearly yelled. Akari’s eyes got wide and filled with tears. She bowed her head. "You….you…" she sniffled and swallowed. "….you said you’d help save Katsunishiki…." She softly whispered.
Hiroshi’s expression softened, and he bent down, near Akari. "Shh, Akari-san, don’t cry…I just thought you pig was in Nerima. You should have told us it was at your house."
Akari looked up at him, to say something, but was cut off. "Tickets please!" the trains ticket collector called. Hiroshi stiffened, turned, and looked up at the man in the little red uniform. He swallowed.
"I…I…we…" he scratched his head.
"Here." Akari said, producing three tickets. The conductor smiled, punched the tickets, and went on his way.
"Where did you get those from?" Hiroshi cried. Doctor Toufuu was now on his feet, perplexed as well.
"I was to come here and bring back my fiancee and a doctor." She paused, as Hiroshi blinked at her. "Instead, I’m bringing back Hiroshi-san and a doctor. I had three tickets."
Toufuu took off his glasses and cleaned them on his top, and sat down in one seat facing Akari. Hiroshi lighting swayed with the train, thinking to himself.
"What will your fiancee think when he finds out?" Hiroshi asked, finally moving, almost sitting next to Akari, but moving and finally sitting next to Doctor Toufuu, across from Akari, facing her as well.
"My fiancee?" Akari whispered, thinking, then shaking her head. "He won’t even know I came for him." Then she bowed her head. "Ryouga-sama, I’m sorry for being unable to find you…" she whispered, silently.
Hiroshi sighed, and dropped the subject, feeling partially guilty for Akari being unable to find her fiancee. all three sat in silence, watching the countryside peel away, rocking a little with the trains motion.
Hiroshi heard a stifled snicker like sound, and turned. Across from their seats, facing them were two girls, who had apparently been asleep and awaken by heir arrival. Now it seemed both girls were looking at the doctor in interest. Hiroshi felt a little flush of red in his cheeks, in jealously over the older mans good looks. Hiroshi glances at the two girls, then looked at the doctor, to see if he had noticed the girls stares.
Doctor Toufuu seemed to be purposely looking out the window, into the black night, his face lightly reddened, as he watched the night peel away into nothing. Hiroshi almost seemed disgusted by the doctors lack of interest, and the fact that he seemed to be ignoring the girls and blushing at the same time…or maybe he was just really jealous.
He folded his arms across his chest and turned his head, looking the other way. He didn’t stay mad for long, though. The gentle rocking of the train tempted him to sleep. He settled back in, comfortably, knowing the train wouldn’t reach their destination until morning, and he closed his eyes, deciding to ask the doctor about his odd reaction in the morning…maybe get a few tips…and with that he hunched up and fell asleep, leaving the doctor to deal with the young girls.

To Be Continued…