How Serena Became Sailor moon...

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Vol 1 - Act 1

Sailor Moon

(In Tsukino Serena's house

(Serena's mother is reading the morning paper. There is a picture of Sailor V. The title says: "Sailor V Foils a Thief's Plan to Rob a Diamond Worth $2.5 Million.)

Serena's Mother: Sailor V does it again! Compared to Sailor V, my daughter is... Serena! Serena! (calling Serena) It's past eight!

(Serena jumps out of bed)

Serena: I'm LATE AGAIN!! WAAHH!! Mom! Why couldn't you wake me up earlier?!

(Running out of the house. Sidenote: Serena introduces herself as a 14 year old junior high school student)

(Serena is running to school, yawning)

Serena: I don't want to go to school. Why do mornings have to be so miserable?

(Serena introduces herself as a cry-baby, suddenly, she steps on something and falls on her face)

Serena: Wha? What is that?

(Looks to find a black cat with a Band-Aid stuck to its forehead)

Serena: A kitty!! I'm so sorry! It looks kind of thin, maybe because I stepped on it?

(Serena kisses the cat)

Serena: I'm sorry, can you forgive me?

(The cat claws Serena's face and Serena screams)

Serena: Did you have to do that? Huh?

(The cat is pawing at the Band-Aid on it's forehead)

Serena: You want me to take that off? Okay, here.

(Serena takes the Band-Aid off and the cats leaps out of her grasp. It bounces on her head once before landing on the pavement)

(Serena notices she is late)

Serena: WAAAAHH! What am I doing? Now I'm real late!! My teacher's going to kill me!!

(At her school...)

Ms. Haruna: Tsukino Serena!! Late AGAIN!!!

(She makes Serena stand outside the classroom)

Serena: Ah! A pretty girl like me... standing alone, in the line...

(Her stomach growls)

Serena: I'm so hungry.

(Serena unwraps her lunch and begins to eat)

Serena: He he! I forgot to eat breakfast.

(Ms. Haruna comes out of the room)

Ms. Haruna: Serena! What are you doing?! No wonder you get scores like these on your tests!!

(Ms. Haruna shows her the test she got a 30% on)

Serena: I hate English.

(The bell rings)

Malvin: Serena, did you do well on your test?

Molly: And you forgot your lunch, too.

Malvin: This test was so easy! I got a 95 without even studying. It was gamble!

Molly(with a big sweatdrop): Go away Malvin! I really wanted a better score than him.

(Molly looks at her paper- she got a 85)

(Outside, Molly, Serena and another friend are eating lunch)

Serena's friend: I heard that a jewelry store in downtown got robbed.

Molly: I'm scared.

Malvin: But Sailor V got the thief.

Serena(who doesn't have any idea what they are talking about): Huh?

Malvin: You don't know? The superheroine Sailor V, who fights evil dressed in a Sailor Suit! I also heard that weird things have been happening nowadays.

Serena's Friend: But I understand how one would rob a jewelry store.

Serena's Friend #2: They have beautiful jewels. I would really love a diamond ring.

Serena: Molly, your mom owns a jewelry store.

Molly(laughing): Actually, there is a sale. There are even jewels _we_ can buy! (The girls screech)

Serena's Friend: Really? I wanna go!

Serena: Me too!

(Serena and her friends are at Molly's jewelry store - Osa*p. Serena and her friends are looking in the display case outside)

Molly: The one in the middle is a Pigeon brand Ruby. Worth about one million. The next one is a diamond, but it's not on sale.

Serena's Friend: Look at those people in the store!

Molly's Mom: Molly, you brought your friends.

Molly: Hi Mom.

Molly's Mom: Come in. There's a lot of people, but enough jewels for everybody. I'll sell them to you for bargain prices!

Molly: Mom never had a sale like this before. Weird.

Molly's Mom: Everything's on sale, people!! Just name the price!!

Girl#1: It's so gorgeous. Since I got a good score on my test, my dad would buy it for me!

(Molly's Mom laughs evilly)

Molly's Mom(thinking): We need energy from these youths. Gather energy...

Serena: They're all so beautiful!! But who would buy it for me, after getting a 30 on the test...Stupid test!

(Serena crunches up her test paper and tosses it. Unfortunately, it lands on Chiba Darien's face)

Serena: I wanna go home.

Darien: That hurt, Odango-atama. Do you want to give me a bump on my head just like the ones on yours?

(Serena turns around, embarrassed and mad)


(Darien looks are Serena's test)

Darien: Thirty?! You've got to start studying, Odango- atama!

(He tosses the paper back to Serena and it lands on her face)

Serena: Well, it's none of your business!

Serena(thinking): Weird. Why is he wearing a party outfit in the middle of the street at daylight?

Darien: It's a great jewelry store, it might be here. The Silver Crystal.

(Serena is walking home)

Serena: How will I be able to explain this score to my parents?

(Serena sees an advertisement for Sailor V video game in the arcade)

Serena(thinking): Sailor V must is so lucky. She doesn't have to study, she fights evil... She's so way cool.

Serena: I'll just stop by the arcade.

(Serena is playing the video game)

Serena: How come it won't die? How do I kill this thing??

Andrew: Hey, Serena, you're still here? Oh, you're playing the Sailor V game. Okay, fire now!

(Andrew is telling Serena how to play when the black cat Serena rescued in the morning comes up)

Serena: Hey, I know you. You're that black cat I met in the morning.

Andrew: She's been here for several days.

Serena: He he! Look... there's a bald crescent spot on her forehead. A bald cat!

(The cat gives her a hostile stare. A sweatdrop forms on Serena's head)

Serena: I think I'll go home... (muttering) creepy cat.

(Serena is home)

Serena: I'm home.

Serena's Mom: You're late. I met Malvin outside and he said he got a 95 on his test. What did you get?

Serena(very ticked off): Malvin, that big-mouthed frog...

(Serena shows her Mom the test)

Serena's Mom: THIRTY?!!! You got a THIRTY?!!!

(She is ticked off)


(Serena is outside when Sammy comes)

Sammy: What are you doing outside? You fail your test again?

Sammy: I wish I had a sister with brains.
(He sticks out his tongue)

Serena: Why you little... Sailor V... KICK!!!

(Serena kicks, except it's not Sammy, but the door. Serena starts crying)

Serena: WAAAAHHHH!!! That HURT!!!! Mom, let me IN!!!!!

(She pounds on the door)

Sammy(to his mother): Mom, the neighbors might call.

Serena's Mom: Fine, Serena. Come in, just be quiet.

(At OSA*P, a mysterious masked figure lurks)

(A large energy has been gathered from the wearer of the jewels. They are collapsing)

Molly's Mom: So these energy-draining jewels do come in handy. And I'll pocket the real jewels, pity the most important thing isn't here.

Molly: Mom?

(At Serena's house...)

Serena: Look, my eyes are swollen from crying. Mom didn't have to be THAT mad.

(Looking at her books)

Serena: I hate studying!! I think I'll take a small nap and then...

(Serena falls asleep and dreams.

In her dreams, she is Sailor V. She fights monsters and wins. Her prize is Andrew and the little black cat)

Serena: Umm... that bald cat... EEEEEEEEEEEE! That hurt!! What are you doing?!

Black Cat: Excuse but bald? I find that offensive.

(Serena is dazed and confused)

Serena(thinking): That cat talked...

Black Cat: My name is Luna. I was looking for you, Tsukino Serena. Thank you for taking off the Band-Aid. With it on my crescent moon, I cannot talk and my intelligence is muted. The kids in this place are horrible brats.

Serena(still confused): Nice to meet you. Good night.

Luna: Serena, this isn't a dream!!

Serena(thinking): This is a dream...

Luna: If you don't believe me? Here. This'll open your eyes.

(Luna hands Serena a beautiful Locket with a crescent moon on it)

Serena: It's so gorgeous!! Is it mine? Can I have it?

(Serena looks at herself in the mirror)

Luna: Listen to me, Serena. Strange things have been happening in Tokyo, things even the police can't figure out. Serena, you are the female warrior destined to fight evil. You have a mission and that is to find the other warriors, and find the Princess...

Serena: Luna, the Locket is glowing...

Luna: Say "Moon Prism Power, Make-up!"

Serena: Moon Prism Power Make-Up!

(Serena transforms into Bishuojo Senshi Sailor Moon)

Serena: ! Why am I in this clothes? What happened?!

(Serena hears something through her head jewel)


Serena: Luna, that's Molly.

Serena: I can see it in the glasses. What is that!!??

Luna: Do you believe me now?

Serena: Luna, Molly's in danger!!


Luna: You have to help her.

(Back at OSA*P...)

Monster: I am not your mother, dear Molly. Your mother's probably in the basement, dying.

(In the basement, Molly's real mother is tied up and struggling to free herself)

Molly: MOM! NO!!

(A mysterious figure in a mask and top hat watches on)

Serena: Let her go, YOU UGLY MONSTER!!

(The figure with the hat hides)

Monster: Who are you?!

Serena: Uh... me? I'm a...uh...

(Luna looks at the moon and signals to Serena)

Serena: I fight for love and Justice. On behalf of the moon, I, SAILOR MOON, will punish you!!

Monster: Sailor Moon? Never heard of her. AWAKE, LOYAL SERVANTS OF THE DARK KINGDOM!!

(Collapsed people begin to wake up in a zombie-like state. They attack her. Sailor Moon dodges a woman trying to stab her with a broken glass bottle. Sailor Moon falls and her knee starts to bleed)

SMoon: This isn't a dream. It's hurting and it's starting to bleed!

Luna: FIGHT Sailor Moon!! DEFEAT THEM!!

SMoon: WHAT am I doing here??! (sniffle) I WANNA GO HOME!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

(Sailor Moon's head jewel starts amplifying her wailings. Glass breaks)

Monster: AHHHH! My HEAD!!!

(The figure with the top hat lands next to Sailor Moon)

Figure with Top Hat: Don't cry, Sailor Moon, right now's your chance!

Luna: Use the tiara. Say "Moon Tiara Action!"

(Sailor Moon throws her tiara like a frisbee)

SMoon: Moon Tiara ACTION!!!

(The monster is dusted)

SMoon(thinking): I can't believe it! I defeated that monster.

Figure with Top Hat: I couldn't find the gizuishou, but it was nice meeting you, Sailor Moon.

SMoon(thinking): I know that voice, it's that guy who...

Mysterious Figure: My name is Tuxedo Kamen. I'll remember you, Sailor Moon.

SMoon(thinking): He's like Zorro. So hunky...

(Sailor Moon's eyes turn to hearts)

Luna: Good job Serena! That monster had disguised itself into Molly's mom. The battle has started and the monsters will keep coming- Serena!!

(Serena is spaced out, dreaming of Tuxedo Kamen)

(People start waking up)

Molly: Where am I?

(Luna tugs on Sailor Moon)

Luna: Let's go, Sailor Moon!

Serena: It was a wonderful dream, and I met a hunky guy too...

(In the Dark Kingdom headquarters...)

Jadeite: Sailor Moon. She can be a help to us... But our mission now is to find the Silver Crystal.

Molly: It's for real! A beautiful Sailor-suited warrior rescued me last night from a monster!! If I hadn't fainted, I would have seen her face!

Friend#1: Molly, are you still sleeping?

(Serena is listening to all this. The Moon Prism Brooch is glowing on her uniform)

Luna: What's the matter, Serena?

Serena: I don't get it. I don't think it was a dream...

--- End of Act 1 - Go to Act 2 ---