Stop the world, I want to get off!

10-26-2001 - Sorry I haven't been able to update my site much lately. I'd also like to say that I'm also *very* sorry for the people who believed the "News Flash" about the dubbing of Sailor Moon... my full apology can be read here
This page was born August 5, 1997. Since then, I've had over 6 million hits! Thanks everyone!

Hello there! This is Chibi-Chibi's Nook, where you can find info about that pink-haired cutie, Chibi-Chibi!

For those of you who have never heard of her, Chibi-Chibi is a little girl who fell from the sky one day, much like Chibi-Usa did. Chibi-Chibi, however, was quite a bit younger. With no parents or guardians, Usagi asked where she came from. All she knew how to say is "Chibi Chibi!". Much to Usagi's surprise, Usagi's mom claimed she was Usagi's little sister!

She eventually learned how to mimic others, and got caught up in a series of troublesome situations that the Senshi try to help her out of. She also does her fair share of saving the Senshi, as well. She's your typical child, and SO CUTE! Later, the Senshi find out that Chibi-Chibi has the ability to morph into a Senshi, too! Though she has no real transformation sequence, Sailor items, or attacks like the other Senshi, she has mysterious powers which help the other Senshi: she bestows a new attack onto Eternal Sailor Moon, she teleports the senshi to Galaxia's dimension, and she even morphs into a sword for Usagi to battle with! Pretty cool for a 2 year-old, no?

So you must be thinking by now, how can you not like such an adorable girl and efficient senshi? I really don't see how you can't, and as the owner of this site, I, Delphina, would personally like to introduce you to this little tyke. I welcome you to Chibi-Chibi's Nook!
Information | Picture Gallery | Voting Booth | Sound Files | Sailor Cosmos: A View of Perfection | NEW! Video Vault! | Linking Up! | Battle of the Chibis | Take a Survey | Quiz! | Memory Game | Rings, Badges, and Awards | About the Author | Save Our Senshi! | Email the Author | Guestbook

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