The New Warriors

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[Active] Richard Rider is NOVA. Rich has been in the Marvel spotlight for longer than any other member of the New Warriors, hense he knows many other heroes. However, he seems to be the most unpopular, popular Warrior. See, he has had three solo books, and all three were cancelled rather shortly. Anyway, he had a thing for fellow Warrior Namorita, but he bailed on her during her time of need. Now, he wallows in his self-pity, and seems to be getting meaner every issue.

[Active] Micki Mushashi is TURBO. Micki wasn't a superhero. She was just an ordinary girl with a special suit. She used it to fly to Paris, and shop the cities of the world. She was slowly forced into action and found herself among the ranks of the Wariors. She used to share her suit with her friend Mike Jeffries, but he died. Mike's death forced Micki to realize she has the suit for a reason, and to continue to fight the good fight in memory of her best friend. Speedball hounded her for a date for months, but she turned him down. When she finally decides to date someone, it turns out to be the supervillian, Firestrike. Poor girl.

[Active] Trey Collins is AEGIS. Trey is a new addition to the team. He is an inner city kid, how happened upon a chest-plate with strange and mysterious power. He is somewhat secretive, and the teammate relationship between himself and Nova seems a little strained. This might be due to the fact that Aegis wanted to kill Blasstar to keep him from ever coming back. Or, it might be due to the fact that Aegis is somehow invloved in a gang war.

[Active] Nita Prentiss is Namorita, or Kymaera. She is the cousin of Marvel's first mutant, Namor, the Sub-Mariner. Actually, she turns out to be a clone of her mother, but that's not important. What is important is that Nita used to be involved with Nova. Unfortunately for him, she has moved on. She is now getting hot with Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.

[Active] Robbie Baldwin is SPEEDBALL. Only in the New Warriors could this seemingly waste-of-space turn into an in-depth, and well-loved character. So...who should Robbie hook-up with? Turbo (Micki) or Timeslip (Rina)? And, how is Robbie dealing with the fact that a clone of him took his place for over a year? Many things changed in that year, and I think he hasn't really confronted his problems yet. Anyway, Timeslip has not been mentioned in the new series, but hopefully a girl will come along for him soon.

[Inactive] Dwayne Taylor is NIGHT THRASHER. Dwayne is like the black Batman...his parents were killed by thugs, and he has since declared war on all criminals. Thrash is pretty much responsible for the formation of the original team (unless you count that whole Chord/Tai/Folding Circle stuff). He is currently not an active member of the team, but he is still on the superhero scene. And, what does he want with Iron Fist?

[Inactive] Angellica Jones is FIRESTAR. She was once a member of the Hellions, ran by the evil White Queen. Escaping the mental rule of the White Queen, Angelica becomes a New Warrior. At the end of the New Warriors run, it was hinted that Firestar's microwave manipulation powers were having unhealthy affects on her. However, once she joined the Avengers, Henry Pym found a way to cure her. Firestar, along with Justice (her current love interest) seem to have an unsure future with the Avengers, but they both were founding members.

[Inactive] Vance Astrovik is JUSICE. You know, back when the team was originally formed, Vance's codename was actually Marvel Boy! I wonder if Vance was a fan of the original Marvel Boy? Doubt it. So, Justice has the powers of telekinesis...moving objects and himself with the force of his mind. Anyway, go to the Justice page to see pictures of another Warrior turned Avenger. Oh, and just how IS Vance handling the fact that he has a fiancee? By the many other Avengers (besides Justice), have killed their father? Find out inside!

[MIA] Rina Patel is TIMESLIP. Rina was a new addition to the New Warrios. Her powers revolve around time (hense the codename). I know Rina was only around for a short amount of time, but she became one of my favorite Warriors. And, I really liked how Rina's premonitions of Speedball's death changed their relationship. In Robbie's eyes, Rina went from crazed stalker to hottie teammate. Anyway, check out Timeslip's page to see a couple pictures, and a short bio.

[Inactive] Okay, don't hold it against Silhouette Chord to pick a completely unoriginal codename. SILHOUETTE was an interesting part of the New Warriors. Some say she was the backbone of the team...other say she was useless--you be the judge! So, Sil and Dwayne were a couple, right? How many times did you see them kiss ( as compared to the other couples in the book)? I can't remember a single time...Anyhow, she has since run off with Dwayne's step-brother, and hasn't showed up since issue #51.

[Inactive] Elvin Haliday is the backwards Warrior. Unlike Justice and Firestar who went from Warriors to Avengers, RAGE went from being an Avenger to being a Warrior. Anyway, Rage has dealt with his rage, and now he is taking time away from the team. He is actually going to private school now (he's really young, remember?)

Click on the picture above, and you will find TEAM SHOTS of everyone's famous Marvel heroes and heroines. Some are gathered from around the net...if I remembered where I got them, I would give everyone the proper credit. But, I don't so get over it. Others are exclusive (hopefully) to this site, and I have scanned those myself.

New Warriors Villians Gallery!. Click here to visit the bad guy page.

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Click on the banner below to go to another AMAZING New Warriors webpage!

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