
Welcome to Ucchan's; sorry for the mess, I'm still trying to clean up the place a bit. I haven't updated the main site in.. uhh I forget how long n_n;;

So for now most of the sections will be closed... the RPG site is still open, mainly because I haven't gotten around to updating that either ;.; but the bishonin shrine is STILL open WAI WAI!! because that was updated recently. I'll probably be making some minor changes there too as well.. but for now its still open.

Just to let you all know.. the con section is definetly down.. I am doing a MAJOR overhaul on that.. and moving it to a new site.. All my pics from K3 and Otakon 97 will be up.. as well as some that I have of K4 (but *gack* the ones from K4 are mainly of me, except for the ones Tylor aka The Otaku formerly know as Mousse has lent me.) I'll post that URL as soon as I get all the pics moved.

NOW OPEN!! New and Semi-Improved Cos-play Section!!


Sections that are open....

Bishonin Shrine!!
X Shrine
Webrings I'm a member of.

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People served so far ^_^ (PS YES the damn counter was reset.. it had over 2 million hits.. as did EVERY geocities account ;.;)

Please check back occasionally.. I'll try and make regualr updates so that the site is running the way it was.