# LoGH Side Stories OVA: Valley of White Silver, Episode 2
# Revision 0.3
# Translated by: Momopi
# E-mail: greyhawk@anime.jyu.fi
# Disclaimer:  I never took a Japanese class before in my life.
#              Do not expect this translation to be perfect in
#              any way. Use only if you're desperate.

{German Title} Legend of Galactic Heroes
{Small Japanese Title} Legend of Galactic Heroes Side Stories

# Op song

{Japanese Title} Valley of White Silver
{German Title} Chapter II

{Narrator} Planet Kapche-Lanka
{Narrator} is located on the Imperial Force's route to Iserlon Fortress.
{Narrator} In the direction of the Free Planets Alliance, 
{Narrator} its entrance located at 8.6 light years from center.
{Narrator} During the planet's 668 days of daylight in its rotation,
{Narrator} over 600 days are spent in winter.
{Narrator} There are blizzards almost every day.
{Narrator} Thus, the environment is unsuited for airborne assault.
{Narrator} Most of the combat are conducted on the ground

{Reinhard} Perform last check procedure.
{Siegfried} Yes, please start.
{Reinhard} 120 mm Laser Main Cannon.
{Siegfried} 120 mm Laser Main Cannon, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Secondary Particle Beam Cannon.
{Siegfried} Secondary Particle Beam Cannon, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Vehicle self diagnostics system.
{Seigfried} Vehicle self diagnostics system, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Electrical wave absorption system.
{Siegfried} Electrical wave absorption system, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Infrared absorption system.
{Siegfried} Infrared absorption system, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Low band-wave absorption system.
{Siegfried} Low band-wave absorption system, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Battery remaining power.
{Siegfried} Battery remaining power, 99.8%.
{Reinhard} Good, next is backup systems.
{Seigfried} Backup systems, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Infrared detection system.
{Siegfried} Infrared detection system, no abnormalities.
{Reinhard} Directional sound analyzer system.
{Siegfried} Directional sound analyzer system, no abnormalities.
{Colonel} The ground forces of Commander Hatte, responsible for assault and occupation of Free Planet Alliance's factories,
{Colonel} estimates in the mountain region, about 600-700 km North-West from this base,
{Colonel} the enemy has established camp there.
{Colonel} Verify the camp's location.
{Colonel} Collect intelligence to allow our army to attack, destroy.
{Colonel} Or invade and occupy.
{Colonel} That is all.
{Reinhard} What is the colonel trying to do?
{Reinhard} Last minuet briefing,
{Reinhard} and orders still lacking substance.
{Siegfried} I think he doesn't want the mission to be successful.
{Reinhard} That's not all, he's bearing ill thoughts.
{Reinhard} Still, the reason eludes me.
{Siegfried} If it's only to cause trouble, it's too much.
{Reinhard} All right.
{Reinhard} Perhaps the colonel want us to fail.
{Reinhard} But, we're under no obligation to fulfill his wish.
{Reinhard} We'll make him regret it.
{Siegfried} Then, let us invade and occupy the enemy's base.
{Reinhard} Yes, that's the spirit, Kircheis.
{Colonel} What is the status?
{Folken} No problem.
{Siegfried} Please allow me to drive instead.
{Reinhard} We have to rotate driving duty anyway.
{Reinhard} Or, do you not trust my driving skills?
{Siegfried} I'm well aware of Reinhard-sama's skills.
{Siegfried} You're also an excellent student.
{Reinhard} There are several areas where I cannot compete with you.
{Reinhard} Marksmanship, hand to hand, driving techniques.
{Siegfried} I wanted to prepare myself to be Reinhard-sama's chauffeur at any time.
{Reinhard} Chauffeurs, I can find many of them in the future.
{Reinhard} Bodyguards are like that too.
{Reinhard} But, you cannot be just that.
{Reinhard} You must command tens of thousands of warships for me.
{Siegfried} The importance is tactics, then?
{Reinhard} Yes, school's performance records are unreliable.
{Reinhard} Too much importance placed on memorization and copying.
{Reinhard} That doesn't develop creativity.
{Siegfried} Reinhard-sama place importance on imagination and creativity.
{Reinhard} Yes.
{Reinhard} And those people in the base,
{Reinhard} have no understanding of the meaning of tactics.
{Reinhard} Not only those in the base,
{Reinhard} The Imperial Military's high command is the same.
{Reinhard} Why do we fight?
{Reinhard} What should be done to achieve the objective?
{Reinhard} They didn't even think about it.
{Reinhard} Only to fight if there's an enemy, and to win is enough.
{Siegfried} What you've said is correct.
{Siegfried} This armored vehicle is a good example.
{Siegfried} Throw in huge development costs to equip the newest electronic gadgets.
{Siegfried} Only to have things that can counter it appear right away.
{Siegfried} Thus, rendering technology from both sides useless.
{Siegfried} As the result, we still use military dogs and carrier pigeons.
{Reinhard} On this principle, our enemy the Free Planet's Alliance is the same.
{Siegfried} Yes, both sides can't abandon their inflexible patterns.
{Siegfried} Only to repeat small and meaningless competitions.
{Reinhard} I wish the enemy have some talented people.
{Reinhard} Otherwise, this war has no value.
{Narrator} Human society has been through the era of Galactic Federation
{Narrator} From the time when Rudolf von Goldenbaum seized power
{Narrator} and established the Galactic Empire, it's been 482 years.
{Narrator} Those who fled the Imperial government's abusive rule established the Free Planets Alliance.
{Narrator} Two sides viciously oppose each other.
{Narrator} For 150 years.
{Narrator} Kapche-Lanka planet is one of the contested territories.
{Narrator} The planet has rich natural resources.
{Narrator} To both sides, it's not as if they can't do without it.
{Narrator} But, both sides are unwilling to let each other have it.
{Narrator} Due to this kind of political motive,
{Narrator} vicious battles take place here every year.
{Reinhard} Passing 500 km mark.
{Siegfried} Roger.
{Reinhard} It's getting darker.
{Reinhard} Should we switch to infrared detection system?
{Siegfried} Yes.
{Reinhard} What is it?
{Siegfried} Strange.
{Siegfried} Please look at this.
{Reinhard} Inspect it.
{Reinhard} Stop the vehicle.
{Siegfried} Yes.
{Siegfried} It's not the warning light for malfunction.
{Siegfried} The battery level is low.
{Reinhard} We just replaced the battery, I saw it with my own eyes.
{Siegfried} Yes, I verified too.
{Siegfried} But, after verification,
{Siegfried} we did not stay with the vehicle for the whole time.
{Reinhard} Then, the Colonel is behind this?
{Reinhard} But, this cannot be called a simple punishment anymore.
{Reinhard} It's possible that they want us to die here.
{Siegfried} But, what is the reason for this vicious plot?
{Siegfried} Can't call this a joke afterwards?
{Reinhard} I must find the reason.
{Siegfried} What do we do?  Reinhard-sama?
{Siegfried} We don't have enough battery power to return.
{Reinhard} Let's wait until after nightfall.
{Reinhard} This way, we can't move even if we want to.
{Siegfried} Yes.
{Siegfried} Then, let us drive over to that low area and seek shelter.
{Reinhard} Aye, let's do that.
{Reinhard} I'll do the rest.
{Siegfried} Kircheis, hide our vehicle's tracks.
{Siegfried} Yes.
{Reinhard} This is sufficient.
{Reinhard} The snowfall later will cover it.
{Siegfried} Yes.  I'll set proximity warning sensors.
{Siegfried} Everything is out.
{Reinhard} What about the monitoring station for our proximity sensors?
{Siegfried} Our hand carried detector is sufficient.  But, the heater is out.
{Reinhard} With winter coats, we shouldn't freeze to death.
{Reinhard} I'm hungry.
{Siegfried} We cannot cook our stored rations either.
{Siegfried} Only the emergency ration's dark bread
{Siegfried} does not require heating to eat.
{Reinhard} Dark bread is good enough.
{Reinhard} Anyway, if we don't eat, we might die of hunger, instead of freezing to death.

# Commercial break.  :)

{Reinhard} I want to eat my sister's onion meat pie.
{Reinhard} And a cup of hot coffee.
{Both} With lots of cream!
{Siegfried} Annerose-sama's meat pie.
{Annerose} Reinhard-chan!
{Annerose} Sieg-chan!
{Annerose} Go wash your hands quickly!
{Annerose} I have fresh oven baked meat pie waiting for you two.
{Reinhard} Never the less,
{Reinhard} this does not compare to Annerose's meat pie.
{Reinhard} This is farm animal feed, or much worse.
{Reinhard} The quality doesn't seem to fit military standards.
{Reinhard} The Colonel may be siphoning military supplies.
{Siegfried} Possible, looking at the condition of the soldier's low morale.
{Reinhard} Aye, society's structure always start corrupting from the top.
{Reinhard} I must return and expose this.
{Siegfried} If we return?
{Reinhard} Looks like we should go back.
{Reinhard} If this continues, even if we don't freeze to death, we'd starve to death.
{Reinhard} Even if I freeze to death or die of hunger,
{Reinhard} I refuse to die on the ground.
{Reinhard} Since there is no eternal youth,
{Reinhard} we should at least die where it suits us best.
{Siegfried} Understandable.
{Siegfried} This person's feet does not want to stay on the ground.
{Siegfried} It wants to run freely in the sky.
{Reinhard} Kirchies, do you have any requirements for your place of death?
{Reinhard} You're unwilling to die at a place like this?
{Siegfried} I wish to have Reinhard-sama at my side,
{Siegfried} and Lady Annerose-sama.
{Siegfried} Everything else is not needed.
{Siegfried} Can't say it's a small wish.
{Siegfried} For now, Lady Annerose-sama is a prisoner.
{Siegfried} In a prison called the Palace.
{Reinhard} I'll give you half of whatever I get.
{Reinhard} Fame, power, wealth,
{Reinhard} anything.
{Reinhard} But, now all I have is inedible dark bread and lukewarm coffee.
{Reinhard} And hope.
{Siegfried} For now, this is sufficient.
{Reinhard} Drink your coffee first, and get some sleep.  That's an order.
{Siegfried} Yes, 3rd Lieutenant.
{Annerose} Sieg,
{Annerose} Please take care of Reinhard.
{Annerose} He doesn't want to make other friends.
{Annerose} He thinks you alone is sufficient.
{Annerose} I understand his thoughts.
{Annerose} Will you accept my request?
{Siegfried} Yes.  Even if I must sacrifice my life.
{Annerose} That's not good.
{Annerose} I want both of you to return in good health.
{Annerose} To sacrifice for each other,
{Annerose} that kind of relationship won't last long.
{Annerose} I wish the both of you,
{Annerose} would assist and help each other.
{Annerose} I wish you two to have a relationship of mutual assistance.
{Siegfried} Yes.  I will do as Lady Annerose-sama has instructed.
{Siegfried} Am I one of the important people you must have?
{Siegfried} Will there be a day,
{Siegfried} when I'm needed more than anyone else?
{Siegfried} Reinhard-sama.
{Reinhard} There are 3 enemy armored vehicles moving about.
{Siegfried} You went outside to check?
{Siegfried} All you had to do was to wake me.
{Reinhard} Now I've waken you.
{Reinhard} We don't have any battery power.  Our opponents are unaware of our existence.
{Reinhard} We gained from our loss, this is to our advantage.
{Reinhard} But, I didn't think the enemy would come to this place.
{Siegfried} Perhaps Colonel Hierda didn't plan this?
{Reinhard} But, perhaps he anticipated.
{Siegfried} But,
{Siegfried} To send just the two of us new arrivals to this dangerous place...
{Siegfried} If something happens,
{Siegfried} Wouldn't it cause a problem later on?
{Reinhard} He must have his own support from the top.
{Reinhard} Who would have the power to secretly plot this kind of thing?
{Siegfried} Then, that person planned this?
{Reinhard} Afraid so.
{Reinhard} The Colonel's position doesn't allow him to say much.
{Reinhard} Before we came to this planet,
{Reinhard} they had already prepared a welcome for us?
{Siegfried} What should we do?
{Reinhard} Just this.
{Reinhard} If we obtain the enemy's armored vehicle,
{Reinhard} Our road of returning alive will be much wider.
{Reinhard} Don't you think so?
{Siegfried} Yes, it will multiply many times.
{Reinhard} All right.
{Reinhard} We only have these weapons?
{Reinhard} Looks like it can be used.
{Reinhard} That was the first one.
{Siegfried} Reinhard-sama's smile of victory is much better.
{Anneroe} I'm sorry, Reinhard, Sieg.
{Annerose} His Majesty has a cold, I need to go.
{Soldier} It was attacked by a missile.
{Soldier} Split up, if we stay together we'd become an obvious target.
{Solider} The enemy is using missiles, our armor vehicle is at a disadvantage.
{Soldier} Split into 2 groups and go find the enemy, quickly.
{Solider} Split into 2 groups?
{Siegfried} It's not an incorrect response to an ambush.
{Reinhard} It's a good opportunity to destroy them separately.
{Reinhard} 2 vs 4 is better odds than 2 vs 8.  Let's go.

{Narrator} Space Calendar Year 791
{Narrator} Imperial Calendar Year 482
{Narrator} Regarding Reinhard von Musel and Siegfried Kircheis's first battle.
{Narrator} With suspicion for the military command's intentions.
{Narrator} Battling for survival.

# Preview
{Preview} Preview for Next Episode
{Preview} Because of Colonel Hierda's conspiracy
{Preview} Reinhard and Kircheis are forced to face danger.
{Preview} But, danger can also be a good opportunity.
{Preview} The two clash with the Free Planets Alliance for fuel.
{Preview} Reinhard's legend of victory starts from here.
{Preview} Next time, Legend of Galactic Heroes Side Stories
{Preview} Valley of White Silver, Chapter III.
{Preview} Friends, remember those days of battle?

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