Amy's Profile
Name: Ami Mizuno
USA Name: Amy Anderson
Birthday: September 10
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: A
Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Hobbies: Reading & Playing Chess
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow-Tail Tuna
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: None (>.<)
Favorite Place: Greece
Strong Point: Calculations & School
Weak Point: Love Letters
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire
Dream: To be a Doctor


Mercury Power (Make Up!)
Mercury Bubbles Blast / Shabon Spray
Mercury Star Power (Make Up!)
Mercury Ice Bubble Freeze / Shabon Spray Freezing
Mercury Ice Storm Blast
Shine Aqua Illusion
Mercury Crystal Power (Make Up!)
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Mercury Aqua Mirage

Amy's Bio
Amy is the level-headed & smart one of the Inner Scouts. Not to say that all of them are stupid, but Amy has been told that her I.Q. is 300! She has excellent computer skills & dreams of becoming a doctor just like her mother. Besides her powers she aids the scouts with her super computer & V.R. visor. Although she is quiet & shy, Sailor Mercury puts up a tough fight often using her brains to beat her less than intelligent adversaries.
isn't she pretty >_<