Sailor Moon V
                               Tales Of The Night
(Note: While this series is based on my original "Sailor Moon V * The Dark 
Adventures Of The Sailor Scouts" series, and while it is possible to 
incorporate these episodes into SMV*DA, this is not the case.  SMV*TN is to
be considered, for all intents and practical purposes, a separate series from
(Special Note: While the final edit approval came from me, this episode was
  actually written by another author.  While I can approve or disapprove the
  story lines before publication and suggest edits and changes, the author 
has the final say on what goes for the story submission.  In short, what you 
see here is not my work but has been approved by me as SMV-quality material.
If you don't agree with that, come talk to ME and not the author.  Should you
 have any praise, on the other hand, by all means let her know about it.)                                 
				Episode Three                        
(written by
                                 Ami & Tolaris
     Tolaris knocked at the door to Ami's house and listened, sighing quietly
when no answer came from within.  He stood there for a moment, unsure of what
to do.  Ami had told him to just come in when he got there but Dr. Anderson's
electric-blue Porshe--the mild-mannered doctor's one concession to frivolous
spending--was still in the driveway.  The Dragoon Commander feared few things
in life, but meeting his girlfriend's mother was one of them.  Although he had
had been dating Ami for a while, he had been fortunate enough to manage to
forgo the experience.  Neither one of them were looking forward to explaining
the visible age difference between the two of them or how they met.
     He opened the door and cautiously poked his head into the house.  Nothing.
Well, he thought with a sigh, I don't need the neighbors getting suspicous and
calling the police on me, so might as well.  He entered and shut the door
behind him.  The foyer was empty and he couldn't hear any sound coming from the
bottom floor.  Ami's probably up in her room engrossed in homework again, he
thought with a smile.  True, she does have big dreams, but she really does work
too hard sometimes.
     Over five hundred years of active military service, numerous campaigns and
field assignments for the Dragoons, literally countless nights sleeping within
spitting distance of hostile front lines, dozens of decorations for superior
combat performance.... all of my fine military skills are now being used to
sneak into my girlfriend's house and to avoid her mother.  How appropriate,
Tolaris thought wryly to himself.  Well, I'm assuming its safe, or I would have
been caught by now if Dr. Anderson was home.
     He reached the top of the stairs and turned towards Ami's room.  It had
been a been almost three weeks since he had seen her.  He had been busy with
his meditation training with Rei while Ami had been studying for her upcoming
exams and working at the hospital.  Her mother had wanted Ami to fly with her
to California but she had gotten out of it by claiming 'feminine curses.'  At
least, that's what Tolaris remembered her saying.
     Her door was open.  Odd, he thought.  She should have heard me by now.  A
slight sense of worry rose in him but once he entered the room, he smiled and
relaxed.  His love was stretched out on her bed, her communicator and computer
spread out in pieces on the side table.  She had a screwdriver in one hand
while her other hand lay over her head.  Her glasses, rarely worn now due to
her enhanced vampiric vision, were perched crookedly on her nose.
     Tolaris grinned inwardly.  The possibilities were endless....  He looked
at the small bouquet of flowers he held.  Ami liked fresh-cut flowers, an
addiction he tried his best to fill whenever possible.  Carefully, he removed
a pale pink rosebud from the arrangement and approached the bed, cursing softly
when he almost stepped on something he was sure that belonged inside one of
her computers.
     Before he woke her, the Dragoon took a moment to look at her.  She was 
dressed in one of her favorite outfits, the 'bum-around' kind as she once put
it: dark blue cut-off sweats and a tank top two sizes too big.  Her short blue
hair was curled around her face, framing it nicely.  Her lean legs, kept in
shape by Luna's extensive Scout training program, were hanging off the side of
the bed.  An evil thought entered his mind as he spied her dangling feet.  She
is rather ticklish.... no, I'll be nice, he thought.  For now....
     He looked at Ami and saw everything he loved in his life and the reason he
left his own world for this one.  In the back recesses of his mind he
unconsciously made a decision.  The original plans for the night had included
him picking up Ami and then accompanying her to dinner with Maze, Mina, Serena,
and Darian.  Chad was back in town and Rei was going to try to convince him to
take her to dinner as well, followed by the eight of them going to a movie.
     But the Dragoon didn't feel like sharing her with the others tonight.  He
wanted to spend the evening curled up with her and enjoying her company.  He
pulled his Scout-issue communicator out of his pocket and recorded a quick
message to Maze not to expect them, saying a complication arose and he would
explain later.  Besides, he thought as he put his communicator away, if Ami
had fallen asleep even though she knew they had a date, she must need some
rest, he reasoned.
     Ami sighed and shifted positions slightly.  Leaning over the bed, Tolaris
removed her glasses and brushed the rose over her face, tracing the soft lines
of her face down to her neck.  Her eyes fluttered open and he kissed her
     "Good morning," he greeted her gently.  "Did you enjoy your nap?"
     Ami stared at the Dragoon and blinked before a look of horror passed
across her face.  She sat up suddenly and missed bumping heads with him by only
a few inches.  "Tolaris!  I didn't mean to fall asleep, I have to get ready,"
she said in a breathless rush.
     Tolaris stopped her with another gentle kiss. "Hello, Ami, good to see you
too.  I missed you these past three weeks.  Oh, I've been fine, how about
yourself?" he said dryly as he gave her a hug.
     Ami sighed and settled into his embrace.  "Sorry, dear.  I missed you
immensely these past fwe weeks.  I was just.... nevermind.  I wanted to be
ready when you got here so we could spend some time together before meeting
the others."  Another look of panic crossed her face as a thought occured to
her.  "What time is it?"
     "Early in the evening.  And you don't have to worry about the others.  I
told Maze not to expect us anymore."  He handed her the flowers as an 
incredulous look passed over her features.  She took the bouquet and inhaled
deeply.  The fragrance and gesture brought a smile to her face.  It had been
awhile since he had brought her flowers.  It's been awhile since I've seen him,
too, Ami reminded herself.
     "Do I want to know why they're not expecting us?" she asked, toying with
the collar to his shirt.  She had been working so hard in the past two or three
weeks that she was beginning to forget how to relax.  Laying the flowers off to
one side, she reached up and hugged the love of her life close to her.  She had
missed him a lot.
     Tolaris returned the embrace wholeheartedly, kissing the side of her neck.
"Because I want to be selfish and have you to myself tonight.  You look like
you need some help relaxing, my love.  You're usually good about keeping
appointments and such.  When I walk in and find you dead asleep, I start to
     Ami stuck her tongue out at him.  "I was not sleeping, I was.... resting
my eyelids."  She grinned.  She knew it was a hopeless excuse but the fact that
she was back in his arms was beginning to make her slightly giddy.  She could
tell he was happy as well because he started smiling gently at her.
     "Of course.  I take it your mother has left for the whole week?" he asked
as he started to carefully pick up various computer pieces and move them off of
the bed.  One good thing about Ami's room was it had a queen-size bed in it,
which meant plenty of room for everything and everyone wanted on it.
     "Yep.  She called me from the airphone awhile ago.  She was upset I didn't
go with her, but I need to do some more work and I wanted to spend some time
with you," she answered, sitting up and stretching.  The results from her
movements were four loud, distinct cracks.  Ami's blue eyes grew impossibly
wide and Tolaris looked at her sharply.
     "Oops.  Guess I fell asleep wrong," she said sheepishly.
     "So I hear," Tolaris growled.  He kissed Ami on her forehead.  "Go toss 
your butt in a steaming hot shower for a few while I find some music out here.
No butts," he continued as she started to protest.
     "Except mine, right?"  The blue-haired vampire asked impishly.  Tolaris
got a very confused look on his face and she explained.  "No butts but mine in
the shower, right?"
     "Ami...."  The Dragoon tried to look serious but broke out in a smile.
     "Yes, Commander," she snapped back dryly and hopped off the bed.  Tolaris
watched her grab a fluffy towel and then dig something out of her top drawer.
He went back to clearning off the bed and was on his way over to her stereo
when Ami called over to him.
     "Hey, dear?" 
     He turned just in time to see her oversized tank top come flying at him.
Ami stood in the doorway to the bathroom, totally nude.  Tolaris felt a smile
spread across his face in appreciation.
     "Why don't you join me?" she suggested softly.
     "In a few, love.  Save me some hot water," he replied, turning back to her
music collection.  Sweet memories of the first night they made love floated
back to him.  He tried hard to block the other memories of that night and was
mostly successful.  Now, what would be appropriate for tonight? he mused.  Ami
had an extensive collection of classical music, inheriting her mothers tastes.
     After hunting around a bit, he found a promising one.  It was a CD with 
various musical selections on it, starting with the Moonlight Sonata.  The
pieces were set against an ocean background.  Yes, this should do just fine,
he thought.  He popped it in the CD player and set it for repeat.  Next, he
found several candles and carefully lit them using his power of summoning
lightning in tiny, controlled bursts.  He then turned off the lights and
admired his handiwork.  It may not be the most romantic of settings, but i
works, he admitted to himself, pleased.
     Undressing, Tolaris stopped and listened for a moment. An even bigger 
smile spread across his features as he recognized the sound of a gentle rain
outside.  And I didn't even have to do anything, he thought to himself.  He
entered the bathroom, which was quickly becoming a steam room, and shut the
door behind him.  After a moment's thought, he opened it again, letting the
music drift in.
     Ami was standing beneath the hot stream of water, letting it beat down on
her neck and shoulders.  As Tolaris entered, she moved aside and aimed the
spray at him.  Once he was as wet as she was, she held him close.
     The Dragoon chuckled.  "Problem, love?" he asked, casually caressing her
back.  He was slightly alarmed at how tense her back muscles were, but was sure
he could take care of that later.  The hot water felt good but not nearly as
good as holding her did.
     Ami kissed his chest and sighed.  "Not really.  I just want to hold on to
you for a bit.  I'm glad you canceled with the others.  We can make it up to
them some other time."  She reached around behind Tolaris to grab the poufy
thing and some soap gel.  "Wash my back?" she asked hopefully.
     "Of course, love," he answered, taking the offered materials.  After 
working up a good lather and moving the water stream over, he started rubbing
the pouf over her back in circles.  Ami sighed and stretched, putting her hands
on the far wall to support herself.
     "That feels wonderful, dear," she cooed.
     "Mhh hhm.  I'd be worried if it didn't," he replied, concentrating on his
task.  He worked his way up her arms and back down, purposely tickling her
armpits and ribcage area playfully.  She squirmed back and he chuckled, kissing
her soapy neck in apology.  Ami hmmed again and settled back down.  Next, he
worked down her sides and over her smooth abdomen, moving ever closer to her
pelvic area but never quite reaching it.  He could tell she was getting rather
impatient because she kept trying to move so he would reach there.  
     Instead, he worked his way up, soaping up both hands and dropping the soap
pouf.  He cupped her breasts and gently rubbed her nipples with his thumbs.
She let out a large sigh and pushed herself back against him, smiling inwardly
when she felt his hardness in the small of her back.  Nice to know I'm not the
only one enjoying this, she thought.
     Tolaris spent quite a few minutes making sure Ami was thoroughly soaped 
up from her waist to her head.  He teased her further by soaping her upper 
thighs and buttocks, but not her sheath.  Ami gritted her teeth, determined 
not to let him get the best of her.  Yet.
     The soap was beginning to dry so Tolaris reached around to swivel the
shower head back in place but Ami stopped him with a kiss.  He raised an
eyebrow, questioning her.  She picked up the pouf and poured some more soap
over it.
     "It's your turn to be soaped up and teased," she said with a mischievous
grin.  Tolaris wondered if he should be worried but was just confused when she
ran the pouf over herself again.  Things became clear when she moved in to hug
him again, moving her entire body against his.  
     The slippery one-on-one feeling was oddly pleasing.  It seemed like every'
part of their bodies came in contact with one another.  The feelings were
powerful and the two became lost in a deep, passionate kiss.  Ami cupped his
manhood in her hand, the soapy balls and shaft sliding in and out of her grasp.
Tolaris broke their kiss with a groan as he felt his control being stretched.
     Ami felt it too.  She wanted Tolaris in her and she wanted him now.  She
tried to wrap her leg around his but the soap just caused it to slide off
again.  Tolaris took the hint and lifted Ami's light frame up and supported 
her with a seat made of his hands.  Ami wrapped her legs around his waist and
adjusted the water stream to hit their bodies but not their heads.  Her back
was against the wall and Tolaris slowly settled her down on his shaft.
     The blue-haired Sailor Scout let out a loud moan and gently nibbled on 
the Dragoon's throat.  He slid into her slow enough to drive her insane, 
filling her completely.  Slowly, he pulled his way back out, pausing enough 
to rearrange his position for greater comfort.  All Ami could do was hold on 
to him and ride out the storm of emotions passing through her.
     Tolaris was having problems controlling himself.  While their track record
was excellent for simultaneous orgasms, he didn't know if he could ignore the
growing tightness in his loins this time.  The feeling of being wrapped 
inside Ami with the water beating down on them and her nibbling on his neck 
was quickly sending him into sensory overload.  Almost unconsciously, he sped
 up his movements, further adding to their mutual pleasure.
     As his thrusts increased, Ami stopped nibbling on his neck and threw her
head back.  She could feel her muscles start to tighten and prepare to spasm.
Her very inner being coiled and prepared to explode.  In the back of her mind,
she hoped she gave the same intense pleasure to Tolaris that she was now
     The Dragoon bent his head down and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking
it roughly.  With that, Ami's sheath clamped down on his shaft and she spasmed
hard, crying out his name.  With a loud growl, and with a bolt of lightning
somewhere outside, he orgasmed into her in several pulses.  Ami's body 
spasmed twice more before she collapsed against her lover's chest.
     It was several moments before either was able to speak again. With a
laugh, they realized that they had somehow ended up on the floor of the 
bathtub with the water raining down on them both.  They kissed for a few 
minutes and caressed each other before Ami pointed out that the water was 
getting cold and they should be getting out.
     The Dragoon got out first and realized he had forgotten to grab a towel.
He grabbed the one Ami had, quickly wrapped her in it, and carried her out to
the bed, despite her loud protests and giggling.  Tossing her on the bed, he
started to towel dry her off, being very sure to reach all of the sensitive
     "Umm, dear?  I just thought of something," Ami said between coos.
     "What is it?" Tolaris asked, kissing her thigh lazily.  "I do love you, 
     Ami smiled.  "I know, and I love you too, Tolaris.  Isn't the general
purpose of a shower to get a person clean?"
     Tolaris thought for a moment and kissed her further up on her thigh.  "It
depends.  We did soap up and rinse off.  And we had fun, didn't we?"
     "Ooh, yes.  We should do that more often.  Hmmmm...." she continued, 
stretching out and parting her legs slightly.  "Can we go again?"
     Tolaris chuckled.  "Insatiable.  Give me a moment, love.  I was thinking
you could use a backrub.  What do you say?"  He moved up her body, peppering
her with kisses before settling for a long, deep kiss which lasted for several
     "Dear...." Ami whimpered, running her hands down his chest and over his
shoulders.  She pulled him in for another kiss, moving her body against his.
She felt her way down his chest, down over his abdomen, and....  She sighed.
     "Sorry, love.  The mind is willing, but the body...." Tolaris shrugged.
"As I said, give me a few moments."  Inwardly, he wondered who was the fool 
who had created male and female biology, and why they were made so different.
Oh, well, that's not the only way to do things, he thought.
     He pulled Ami in for another kiss and ran his hand down her pert breasts.
Slowly, he circled her breast, moving closer to her nipple.  By the way she was
squirming, Tolaris knew it was having the desired effect on her.  He grinned as
she cried out softly when he finally did find the sensitive nub.
     Dragging his mouth down her neck and to the other nipple, he suckled it
until it hardened and swelled slightly.  Ami was moaning and writhing on the
bed, trying to push his head down further.  He took the hint and kissed his way
down her torso, teasing her belly button for a moment.
     He knelt at the edge of the bed and spread her legs out a bit further,
running his hands lightly over her thighs.  He lowered his head to her waiting
sheath lightly flipped his tongue across it, tracing the outer path of her
lips.  She cried out again and pushed his head down into her.  The Dragoon
smiled to himself.  She has no patience, he thought, though I can't blame her.
As she pushed again, he thought that maybe this wasn't one of those times for
     He parted her lips with his tongue and licked the center of her being.
He moved his hands up to gently dip in and out of her sheath while his mouth
worked on her most sensitive part.  Using soft, repetitive movements, it was
not long before she came again, soaking his hands, face, and the sheets.  She
shuddered a few times and fell back, completely relaxed.  Her hands found his 
face and pulled it up towards her.
     "Will you make up your mind?" he teased gently, wiping his face on the
towel.  "First you push me down there, now you want up here...."
     Ami laughed and kissed him.  "Thank you, dear," she said simply, snuggling
herself back in his arms.  "I think I'm sated now.  For now," she added,
grinning mischievously at her lover.  The music played in the background as Ami
started to doze off.
     Tolaris grunted quietly.  This was going to be a long night, he thought,
maybe even a long week at this rate.  But was sure they would both enjoy every
moment of it....


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