Phobos and Deimos.

	What is it about me and obselete characters? Anyways, the reason I'm writing this 'fic is 
because Rei-chan was SOOOOOOO nice and dedicated a Hotaru one to me!!! I was actually very 
touched! I've never had a story dedicated after me!!! (happy!) Or an apology in a fanfic! Read it! I 
was ecstatic! Not to mention the fact that she edited a picture of Haruka for `Where My Heart Is!' 
ARIGATO- (Minako's infamous from 109,) REI!!! (Um... oh yeah... and we kind of teased her 
about seeing the Rayearth opening... but we sent it to her right afterwards via e-mail... I 
just didn't get there... so this is another apology....gomen nesai!!) (*sniffle*) Thus, I decided I had 
to write a Mars fic. In the end, I couldn't decide what to write about, and ended up writing about her 
two twin guardians, Phobos and Deimos. 
E-Mails are WELCOME, and yes, almost Halloween '97 and STILL ZIP, ZERO, NADDA in the 
lines of comments... I can get e-mail at:

Also, if there are any RayEarth fans out there, I really, REALLY am trying to find some episode-
summaries or detailed info. If you have any, would you maybe e-mail it to me? Arigato!!!

Phobos and Deimos.

	Long ago, on the planet of Coronis, there had been peace. The planet had its guardian, 
Sailor Coronis, who watched over the peace. In the future, Coronis would become raged by war and 
the iron grip of the golden Queen, Sailor Galaxia, would descend over the planet. The Princess 
Coronis' star seed would be stolen by the Sailor Anima Mate known as Sailor Lead Crow, 
destroying the peaceful lives of those who lived there, surrendering their lives to Galaxia. But, for 
now, in this time, Sailor Coronis had two advisors, who were nameless, bearing only their titles. 
This was their legacy.


	Princess Mars stared up to the skies. Oh, how she missed Jedite! Jed-kun... she whispered to 
the stars, where are you? Mars was alone. When Jedite left, she had asked him to take Phoenix with 
him, to watch over him in battle. Now, she almost wished she hadn't. Ever since meeting Jedite, her 
thoughts had been filled with his image. Now, that he was gone, she wished to speak to no one, but 
to look at the stars and ask them to bring him home safely.
	"Princess Mars!" a voice called, "Princess Mars!"
	"What is it?" Mars answered, drawing herself away from the window.
	"Beryl, Princess! Beryl has returned! She says that she seeks an audiance with the ruler 
here, and since your mother is away..."
	"The dark queen wishes to speak to me?!" I looked back at the stars.
	"Yes, m'lady Mars." said the attendance. Beryl. But, Jedite was missing.... and I did not 
wish to speak with her. The Queen would have to be informed of this.
	"Denied." The attendant gawked.
	"" he choked out.
	"You heard me."
	"My Princess, I understand that you wish to see the General Jedite again, but-"
	"Who said anything about Jedite? Have you been spreading rumors?!" The attendant backed 
away, obviously afraid of Mars' temper.
	"Of course not, Princess. It was just... well, you two have been gone together quite often 
and..." Mars sighed.
	"Never mind. Tell Queen Serenity that Beryl is here. She has no armies?"
	"No, she says that she merely wished to talk."
	"Tell her to give us one day. It will give us time to set up a counter attack if she tries 
anything." The attendant bowed, but Mars had to work hard not to show any fear. Beryl, on her 
planet. It was too dangerous. They were at war, and Mars would keep it that way until she was 
victorious, if she could. But Serenity had made her wishes clear; if Beryl ever wished to try a treaty 
for peace, all senshi must do their best to accomadate her. Now, she had to wait for tomorrow.


	"Royal Advisors, first Coronis and second Coronis, the Princess, Sailor Coronis, seeks your 
presence in the throne room," came a voice from the door. First looked up. They had no names, in 
effect. Surendered them when they had became part of the royal court. Sometimes first was called 
Coro, and second Nis, but both found the names lacking in imagination.
	"Coming!" Said First. Second looked over.
	"What do you think is the matter now?"
	"I don't know, but if Sailor Coronis needs our help, we had best be on our way." Second 
nodded and the two walked out the door.

	The twins walked into the throne room, their bunned hair trailing behind them in long 
strands, only a few of the attendants taking a moment to blush at their skin-tight outfits, each a dark 
scarlet red.
	"First, Second." said Sailor Coronis. Sailor Coronis wore a deep garnet fuku, with a copper 
bow. Her hair was long and copper coloured, and shone when the light reflected off it.
	"Princess," the two bowed, "We are here."
	"Thank you. We have a guest," Coronis put out her hand, and from the shadows a figure 
emerged. Green hair blew from an unseen force, and for the slightest moment, First would have 
sworn she had see a cherry blossom.
	"Pluto." the guest finished. Sailor Pluto, Second thought, Final senshi guardian of the Gates 
of Time. She drew a breath. From the Sol system, of the Silver Millenium!
	"Truly, a revered guest." First said. Pluto nodded, as if in thanks. In her hands was a long 
silver rod, mounted with a garnet orb at the top, matching the hue of her eyes.
	"Princess Pluto seeks audience with you, First and Second Attendants."
	"W...with us?!" Pluto nodded sternly.
	"Have you heard of the Queen Beryl?" Both of the twins nodded, their faces suddenly 
heavy with seriousness.
	"The ruler of the Dark Kingdom. She's been trying to take over the Sol system. As we have 
heard it, both you and your planet is at war with her."
	"Not my planet. Pluto is uninhibited, and the Gates are too powerful for her to try and pass. 
But she has attacked all of the Inner most planets."
	"Then" said Second, "Are you here to ask Coronis' help in the battle? The Sol system has 
helped us before. With Coronis' permission," she bowed to the Princess, "Perhaps our armies will," 
Pluto raised her hand, and Second stopped and bowed.
	"That is generous of you," Pluto said, "But not what I came to ask for. I need your assitance. 
Specifically, your," she said, pointing her rod at First and Second, "Assistance."
	"Us?!" The two exchanged glances. They felt almost as dutiful to this senshi, one of the 
most powerful, as they felt towards Sailor Coronis. But they were reluctant in battle. Neither First 
nor Second had ever had to do battle more then twice in their lives. The twins gulped.
	"Have you heard of the Princess Mars?" The twins nodded.
	"The soldier of War and Fire." A senshi, reflected First, who was probably totally opposite 
from them in most ways.
	"Beryl has begun to seek audiance with her. If I tell you of why I need your help, you must 
swear on your homeworld that this information will never been repeated, as it could endanger the 
laws of time." The two glanced at each other again, then to Sailor Coronis, who nodded `yes.'
	"We swear."
	"Good. Then, where to begin?"


	"Be aware, then, that some of this has already happened, some of this IS happening and 
some of this WILL happen."

	"In the past, Beryl was a human who wished to see her people freed from the Kingdom of 
the Moon. It was her firm belief that the Moon was using the Earth for their own purposes, and 
ignoring the rights of the Earth people." 

	"One night, Beryl descended into a cave after a meteor shower in the artic wastelands of 
Earth. There, she discovered a glowing mass inside the Earth. It was Queen Metallia, a powerful 
being of evil. Beryl drew upon Metallia's powers, growing in strength until she had formed the 
Dark Kingdom."

	"But Beryl also was in love with the Earth Prince, Endymion. Her love turned to jealousy 
and hatred at the Moon Princess, his true love. Her anger made her go to war. To win the war, she 
enslaves the four generals, Jedite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite."

	"After this, she decides that her forces are still not powerful enough. She believes that while 
Queen Serenity may use the ginzhuishou against a bunch of humans, it may be different against the 

	"Beryl leaves for the planet of Mars, where she first enslaves the soul of Sailor Mars. The 
other senshi soon follow."

	"In the end, Beryl will triumph, when Princess Serenity stops her mother from destroying 
the Inner Senshi, her trusted friends, letting Beryl strike the final blow. The Outer Senshi will 
summoun Saturn, and the Sol System will die."


	"That is not, however, what is supposed to happen. If Mars is aided when Beryl tries to take 
her, Beryl will decided against her plan to capture the senshi. When the final battle occurs, Queen 
Serenity will use the ginzhuishou and defeat Beryl. Saturn will still be summouned to destroy the 
Moon, but the Earth will survive, paving the road for peace in the future."


	Sailor Coronis sat at her throne, speechless. Rare, was it, for the senshi of time to speak of 
the future. She had given them great power in this knowledge, and great trust.
	"So..." said First, "What do you need us to do?"


	"Princess Mars," Queen Serenity's hologram said, "It is most fortunate that Beryl wishes to 
seek peace."
	"We don't know if she means it, my Queen."
	"Then why not go to Mercury, planet of knowledge, or Venus, planet of love? To go to 
Mars, planet of war, the planet with the most armies, would be foolish of a warlord like she has 
been in the past."
	"It could be a ruse."
	"Princess Mars, I must ask you to do your best to keep this situation under control. Beryl is 
a most powerful enemy. We must proceed in this with great caution." Mars bowed.
	"As you wish, great Queen Serenity."


	Second and First were standing in the waiting hall with Sailor Pluto, who was giving them 
still more information.
	"We leave as soon as you are ready," she said, finally. First and Second looked at each 
	"We have no possesions of great value. We can leave now, if you would like." This was not 
entirely true. Each had a small locket, around their necks, with a picture of the other in it. But, since 
they were wearing them, they saw it quite fit to leave.
	"Very well." Pluto raised her orb, purple and garnet energy began to swirl around her. 

	Then, they were somewhere else.


	Sailor Coronis looked out the window as a garnet orb flew off into the night sky. Her 
copper hair flowing in the summers breeze, she bidded her most trusted friends farewell. Perhaps 
they would meet again... someday.


	"Princess Mars....I am pleased that you were willing to meet with me on such short notice." 
Beryl said. Mars felt a growl in her throat, but supressed it. The stench of evil surrounding the 
woman was nauseating. Still, Mars put on her best fake-smile, trying to do as Queen Serenity had 
	"Yes, well... anything for peace."
	"Good. I was hoping we could right up a treaty..."
	"On what conditions?" The great hall of Mars was filled with attendants and guards. Only 
Beryl and Mars sat at the table, each looking at the other with only the slightest hint of suspicion, 
Mars with decidedly more.
	"The conditions? First, that the Moon forever surrender all rights to Earth to me and my 
	"Denied. Earth's rights and it's armies belong to the Prince Endymion."
	"Very well, as long as I am appointed second in command to Endymion."
	"Perhaps he should be here for these talks, then."
	"No. I wish them to go through Queen Serenity first."
	"Alright. Is there anything else?" Beryl smiled.
	"Yes. The Moon Kingdom will supply 50% of it's armies to us." Mars stood up abruptly, 
pushing her chair to the ground and prepared to yell.
	"You're out of your mind, Beryl! I have had enough! The Moon will never see fit to do as 
you have asked! We twice as powerful as you are, Beryl, and will NOT be pushed around by 
foolish threats!"
	"Then," Beryl said, glancing at the table, drawing circles with her pinky finger, "Is it war 
then?" Mars drew in a few breaths, trying to control her anger. She didn't want a full scale war on 
Mars if not necessary.
	"I'll give you another chance, if only for the sake of Earth," Beryl concluded. "Tomorrow, 
noon." Mars' shoulders sagged. She would have to meet with this Queen of evil again? It was a less 
than appealing thought. But Serenity's orders...
	"Fine. Tommorow, noon."


	"Where are we?" First asked of Pluto.
	"In the Mars palace. I must go now, I can interfer no further. It is up to you." Without even 
waiting for a response, the senshi dissapeared.
	"Where do you want to begin?"
	"We know we have to stop Beryl from finding Princess Mars. It's best that we find the 
Princess and go from there."


	Beryl strode back and forth in her room, ever so often looking at the moon which told her 
the time. She still had to wait. Her preformance in front of the courts of Mars had went even better 
than she had hoped. With her promise to meet with Mars tomorrow, more guards had been put on 
her then the princess, exactly as she had planned. She need only wait another hour for her powers to 
fully rejuvenate, and then...

	Then they would see who was making `idle threats.'


	"First, are we going the right way?"
	"Why are you asking me?!"
	"Good point,"
	"Wait!" First put out her armn, and Second, suprised at the sudden change of pace, fell 
abruptly into it. First made a `shhh' sign with her finger, then motioned for Second to look down the 
hall. Ahead was a raven haired woman, walking in long red robes. Several people, attendants, First 
guessed, were following her.
	"Princess," said one. Second nodded. They had found the Princess Mars.

	"WILL YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!?" Mars shouted at her attendants, finally 
deciding that she had had enough. The group of men and women cowered away. Hmmph. Mars 
thought, it was hard enough to get some peace and quiet on Mars without the constant waves of 
attacks from her court!!!
	"P-princess Mars?" an attendant who had had the nerve to stay meekly `meeped' from 
behind her,
	"What is it?!"
	"W...well, the maid says your bath is ready, and that the dress you wanted cleaned is on 
your bed for when you need it." Mars sighed.
	"Fine. Just go, okay?"
	"Yes, Princess."


	Beryl glanced up at the moons again. Only a few more minutes, then she would be ready.
	"General Jedite?" she called to the middle of the room. A hologram of her newly acquired 
slave appeared, and bowed.
	"Yes, my Queen?"
	"Tell Kunzite to prepare to have Princess Mars join our ranks. Ready the troops."
	"Yes, my Queen."


	"So... we follow her?" Second nodded.
	"There's not much else we can do. Pluto gave us lots of information, but not what we were 
supposed to do once we got there..."
	"Alright. We follow Princess Mars."


	Mars looked at the red Princess dress on her bed. It looked resplendant. I really needed to 
know what on earth they cleaned our clothes with, Mars thought. But royalty has it's secrets, and I 
guess dry cleaners must have theirs. The attendants had finally left her alone for her bath, when she 
heard something at the door, almost like whispering voices. She crept closer, but then, with a star, 
she realised that she was not as alone in the room as she had hoped.
	"Princess Mars," said a voice behind her. Mars began to form a fireball in her hand.
	"Queen Beryl."


	"I hear something," whispered First.
	"She said Beryl. I'm sure she said Beryl!!!"
	"So now what?!"
	"We stop Beryl from getting Mars." First looked at the door. Luckily, still no one had 
noticed them in the palace. She tried the handle.
	"It's locked."
	"Let me try," Second shoved her weight against the door as the sounds of battle began.
	"No good..."
	"Mars' room is on the outside of the palace, right? They said she stared into space alot. If we 
change into our guardian creature, a gift from Coronis..."
	"We could get in!"


	Mars threw the fireball at Beryl, ignoring the sounds of people trying to get through the 
door. If she turned her back for one second, Beryl would have her.
	"That wasn't very diplomatic of you, Mars."
	"Neither is breaking into my room!"
	"Yes, well... there's a reason I'm here." Mars slowed for a moment to regain her breath.
	"And what's that?"
	"There's someone I heard you might like to see..." Beryl waved her left hand, and Jedite 


	Two crows flew across the skies of Mars, searching for an open window into Mars' room. 
They could see a red figure, and flew towards it. It was Queen Beryl, apparently talking to Mars. 
The two wasted no time in flying through the window, preparing to attack.


	"Mars." said Jedite, his voice dead.
	"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!" Mars felt a flaming arrow settle in her hands, and 
she pointed it at Beryl.
	"What have I done to him? MAde him quite happy. He's going to help free the Earth."
	"If you want him back... maybe I'll make a trade."
	"A trade for what?"
	"A general of Earth is a fair prize, but the Princess of Mars... so much better." Mars' hand 
fell to her side, defeated.


	The two crows lunged at Beryl, beaks open. The first drew blood, and the second scarered 
her arm.


	"Get off of me you monsters!" screamed Beryl. Her hand made a grasping motion, and a 
green fire ball appeared in it.
	"No!" Mars shouted, then sent her own fireball at Beryl, who dodged the attack. The two 
crows that had came to her rescue landed on the ground, then began to take the humanoid form of 
two women.
	"Give us strength."
	"Coronis!" They shouted, and held hands. Copper and red energty filled the room, then 
lashed at Queen Beryl. Taking the hit, screaming, she dissapeared.
	"Thank you..." Mars said. Jedite's image disappeared. "Jedite..."


	"On behalf of this planet, and pronounce these two women my guardians, representatives of 
the ally planet Coronis." Mars said. She was wearing her crown, and the two women who had saved 
her life were kneeling before her. "In tradition of the Silver Millenium, ruled by the Kingdom of 
Moon, I name you Phobos," she said, as she touched the shoulder of First, "And Deimos, after the 
Moons of Mars, guardians to the throne." Her planet ensigna flashing on her head, MArs touched 
the coller bones Phobos and Deimos. Their dresses erupted in flames, and formed a red shattering 
star on their collars. "Arise, Mars Guardians."


	"In a few weeks," Pluto said, talking to Princess Coronis, sitting on her copper throne, "The 
Moon will be attacked by the Dark Kingdom. When Sailor Mars goes to help the defense, her twin 
guardians will follow her. In a final burst of flames, all three shall perish."

	"But, in a new life, Phobos and Deimos will still live with Mars, now known as Rei, as two 
crows, who will reveal themselves only when her life is in truest danger. They will be her trusted 
frined,s her companions when she needs to talk to those that will not talk back. Her guardian spirits. 
They will watch over her forever."

	"Phobos and Deimos, guardians of the warrior of Flame, Mars."





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