
Hi there....finally I've my very own kat page (its about time), well allow me to introduce myself, obviously I'm a kat and I'm very proud to be one k! my human thinks I'm a BUM and call me names and I'm not happy with it. Ask yourself honestly..
"Do I look like a BUM?" No right?...just coz' I sleep all day that has nothing to do wif bummer, look at the bright side I live a kat life don't I?
I've an excuse for not catching any rats, I'm an enviroment friendly kat!
beside's hunting down little creatures is no sports I prefer my bowl of IAM's..(mmmmmmm) *s*
I'm SLIGHTLY over weight, 12lbs to be precise...but I'm working on that.
ok we skip that subject of me being a bit horizontally challenge. Let's talk bout my height....I'm about 10" tall not counting my tail and I have sharp sharp ears and long long whiskers. My human adopt me frm the SPCA and I have no intention of ever returning.
They took this damn piccy of me in that bloody pathetic piece of cloth *yuck* wait till I get my claws on him....I'll make him my scratching post for crying out loud!
I like to crawl into bags...BIG ONES, BEDS....thick thick comfy ones,
then I sleep all day and then I conn my humans for more food and then life goes on, but I do have a dream tho' ambition is to be an acrobatic kat.
I promised myself once I settle my weight problem I'll try to climb that cupboard, Just to look at life a bit higher...*w*
Thats all you need to know bout me, any other thing you wanna clarify..
just go buy yourself a kat encyclopedia and dig in ok...stop bugging me...yea and you can forget about that meow too

from the clever kat....