
As you might know, to understand this game, you have to have info on the game. so, here is a few things that I think that everyone should know. this is just about how to play the game.....Not only will you know how to play the game, but you will know how to play the game



Each game is a one round match. In other games, your energy is known as a "Life Gauge", however, in this game, the "Life Gauge" has been changed to an "Impact Damage Gauge". The new bat icons under the Impact Damage Gauge indicate the amount of your total energy, not a record of your wins. you usually start the game with two bat icons on the screen, or three. (optional)
When your Impact Damage Gauge empties you lose a bat. Unlike other games, Vampire savior doesn't pause and reset fighters when this happens. you just have a second to regroup, and then you must enter the fray once more. also, the timer for the match starts from the begining, and will not stop when you lose a bat. A match goes until either player wins, or the timer runs out. In the case of a draw game, you will get overtime, and the counter starts at 99. Talk about a time to kill.


The white energy present after getting hit is the amount of energy that you can recover after time. this was put in the game to encourage a continual fight (like the elimination of rounds), and determine who has the most skill, concentration and courage. You can't land a combo and then run back to admire your work from the safety of a low guard; Just like boxing, you must keep the pressure on to get the KO.


The Special Stock Gauge fills up as you attack your opponent or receive attacks from him/her. There is no maximum storage limit, so don't worry (anyway, come EX specials need 3 gauges), but don't keep accumulating stocks or you may loose with 9 specials. The special gauge stock is used for: EX specials, ES specials, and Dark Forces.


After being knocked off your feet, you can roll on the ground in any direction you want to avoid opponent's attacks. Shift your joystick to the direction you want to move, then tap any button to make you roll as you hit the ground.


When you want to guard yourself, press the direction pad opposite to your opponent's attacks. Basically, there are 2 ways to guard yourself from damage or opponent's attacks: standing (hold back on the joystick-for high level attacks) and crouching (hold down/back-for low lever attacks) guard. Note: when you guard a special attack you lose about ¼ normal damage.


The Guard Cancel (or ES Guard Cancel) enables you to cancel your guard while being attacked, and counterattack him/her by entering the shoryuken (Foward, Down, Down/Foward) command. the timing is precise (1/16 of a second!!!) so practice as much as you can since it's an essntial skill.

2 in 1

A Cancel lets you alter your attacking sequence. it allows you to do a move faster than normal be "cancelling" the animation of the first move by interrupting it with the next move. this skill gives you more of a repetorie for combinations, which will also improve your fighting strategies. this skill (also called a "two in one") can make two moves that don't create an unblockable combo (e.g., a SP followed by Special Attack), into just that.


Combos (Combination Attacks) are sequential attacks which, once a hit lands, are unavoidable until it ends. All massive players have insane combos of evil at their disposal. You'll know if your Cancel or chain combo is a "true" combo if the hit count for the combo is displayed on the side of the screen.


A Pursuit attack can be performed by pressing (Up+any K, or +KK for ES version) while your enemy is on the ground. Since your opponent can roll, you have to be fast, or you can expect to miss and plan a trick for them when you land.


This attack is a jazzed-up version of a special attack. to perform one you need one special stock gauge filled, and then do the special move's regular motion while hitting two buttons instead of one. It will cause more damage than the non-ES version, and usually hits more times.


You can use EX Special Attacks only when you have accumulated special stock gauges. There is no normal attack like the ES Specials. they are very powerful and usually very unusual, but it will result in a large space of time with you vulnerable to any attack if you happen to miss or if your attack is guarded by your opponent. Also, it generally takes more time to hit opponents compared to normal attacks, so use them with much skill.


Chain Combos enable you to attack opponents with several different Normal Attacks by tapping buttons in sequence, from weakest to strongest or from punch to kick of same strength.


The Darck Force is performed by pressing both punch and kick buttons that have the same strength, at the same time. you are invincible for a split-second at the begining of a DF (this can be used strategically-such as to counter a jump attack by your opponent). the most important thing to remember is that you can counter an opponent's Dark Force by using your own DF.


This is a very IMPORTANT part of my page because it will tell you about how my page works, what is to be expected in the future, why certain pages are not up, and so on.
My page goes in an order. I only do a page that has been left for me to edit. Unless I have to manually make the page with the HTML tags needed, it might take longer. As you might know, I have images, and bio information about certain characters that is not put up yet. but they will be put up. I do no more than three pages at once, so, I am going at a steady pace in all of this. so far, if you look to the bottom, the Felicia Sector is just about complete. It is 78% complete, while the Morrigan Sector is 60% complete. when those are finished, (From a month from now) I will have up another page of a diffrerent character that is already in progressive work. So, please keep this page monitored for updates.


There is no more than 20 webpages that I am working on all together. However, I am working on this page the most. this is how the map works. within images, and HTML names, you will see that the two basic letters in this whole page is DA. This stands for Darkstalkers Archive. Any other letter afterwards in the row will be mentioned up top. Since this specific page is DarkStalkers Archive Index, it is known as DAI. this rule only goes for HTML pages. images are another story.
with a normal image in this page, the name starts off with the two letters, DA. if another letter comes in, such as F, that would be known as Felicia, or any other character that has an F in the first name, and so on. If Images seem to be broken, that can result to my not putting the images up right. This error will be fixed in time.
As the page goes on, there is a few things you need to know to make the character move in the actual game, unless you just come here for the images. but anyway, these are the things you might want to know.
f = Foward
b = Backward
u = up
d = Down
uf = Up and Foward
df = Down and Foward
ub = Up and Back
db = Down and Back
WP = Weak Punch
MP = Mediunm Punch
SP = Strong Punch
WK = Weak Kick
MK = Mediunm Kick
SK = Strong Kick

I am sure that you know the other rules that come into mind. If you don't, I am sure they will come into mind....If you have any questions, comments, or anything else, just e-mail me, and I will do my best to get back to you. in any event, Let us begin.

Click on the character that best intrest to you, or which is available.


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