A New Dawn

Chapter Six: A Connection

Natalie's lungs heaved as she pumped her arms and legs in a powerful rhythm. She was at the base of a hill that she affectionately called Killer's Peak, for obvious reasons. Her apartment building was at the crest, so there was no avoiding it. Besides, Natalie embraced the challenge. She assumed the proper stance for running up hills: she bent forward slightly from the waist, shortened her stride, and quickened her steps. She began pumping her arms harder as her goal came into sight. She just had to make it up the hill, and then she could go inside, fix herself a nice breakfast, and wallow in self-pity for the rest of the day.

"In, out, in, out..." she she said to herself as she willed the air in and out of her lungs. "In, out, in, out..."

Just then the sun came gloriously up over the top of Killer's Peak, forcing Natalie to shade her eyes as she went for her morning jog. The habit was so ingrained in her daily routine that even the emotional anguish that she had been experiencing for the past week could not stop her from getting up before sunrise and going for a three-mile run. Lately, however, she had been running more like five or six miles, just because she needed an outlet for her anger and heartache. When she ran she was in the zone, completely focused on the movement of her body and the rhythm of her breath. When she ran she didn't think about him and the pain he had caused her, she just concentrated on running, and how with each step she was closer to her goal. It was probably the only time of the day that she didn't think about him, and it was a welcome relief.

Now she was only a few yards from the front door of her apartment building. The bellhop smiled as he graciously opened the door for her, but she didn't slow to a walk until her foot touched the plush carpet of the lobby floor. When it did Natalie walked as naturally as possible to the elevator door, but once inside she doubled over in pain and used all her strength to force back the sudden wave of nausea that had swept over her. She had run ten miles that morning, more that she had ever run before. She was discovering that the pain seemed to make her stronger. But in the end it was always the same: she felt like shit. She was proud of herself for running that distance, but she knew that she had strained her body too much. As she stepped out of the elevator she came to the sudden realization that she was not utilizing her pain to enable her to run farther; she was simply running from the pain. And now she probably was going to be sore all week. She held back the tears that were beginning to come once again as she opened the door to her apartment. She sniffed and restrained them. What good would crying do? She had been crying all week, and it hadn't gotten her anywhere.

She sighed and heated up some water for tea. I need to move on, she thought. I can't do this for the rest of my life.

Natalie removed the Swiss muslix that she had fixed the night before from the fridge and cut up some strawberries to mix in with it. The tea kettle whistled and she poured the water over a tea bag and then sat down for breakfast. She took a bite of muslix and then began to think about what she should do.

I haven't been to school in a week, she thought, shaking her head. And why? Because he's there. He's there, sitting beside that bitch in class and sharing his lunch with that man-stealing whore. Natalie closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she imagined the two of them together. She pounded her fists on the table, almost knocking over her teacup. She came back to reality and decided that there was nothing that she could do about it. He was gone, and now she had to move on.

I need to go back to school, she affirmed silently. But I know that I couldn't handle seeing him, or worse yet both of them! Maybe I... maybe I should transfer.

She took another bite of muslix and sipped her tea.

That's exactly what I'll do! I'll go to that school a couple blocks away. I think that I'm supposed to be going there anyway; the school board just let me stay at my old school when I moved because they felt I didn't think I needed the extra stress of transferring after my parents died. I'll go and register today!

Natalie finished her breakfast and took a shower. She got dressed and headed for General Kunzite High School. It felt good to know that she was taking the first step in reclaiming her life.


Dia looked up from her assignment to see the principal open the classroom door. He walked to the front of the room, followed by a very tall girl in a strange uniform. He folded his arms glanced at Dia's English teacher, who was reading a romance novel at her desk. He cleared his throat and the teacher jumped in surprise. She quickly stood up and rapped her ruler on the podium in front of the chalkboard.

"Principal Agrocite has an announcement, class," she said nervously before returning to her desk. The principal gave her an angry look and then turned to address the students.

"I have a new student for you to meet. Her name is Natalie Jackson, and she just transferred from another school. She will wearing this uniform for the rest of the year because the producer of our uniforms is currently out of stock. Please do not treat her any different; she is still one of us. Thank you."

He left the room and the teacher ushered the girl to a seat a few rows in front of Dia. As she returned to her work, Dia couldn't help but over hear the two girls in front of her whispering to each other.

"I heard that she got kicked out of her old school because she gave some guy a black eye, just because he bumped into her in the hallway," one of them said furtively.

"I can believe it. She looks like a beast!" the other agreed.

"Girls!" the teacher yelled, looking up from her book. "I am-- I mean, the other students are trying to read. If you wish you can continue your conversation in detention."

The two girls apologized to the teacher and resumed their work. Dia glanced curiously at the new girl.

She doesn't look like a beast, she thought. But still, we never get any transfers in the middle of the year like this. It's really weird.

She looked down and began to read again, but she couldn't help feeling that there was something strange about that new girl.

I'll talk to Estelle, she decided. I'll see if she senses any bizarre energy coming from her. I don't think that she's connected with the Negaverse, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. There have been more youma attacks than usual lately. Luna is almost beside herself with anxiety.

Dia snuck another look at the new girl, and surprisingly she turned around. For a second their eyes met, but then Dia immediately averted her glance and went back to her reading.

She told herself that the connection she felt was only her imagination.


Whew!! So I cranked out another chapter!! You've probably all guessed who Natalie is, and if you haven't then I'm a little scared. Anyway,