My Friends

Here are my friends. They're a strange bunch by any measure, but they're great people. Here you can find some (but not much for privacy's sake) information about them and links to their Home Pages if they have one.

First let me introduce you to one of my closest friends, Paul. I've know this guy since fifth grade! We're pretty much like brothers. He's really into cars and drives a pretty roided Integra. Check out Paul's Home Page, too.

Visit Paul's Integra Page!  It's cool. 

And on the right is his cat Friskie.  He's more like a lazy dog.  Paul lives in San Jose right now.  What can I say; he's an all around cool dude.

This is Paul's little sister Sanny.  I've known her for the same amount of time as I've known Paul. Kind of figures... Anyways, she's like a sister to me. In other words, we enjoy talking about Paul behind his back. Hehehe... She's at CalPoly majoring in Accounting right now. Here's her picture. And check out
her Home Page.

The Grape Vine

My friends page is still under construction. Click here to go back to Chewyland.

This page was last update on: November 11, 1997

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