Anime Budokai!
Presented by Knightblade Productions
 [Now I know how all of you hate to lose me... "Melanie! -_-*" ALRIGHT! Jeez, anyways this page will be narrated by Sir Ryoga, instead of me. Okay?]

Part 0.1: Prologue

The world would never be the same. That much I knew for certain. The landscape before me was one of the strangest I'd ever seen in all my wanderings. It was as though some frustrated god had taken the left over pieces from a dozen jigsaw puzzles and slapped them together. The funny thing was that most of the pieces were bits of Tokyo.

Okay, so I admit it, I'd managed to get lost again, but this time it really wasn't my fault. Well, not entirely. The ground just sort of split open, and black mists flowed upwards, until everything blacked out. Next thing I know, I'm here, looking down at the bizarre landscape. Every now and then something strange would happen. A girl in a school uniform punched and destroyed a twenty meter robot, and explosions of various sizes occasionally rang out. As though my life as a martial artist and multiversal vagabond hadn't been complicated enough already, this strange shift had occurred, apparently slamming an entire multiverse together to form a single planet, pieced together from shattered fragments of other worlds.

Anyway, that was several months ago. Things have finally settled down a bit, which is really amazing, especially for the Neribiki area (Nerima and Tomobiki seem to be among the most cohesive bits of Tokyo, though the two have been melded into one), which has really become an epicenter of the madness that goes on every day on this new world. A lot of people have been trying to figure out what to do next, though the fact of the matter is that for most of the populace just want to get on with their lives, and do so. But a lot of people want more excitement, preferably of a sort that won't result in their homes being obliterated one way or another. That's why me and a few of my cohorts (we call ourselves Knights, but it's merely a title) decided to hold this tournament, the Anime Budokai. This world has some twonking powerful people running around, and we figured a fighting tournament would be seriously freaking awesome.

The first step, though, is to get all these people (and other things) to the arena we've set up. Ryoko, Gokuu, Tenchi, Ranma, A-ko, and who knows how many others. Just the task of collecting them is going to be a major pain, but well worth the effort. In any case, I hope you enjoy the tournament.

Part 0.2: Introduction

What is the Anime Budokai? Okay, the basic idea is that the entire anime multiverse has collapsed in on itself, creating a planetoid called "ShatterWorld" by some. Of course, since it's based on anime, most of its surface is parts of Japan, and most of that is bits of Tokyo... Anyway, the Anime Budokai is the ultimate martial arts tournament, held on that world.

This will be carried out like a sort of audience participation fanfic; you, the people out there, get to vote on who should win any given match. All of the Anime Budokai stuff will be posted to rec.arts.anime.fandom and rec.arts.anime.misc, as well as the Knights of the Anime Round home page. All voting and whatnot must be sent to

Part 0.3: Character Selection

Okay, but before we even get that far, we need to pick out what characters to use. For this, we want your suggestions. Characters will be fighting individually. The following restrictions will be applied to character selections, however:

  1. No more than four characters from any given series.
  2. For balance purposes, Dragonball characters will ONLY be taken from _early_ Dragonball Z.
  3. Part 0.3.5: Sample Character List

For those of you who don't have any ideas where to start, here's a sample listing of series and characters to be chosen. Just to make things interesting, *NO* characters originating from  fighting games allowed. Next Time: Final List of Participating Characters

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