Merissa and Chrysthal

Played by Arlene Jacobs

NAME: Merissa
POSITION: Warrenlady
AGE: 25 GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4"
WEIGHT: 110 lbs.
Mysterious dark eyes. Long, flowing, black hair--almost to the point of blue/black, with a surprising single streak of orange/red. Dusky, olive-toned, very smooth skin. Likes to wear clothes that expose a very muscular midriff.

Has a gypsy spirit and is a great story teller. She sings like a bird. Can write poetry. Loves to dance. Loves an audience but is shy in one on one conversation.

Merissa was born to a traveling bards woman. Her mother Analise is very aloof, and does not approve of her daughter. Analise, who is very beautiful and is very blond/blue eyed, etc., does not really like her daughter. Analise has been assigned to Whiteriver, (perhaps as a cruel joke by Master Bard Cyrano) to be the Resident Bard after Terau was called away.

Merissa's father is Darrin Hestiani, who had been suffering from amnesia when he met Analise. Analise will not discuss him with her daughter. It was discovered that Darrin Hestiani was also Titania's father, and is now living at a monestary. Merissa resembles her father in her coloring and many of her mannerisms.

At 19, Merissa had become a traveling bards woman herslf. She was asked to sing at a party given by Lord Fowler. The Warrenlady, Trinale, and another dragonrider from Whiteriver Warren were attending the party, and looking for candidates to stand at the hatching. They approached Merissa, who initially wanted to refuse...but was talked into attending the hatching. She thought it would make a great story, and did not think that she would be joined to a dragon. Much to her surprise, the newly hatched queen chose her.

She is shy with individuals, but can put on a good front. She loves to play to an audience and appears to be very self-assured. She has "been around". But the truth is that due to the spurning by her mother and her own doubts about her father, Merissa is very insecure. She has very low self-esteem and was constantly seeking fulfillment in her various love relations. This had also been a point of contention between herself and her mother. The best thing to have happened to her was joining with Chrysthal.

Currently she has a mostly steady relationship with Th'rin, rider of Areena, and Head Healer at the warren. They have an adopted son, Oberon, (son of Aradia and Pa'gan who are both deceased). Aradia had healing powers and saved Merissa when she had a serious head injury. As a result, Merissa retains in her black tresses a shock of orange/red hair (the same color as Aradia's) at the point where Aradia healed her.

Th'rin, however, has been anything but "faithful" to his relationship with Merissa and is the father of Xanthia's daughter Alina. Xanthia is Aradia's half sister.

Fearful of Th'rin's relationship with Xanthia, Merissa decides to get pregnant in order to save her family... unaware that Th'rin has also gotten Xanthia pregnant.... Ah the tangled web....

NAME: Chrysthal
POSITION: Queen Dragon
COLOR: metallic lavender.
PERSONALITY: Very self assured dragon. Being a queen, she is smarter than the average dragons. Usually very calm, but if threatened can become very fierce. Her mind-voice has a bell-like quality which is very soothing.

Merissa's Song

Music was her passion,
To play and sing all day.
Peasants, Lords or Ladies,
Would come to hear her play.

Singing at a party,
From the crowd came a voice,
"Join us at Whiteriver,
But it must be your choice."

You could join a dragon,
At the next hatching day.
She didn't believe them,
But she went anyway.

She thought she'd write a song,
About the dragon folk,
Then a dragon claimed her...
She thought it was a joke!

Not only was she joined,
Her dragon was a queen.
How beautiful she was,
With her metallic sheen.

Her voice sang in her mind,
Like crystal ringing clear.
She spoke of dragon love.
She would always be there.

They would share all their life,
Joined together as one.
Sharing all their sorrow,
Sharing even more fun.

Flying was their music,
The rhythm was her wings.
Dancing among the clouds,
With her dragon she sings.

[written by Arlene Jacobs]

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Picture of Merissa was borrowed and modified from the painting
"Tides" by Jonathon Earl Bowser

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