About Apple

This is my page all about Apple. I have been using Apple since I was 3 and no one can make me believe that PC's are better. Now, first of all, the Mac OS runs better and is more user friendly in general, and it not all based on this "C:/files/retarded stuff/" crud.


Now. Doesn't all this stuff just look more pleasing than a PC? Why would someone pay anything for a ugly paper weight? I mean, I'm 14 and I bought a computer that is way better than any PC that you can buy for the same price!!

And now with the new line of G3's rolling off the shelf, we can expect to be able to seriously take full advantage of the Mac environment. And for any of you who still have doubts about the exile of 3 1/2 drives and SCSI from the latest Apple computers, trust me, It was a good idea. I've had my iMac since last year, and I never have missed either of those.


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