Hello there.
Welcome to my page.



Just a little update to the page, before the New Year's. Just in case the world ends tomorrow, I just wanted to say Thanks to everyone that mattered to me this past year. To each and every one of you, you may not think you did much, but everything you did do was greatly appreciated. Sometimes all a person needs is for someone just to be there for them. So, Thank you all. And here's to a good year.

And don't worry about Y2K. Everything will work out fine.

Back to 12/17/99

Hi everyone! I am back from vacation, although a little slow in announcing it. I had such a great time going around to all the different places, meeting old friends and making new ones.

Unfortunately, I had scheduled dental surgery the day after I got back. I did not realize the extent of my needs. Without going into great detail right now, I was butchered. Thursday, I had the dental work done at 10am. Friday, I felt fine, but then I slept ALL DAY saturday. The last thing I remember is coming home from MJ night, saying goodnight to everyone at home at 1am, then waking up Sunday morning at 2am. I had slept for 25 hours straight.

Anyway, still feeling tired, either from jetlag or the surgery or both. Wasn't able to do everything I wanted to. Seeing as how it is so close to Christmas, I had this plan to rush out cards in the mail. And now it's only one week away. I can try, but things will be late, especially to overseas addresses. Oh well. That's why we have the Internet now! E-cards to everyone!

I am working on scanning all the photos (all 15 rolls of film) to put up on the webpage. Plus my 60 pages of journal notes to refresh my memory. The first installment is almost ready. I will put up what I can as I get it.

Go to the VACATIONS link at the bottom of the page or click this VACATIONS link.

It's good to be back. Now my energies are focused on finding a place to live.

Here's what my itinerary was for those who are curious and did not see it before...

15Nov99 From: New York Kennedy NY, To: Hong Kong 17Nov99
19Nov99 From: Hong Kong, Hong Kong To: Tokyo 19Nov99
26Nov99 From: Fukuoka, Japan To: Taiwan 26Nov99
26Nov99 From: Taiwan To: Hong Kong 26Nov99
Hong Kong - Taipei : Taipei - Singapore : Singapore - Bangkok : Bangkok - Hong Kong : Hong Kong - New York
11/30 HKG-TPE
12/5 SIN-BKK
12/8 BKK-HKG
12/8 HKG-JFK

As always, the content on this page will be ever-growing until I run out of the five megabyte space that I've been allowed. If you'd like, please let me know what you'd like to see. So far, I've used up about half of the limit. Maybe I'll add more pictures, or rescan the existing ones at better resolutions.

One of my favorite things is Japanese animation (or ANIME)!

Three lovely ladies
By the way, these lovely ladies are Kyoko, Ako, and Ai

For a more general Anime link, check these lists out:

Anime Picture Archive and the Anime Links and Stuff site

I've lived in New York City all my life, grew up in Chinatown (wonder if my elementary school has a web page?), travelled all over the five boroughs, all on one New York City Transit Authority train pass. My High School has a Web page! Hunter College High School! Check it out. It's the school for the "Intellectually Gifted"!?!?!?!? It's much better than before. Check it out...
College was a little different, but I still enjoyed it. Pratt Institute was where I went for my Bachelor's in Civil Engineering (Accredited - Graduated 2/90). The engineering school is now gone, victim of the times. Enrollment was down, so the powers that be decided to close it down, much to the dismay of the current engineering student body. All remaining engineering students were given the opportunity to transfer to Polytech with all credits transferable. It was okay, but still a shock.

It's nice being a Civil Servant. I've always felt the need to help others out to the best of my ability, even if it meant spending more than the budgeted time allowed. Doing so in the private sector just did not seem to work for me, even if it could have meant bonuses year after year. I would probably go hungry doing it on my own as a consultant. The quality just wouldn't be there. Burn-out in either case would not be fun. Therefore, I work for the New York State Office of General Services, Design and Construction Group. You can also find out about other types of New York State Information.. Check out theNew York State Web Page too.

After doing a six year stint with the United States Marine Corps (Reserve) and a six month tour of duty in Desert Storm (1990-1991), I have a greater appreciation of our armed forces. It was a very exciting period of my life. Looking back, I guess I wanted to be a part of the life I had seen in the movies in my youth. As a kid, I had watched all sorts of movies, especially John Wayne movies. Learned all about World War I and II. Read up on the Cold War and nuclear weapons. Knew all about weapons and warfare. Had a big interest in revolvers and the quick-draw. Horses however didn't appeal to me much. Basically, I guess I had the choice of being a cowboy or a member of the armed forces, but my practical side took over and kept me from doing it full time. Hence the Reserves became the number one option. It also gave me a chance to give back to this country of ours. Here's a link to the Armed Forces Home Pages, the Marine Corp Home Page and especially the Gulf War Veteran's Page.

Some fun stuff

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
American Society of Civil Engineers
Comedy Central
The International Channel
COPS! (from the Television Series)
Steve Jackson Games
The Sci-Fi Channel
Ski America
The Dilbert Zone
The Shareware Zone
Fat Messiah Games
VIZ Communications Inc (Anime)
ADV Films (Anime)
Manga Video (Anime)
National Association of Exclusive Buyers Agents
The Comic Works of Phil Foglio
Scott Adams, of Adventure International fame!
PDD's Adventure Page - Historical Significance!
More info on the Great Old Days of Adventure Gaming...

It's a scary thing when someone you know goes into surgery. It makes you think of death and all the things that could go wrong. But you have to put your trust in those whose profession it is to save lives. It has brought home the message that your body is the only one you have and you need to take care of it. Through eating right, exercising properly, playing hard but playing safely, and routine check-ups. It is in your best interest to follow the advice of the medical professionals that you go to.

That's not to say that you should blindly follow their say, but that you should also be an informed patient. If they advise something, you should research it on your own as much as possible, so that you are comfortable with it. Like the old GI Joe cartoon series emphasized, "Knowing is half the battle...". I suppose Sy Syms said something similar with "The informed consumer is our best customer." So I urge everyone to support the various organizations that try to find the cures to save lives. I've already lost one young friend and one young relative to cancer, a long time ago. Please help.

American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
Race for the Cure
Yahoo list of Diseases and Conditions

If you'd like to know a little more about me, please click on any of the following items:

Personal Statistics

(Updated 6/3/96)

Images from my past

(Updated 12/17/99)

Marine Corps

(Updated 3/13/96)

My Past

(Updated 3/13/96)

Misc - Hobbies/Future/Aspirations

(Updated 8/31/96)


(Updated 12/30/99)

Any comments, criticism, helpful advice, flames, love notes, secret documents which people will kill for, or any other reason you think of, you can Email me at WAYNEHOM@I-2000.COM

And a reference to the I-2000 Home Page, my Internet Service Provider. The prices and the service are fine. If you live in the New York City area, check it out. I chose these guys because they have good coverage, so I can call in from work in Westchester during the day, and connect at my parents' home in Brooklyn. Always remember what you need.

Hot Dog IconA very nice choice for making Web Pages! The Hot Dog Web Page Editor

Web Edit Icon Another good choice is Kenn Nesbitt's Web Edit Web Page Editor

Another good choice is Kevin Gunn's Web-O-Rama Web Page Editor

Created: February 1, 1996 Last updated: December 30, 1999

Hits as of: 2/19/99 - 1103
Hits as of: 3/15/99 - 1127
Hits as of: 4/20/99 - 1180
Hits as of: 5/17/99 - 1220
Hits as of: 6/2/99 - 1249
Hits as of: 8/3/99 - 1324
Hits as of: 9/2/99 - 1381
Hits as of:11/15/99 - 1659
Hits as of 12/5/99 - 1776 (Checked in Singapore)
Hits as of 12/17/99 - 1850
Hits as of 12/30/99 - 1955

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