DragonFlyer's EverQuest

Greetings! You have reached the DragonFlyer's EverQuest page

Now if you are like most of the people out there you are going "I reached the where?"

So to cater to the masses lets answer some questions first. DragonFlyers is a guild that exists to unite players of online games for an enjoyable role playing experience. We exist on the Rodcet Nife server of the game EverQuest .

Our guild motto is three tenets of Strength, Honor, and Courage. Those are the basic rules that we have based our charter on.

If you would like to see some pictures of our guild in action click here

Our Guild Roster is here

A list of Rodcet Nife guilds is here

If you have read to this point and you are still interested in learning more please visit the links on the page, and once you have done that if you would still like to learn more please visit our message board, and post a request for whatever additional information you require.