~Transmission to all members of the Burnt Mystic Clan~
The Following is a list of all current members and the rank they currently hold in our Society.

Simply touch the name or picture of member for their latest technical readout.

Rancor~bmc~ ])r@gon~BMC~ Agent_Invinsibl

^0-0^~bmc~ ~BlueDragon~ PsxRocks



As the planets of Tcharic, Gharm, and Mal Katha were colonized by The Burnt Mystic Clan three individuals quickly became the most influencial force in the sector. It was not because they were the most brilliant generals, nor was it that they had the largest armies. Instead it was simply that they were united as one. Individually they could have been overthrown, but together no one could challenge them. These three became known as the Triumvir and they would establish order in The Burnt Mystic Clan.

The Triumvir quickly created two branches of government to implement their decisions. The most powerful warlords (the ones with the larges armies) became Sovreigns to each of the planets. They controlled city development, industry, policing and defence of the Planetary ring. The second branch, the Crusaders, were also powerful Warlords. They would act as the hand of the Triumvir in all foreign issues. Most of their time would be spent in the conquest of other worlds or establishing trade.

The countless lesser warlords who had small bands of troops became known as Acolytes. They acted as lackies for the Sovereigns and Crusaders, using their small bands as police forces, or becoming cannon fodder in large offensives.

It wasn't long before jealousy sprang up among the ranks. Infact, it what the Triumvir had hoped for. Crusaders began to assasinate Sovereigns, wishing for a palace to live in instead of a battle cruiser. It was even heard of for an Acolyte who had accumulated enough troops to turn upon the higher ranks. It was exactly what the Triumvir wanted! As long as their subordinates were busy fighting each other, none would dare challenge their authority. Those who did try to elliminate the Triumvir not only found themselves facing the most powerful members of the Burnt Mystic Clan, but four or five others looking for an opportunity to eliminate a rival.

In this way, the fragile Burnt Mystic Clan gained a bloody, yet seemingly adept form of leadership, that still exists to this day.