Hey! How y'all doin'?!

Hey guys! How's it goin'? Since you're looking at this page, I'm gonna assume that you're one of my friends. And that you know me. If you aren't, and don't, why are you here? However, if you are, and do, why are you here? over all, this page sucks the big one. But if you're one of my friends, I thank you for visiting. Anywho, on to the better stuff. Check out the other features. The photos page is quite awesome if I do say so myself. It's got a bunch of photos from my trip up to Maine from last summer. Ironicaly, the only photos that I have are from the part of the trip that I didn't get to go on, the hike on Mount Katahdin. But they're pretty cool anyway. Just be fore warned, the photos take muchos time to load. Especially if you're at anything lower than 56K. If you wanna check out mountain workshops (that's the group that I did the trip with) click on the link below.

The quotes section is just a collection of my favorite quotes. And the rest of the stuff is just random crap. There's not much that I could do.

The lyrics section is a collection of song lyrics. There's not a lot...but more are coming.

Also, I'm trying to compile a humor archive for the site so it would be extremely helpful if you could send me any jokes that you have. Just click on the "Email me jokes" link at the bottom. K? K! Thanks!

I just wanted to get something up. So, that's the page for now. K? K! You can certainly expect more as time passes and I get a bit better at writing html. So, yeah. If you wanna email me, click on the link below. Otherwise, that's it.


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AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! No one visits this site!!!!! This is how many people have been here since April 21st: