Portals to other Realms

If any of the links below are broken or out of date please let me know!
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Play-By-E-mail/Role Playing Game Related

The Top 50 Elite On-line RPG's. If you liked this site, make sure you to vote for it. Check out other RPG sites as well.

Dedicated portals to the hundreds of RPG sites

An ADND Archive
A site dedicated to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons with huge archives of for players and DM's alike. It also has links to many other Play By Email Sites, RPG Sites, AD&D Story and Music Sites.
The PBEM News
Dedicated to Play By e-Mail games is just the site for new players who want to get thier feet wet in a new PBeM game but aren't sure what to do. Though their PBeM web page links are a little out of date, the postings for new PBeM's wanting players is kept fairly current.

Web Rings

Dedicated to the spread of role-playing related information of all game systems and genres

Anime Related

@Anime - wwww.atanime.com
A new on-line magazine dedicated to Anime and Manga. News and Reviews of the latest anime, anime conventions, games
(domestic and import), music, along with release schedules of upcoming anime.

Going to Otakon? Need to know where you can get some cheap/good/fast eats? Then check out Otaku-chow!
Industrial Lum and Manga Lum on the web
An ambitious project to put Urusei Yatsura (Lum) Manga on the Web.

Legend of the Galatic Heroes
 Everything you ever wanted to know about the greatest anime space adventure of all time.

Other Cool Sites

The Food Court
A hillarious mix of Anime/Sci-fi in crossover parodies.  

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Favorite Pages? Broken Links?
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