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Updates - 6/26/00: As you can see, Scyther's Pokemon page is on its way out. I havn't been updating much, and I'm far to lazy to take care of a site on my own=P Luckily, I'm moving all my current into to Pokemon Water-World=) I'll be there from now on, so...yeah. ok bye=P

6/4/00: I added a link to Pokémon WaterWorld. I'll try to get the banner up soon...

5/4/00: I've added a link to the Pokémon Gamers Club, which is run by a fellow Scyther fan=) Gonna start posting G/S strategies, but I may have to wait, due to a big speech I have in school tomorrow *gulp*. Oh well... I've been exploring my site a little, and I noticed a lot of problems. Some of the pages dont have any background color or anything, and some still have the old Flareon icon on them(Flareon used to help here, but he quit=/). Stupid tech problems that will take aa long time to fix. I'll try to get to all of them over the weekend.

5/3/00: Yay, it's actually easy to read everything on this site! Well, maybe only on this part of the site...but I'm working on it. I think I'm just going to delete that "legendary Birds" page and add in the G/S part. My walk-thru for Ice Cave is finished, and I'm going to write a strategy guide for the new Elite Four. Thanks to everyone who started giving me suggestions and stuff. I might actually turn this into a great site!

Anybody that wants to have their link added to my site can post a link to me on theirs first(, then e-mail me your URL so I can put up your link. If you want to use a banner, please use this one:

Scyther - e-mail any links, Pokémon decks, Red/Blue/Yellow or Gold/Silver codes/tips, or killer decks for TCG(.txt only) that you want to be on the page. I can also be contacted on AOL Instant Messenger, on the name "rEtArDo JiGgA" (Don't ask=P).

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