What's New for 2002 and 2003

(nothing to do with Phil and Dixie)


It's here at last! The last episode of the famous Sengoku campaign, with swarms of new NPCs and the final slugfest-filled climax!! Thanks to all the GMs who have written so much nice mail about this game - and who generate so much bandwidth, Geocities keeps taking me off-line :-). (If that ain't praise, I don't know what is!) This is it for Medieval Japan (at least for a while....) as I want to start a new game in a modern setting. More on that when it's ready. There is, as usual, some new artwork as well, in the art gallery too.


To celebrate 500 downloads of the Sengoku Campaign, I have a little present to make life easier for Sengoku GMs - all the NPCs and all the adventures have been formatted into two word files complete with Tables of Contents. There are also a couple of nifty colour covers, so you can print them out and get them bound. It will make running the adventures easier, you can trust me on this! Also Scott Sprague has adapted most of the NPCs to the Usagi Yojimbo game system so GMs who are using the UY system to run Sengoku can download his character adaptions.

Finally, there is a huge swag of new art in the Art Gallery - some of which is pretty cool if I do say so myself.


Blah. Geocities no longer has enough space to host the books. I had to create a new home for them at Angelfire. So.... the NPCs and adventures live there now - but are still linked off the GM's adventure pages. Sorry about that.


The Grimoire has been fully updated to 5th Ed. rules and a book version, in MS word format, with index, table of contents and colour cover has been made available.

There's more art in the Art Gallery, including some new, award-winning pictures.

This page was getting too large to load fast, so I have moved the old What's new prior to 1999 to a seperate page and the what's new for 200 and 2001 to another page.

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