Welcome to the immortal wizard Kay Arr's FRUA Page.

This page is Eternally under Construction.

Last updated on May 11, 2000.

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Some of the new Artwork featured in "Devon Blake: Demonoid Phenomenon".
(Available in JPG and PCX format)

Combat Icon set #1 - This set contains icons for a 'Biotech' (Researcher/Scientist), a Crate, and an 'Electropillar' (a pillar made out of electricity).

Combat Icon set #2 - This set contains icons for a Guard and a Blue Column.

Sentinel - This is the icon for a Sentinel (more powerful than a Guard).

Trooper - This is the icon for a Trooper (more powerful than a Sentinel).

Electrosphere - This is the icon for an Electrosphere (a flying creature made of energy).

Elevator - This is a picture of an Elevator control panel.

Teleporter Pad - This is a picture of a Teleporter pad.

All of the artwork above in PCX Version (Zipped).


Sci-Fi Font (BStone.zip)

A UA Font based upon the text from the game "Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold"
(For an example of this font, look at the picture above or check out the screenshots for "Devon Blake: Demonoid Phenomenon"
Or, you can Download - 1470 KB the Shareware version of Blake Stone
and see for yourself.)
One brief warning: this font can be hard to read sometimes, so feel free to edit it anyway you wish.

In the Future: A Windows version of this font.

XMI Music Collections

I have converted several Midi files into XMI format (many of which can be used in FRUA - see the readme file (Not Yet Available) for details). So far, the following collections are available:

Breath of Fire
Chrono Trigger
Duke Nukem 3D
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy VII
Secret of Mana
The Realm
Chocobo Collection

Here are a few samples of music from the collections above
(Note: The music above is in XMI format while the samples are in MIDI format).

"Core" - (Lavos Core - 1st. Battle) - from the CT Collection.

"Stormnu" - (???) - from the Duke Nukem Collection.

"At-zero" - (Battle against Zeromus) - from the FF2 Collection.

"Locke" - (Locke's Theme Music) - from the FF3 Collection.

"Temple" - (The Temple of the Ancients) - from the FF7 Collection.

"Dungeon" - (Music played while in a Dungeon) - from the Realm Collection.

"Manafort" - (Music played in the Mana Fort) - from the SOM Collection.


Empires at war: Humans vs. Elves

"A group of unlikely adventurers are thrust into the middle of a war between the Human kingdom of Lord Vladingus and Silverglade, the Elven homeland. Will the party ally with one side, attempt to negotiate with both sides, or ignore the war altogether. The choice is yours."

Status: (potential Vaporware) Delayed due to other adventures.
Screen Shots: None Available

The Future is Now

"The party is transported from their homeland by a group of beings calling themselves The Keepers of Time, who bring them to a place that exists beyond time. From there, they inform the party that someone has stolen the Sphere of Chuul, which contains the essence of Sh'rial - the goddess of evil. The party must travel through several time periods (including the Ice Age, the Present (medieval times), and the Ruins of the Future) in order to stop the ressurection of Sh'rial."

Status: (potential Vaporware) Hacks almost complete, design phase delayed.
Screen Shots: None Available

Legend of the Magi

This adventure is inspired by the game "Final Fantasy Legend II". The plot is similar, but the story will be quite different.

"In the middle of the night, your father barges into your room. Waking you with a hard shake, he presses a small crystal into the palm of your hand. He tells you "For the past twenty years, I have been searching for the secret of Magi, and tonight I finally found a clue! You are holding a piece of that puzzle right now - it glows softly whenever it comes near Magi. Just an hour ago, the stone started glowing - that means that somebody else has found some Magi, and they aren't too far from here. Keep this piece safe - nobody must know that you have it! Whatever you do, don't give this to anybody - no matter what! I have to leave now - take care of your mother for me."

This revelation comes as a total shock to you. Turning towards your father, you notice that he's no longer standing there. Your bedroom window is ajar, and a cool breeze fills the room. Sleep is the last thing on your mind, but it overtakes you anyways. Your dreams are filled with the image of your father abandoning you, as they will be for years to come.

It is now several years later, and you have finally grown up. Out of the blue, your mother begins to talk about your father's quest for Magi. After a long discussion, you finally decide to head out in search of your father. All you have heard in the past few years are a few vague rumors, but little else. Although your mother begs you to stay, deep down she knows that you should try to find your father. This is where your journey begins..."

Status: Hacks partially complete, design phase started.
Screen Shots: None Available

Devon Blake: Demonoid Phenomenon

Note: This adventure is inspired by the shareware game

"Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold", and the title is based on a Rob Zombie song.

"You begin the adventure controlling Devon Blake, a new recruit in the Alliance of Humankind - an organization dedicated to the preservation of humanity. Your first assignment is to clear the Neptune IV Space Station of hostile alien life. Having completed this mission, you return home only to find Earth overrun by invading alien forces. It is up to you (with the help of several others) to save humanity from total annihalation."

Status: The hacks are being reworked - the "grow" utilities (among other things) are causing some problems. The storyline and "history" (a slight rewrite of current events, and what occured after these changes) have been written. Some of the modules have been created, but only a few are actually finished.

Screen Shots:

Blake 1 - An old screenshot from the opening sequence.
Blake 2 - The Character Status screen - shows many of the changes including: Class, Race, Currency, and Items.
Blake 3 - A screenshot from the Combat screen showing some of the new Creatures (most of which are available in the Art section).

Hack List

Items with an asterix (*) next to them indicate that they were created by yours truly.

* Font: Brand new (
see above).

Pictures: Many additions - plus a few more "grown".

Big Pictures: All new pictures - plus a few more "grown".

* Combat Icons: Lots of new icons - a few new ones including Guards, Aliens, and a Cardboard Box!!
(Box Stats: AC +20, 1 HP, mainly used to store items/money).

* PC Icons: New set of PC's (only one used in the game though).

* Wilderness Combat: Several "grown" slots (There are a total of 14) with a wide variety of terrain types.

Walls: Many changes.

Indoor Combat: Addition of a "grown" wall set and new art for many of the original walls.

* XMI Music: All new - Overture and Victory from collections above.

Always icons and Frame: Changed - (currently using) Buck Rogers Frameset.

* Strings and Text: Completely changed.

* Character Classes and Races: Renamed and lightly modified.

* Spells and Abilities: Renamed and lightly modified
(e.g. Pro. Normal Missiles = Bulletproof).

* Currency: Renamed (Platinum = Dollars, Gems = Gold Bars, Jewelry = Xylan Orbs). Players will (eventually) be unable to appraise.

* Items: Some examples of new items (and the closet matching Standard item):

Autocharge Laser (Firearm w/ built-in ammo) - Sling
Pistol, Assault Rifle, Submachine Gun, Chaingun (Require Bullets) - Short/Long/Comp.Short/Comp.Long Bows
Plasma Rifles (Require Power Cells) - Crossbow
Laser Blades (Melee Weapons Only) - Swords/Daggers
Site-to-site Transporter (One Use) - Potion of Dimension Door
Comm Badge (Multi-use S.t.S. Transporter) - Wand of Dimension Door)



UA Shell

- The best (also, the most popular & one of the only) program to run/create hacked modules.


Star Realms (The official SFUA Homepage)

- A great source of utilities, hacks, and art (mostly Sci-Fi).

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