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This page was last Updated on May 11, 2000.

How to create a great Custom Character

Regardless of what skills you are going to choose, select "High Elf" (Somerset Isle) as your race. Doing this will allow you to take the Disadvantage "Critical Weakness to Paralysis" without penalty (this race is already immune to paralysis). Some other suggestions for Disadvantages are: "Forbidden Armor Type- Leather" (Unless your character has very low strength, better armor can be found very early in the game), "Forbidden Shield Type - (any)" (even if you plan to use a shield, removing one or two shields shouldn't hurt you much), "Forbidden Material - Silver or Orcish" (Taking Silver may limit you early in the game (for Weapons only - Silver Armor is quite rare), while Orcish (hard to find, and expensive to buy) may slow you down later in the game).

If you are willing to play a character that cannot use any magic (NOT reccomended for beginning players), but gains levels very quickly, here is what you should take:


* Critical Weakness - Paralysis
* Forbidden Armor Type - Leather
(see above for notes on these two items)

* Unable to Regenerate Spell Points - General
* Lowered Magical Ability - Darkness
* Unable to use Magic - Darkness
* Lowered Magical Ability - Light
* Unable to use Magic - Light


* Expertise - (Whatever weapon you plan to use the most)
* Expertise - (Choose a Backup weapon - just in case)
* Acute Hearing (Does this actually do anything?)
* Athleticism (Helps save Stamina)
* Rapid Healing - General
* Regenerate Hit Points - General
* Immunity to Magic (Can be anything except Paralysis)



* Short Blade (Your main Weapon)
* Running (Increases fast -> so do your levels)
* Jumping (Same as Running)


* Long Blade (Secondary weapon - will help you join Knight/Fighter Guilds)
* Illusion (ONLY Taken to allow membership to Mage Guild)
* Stealth (Rises Quickly)


* Streetwise (Or Ettiquite - only take one)
* Critical Strike (Good in Combat)
* Dodging (Also good in Combat)
* Mercantile (Discount on Items)
* Lockpicking (Handy in Dungeons/Towns - switch for Pickpocket)
* Backstabbing (maybe Pickpocketing, Climbing)


* Strength - Increase a fair bit (Fight better, carry more)
* Endurance - Increase slightly (More HP per level, faster healing)
* Agility - Increase slightly (Dodging and movement increase)
* Intelligence - Decrease a fair bit (Mainly used for spellcasting)
* Wisdom - Decrease a fair bit (Mainly used for Magic Resistance)
* Luck - Leave as is (or adjust slightly)


* Max Hitpoints - 30 (Max value)
(if this value is lower, you may not be able to start the game!)

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