Doom WAD files
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Here are my Doom wads... Take your pick!

This is a pretty cool one.

Here's a patch to change the look of the guns in Doom. Works for both Shareware and Registered versions. Pretty cool. The DEATH WEAPON patch!

Here are the Official Patches for Doom to Ultimate Doom

Sorry everybody... looks like the level I used to have here, "chilling.wad" has disappeared from my Hard Drive.... Hmmmm... In it's place I have an "EPISODE" sent in by Sheri Diveglia. The episode is called Venearth.wad. It's still under construction and more improvements are to come. but if you would like to try it out, send me an e-mail with Venearth.wad as the subject. After you try it out, please send me your comments... I'll send them along to Sheri. Have Fun!

Back to The Doom Zone!!!

Don't forget to send you WAD files to me via E-mail so they can be posted here!