Hi, my name is Mike and I am a big Harvest Moon fan.  I first learned of this game by playing the game on the Super Nintendo. At first I thought I would just try out the game since I heard it was good from someone else. I thought I would not like the game but when I played it I could not put down. That started me out to be the big fan of Harvest Moon I am right now.  I love the game series and like the basis of talking to people, making friends, getting married, and building your own farm.  Personally I like games like Sim City but I quickly got bored of just building a city.  Harvest Moon though had more than the plot of just building your farm, it included an RPG type of aspect.  Which helps make it one of the best games ever created.
         I enjoy this game and think it is great for younger people to enjoy.  It also has a great story line, is fun to play, and has responibilty which also makes it fun for adults. But who cares, the game is is fun and enjoyable to play for every one.
         Enjoy my web site and write questions or comments by e-mail to me. I will read them and try to send back to you if needed

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