No, you perv, not that kind. This is dedicated to explaining the positions in the clan. If you want that, go here. Anyway, now that that's out of your system, how about some clan positions?

Trainees: Simple enough, they're the newbies. Anyone can get in this class thing, but upon getting some skills, you have to join one of the higher, and much cooler, classes.

Fighters: Right now we have more fighters than anything else, cause they kick ass supremely. Fighters are all grouped into separate shit, but that stuff's all in the code section. I know the link is right there, but that's like 3 inches of mouse movement that I'm saving you from.

Mages: Mages are those people who "possess substantial magical power," though we know that's bull, cause mages have no power! STUPID SONS OF BITCHES, YOU'LL GET YOURS IN HELL!!! Join today!

Archers: Archers are the ones that help the fighters kick ass. In case you haven't played any RPG, ever, archers are the ones who shoot crap. Well, not just crap, but you get the point.

Cook: Cooks cook crap for us. They've got a racket going, too, cause they get paid before and after battle, and for their food itself. Damn union, we're also hiring scabs to make us cooked meet for 10 cents a day in Mexico, join now!

Smith: Smiths smith. Simple enough, huh? Why the hell do I even have to write crap here? I mean, you know what they do, and you know how they work, otherwise, you probably need to wear a rubber helmet in public. Mine's red.

Craftsman: These people make amulets and crap for us. Plus, any of our mages will (against their will, hehe) enchant any amulet they make for a low low 50 gold. That is, of course, if you're stupid enough to be a high level crafter without the magic to enchant your own shit.

Thief: According to, a thief is "one who steals," thank god for the internet, otherwise I could have pondered that for days. I'm not too sure what they do, but it's a cool title, so good for you.

Non-Captains: No non-captains have to pay anything, but be ready to fight. I guess that's it, I'll put more when I figure out who the hell non-captains are.

Captains: You have to hire a unit, or compile it from who we have already. You and your unit get paid for fighting, so don't dick around or we'll kick you to the curb you ingrate. Webmasters are, of course, exempt from having to work exceptionally hard on the grounds that they're sexy as hell.