5/21/00- We have moved our site again! This time to a temporary location because... we're getting our own domain!

Oh dear - no Java!!!!
Abstrusness of Hyrule

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As you might already know, this whole site is dedicated to Zelda V (Zelda: Ocarina of Time) on Nintendo 64. Since it's release date, November 23, 1998, players have been spellbound and captivated by the intense graphics during game play, the unexpected twists in the plot, the deep, dark dungeons, everything you could possibly want in a video game... Nintendo Power calls it "The ultimate video game experience!". The only game that was able to knock Final Fantasy 7 off the top of the video game charts, Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

I would call this game, a one of a kind, the real McCoy, in a class of its own. Nintendo has finally put out the game of the century. Not only does the game appeal to both guys and girls with a near even number of apperances of women as men, it also appeals to children and adults of all ages! With Link's transformation from child to adult, Zelda: Ocarina of Time can make children as young as 8 and adults as hold as 40 to play this game. That's what has made it successful.

Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the first of its kind. With a totally 3-Demensional environment for Link to explore, you can do anything with this game. The possibilities are near endless. Z:OOT has paved the way for many games to come not only on Nintendo 64, but also on systems to come (PSX2, Dreamcast, and N200X). The only game probably capeable of topping Zelda V will be FF8. But we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?


5/21/00 - This site is like... old! If you're still visiting this site, what the heck is your problem?! We've sinced moved from this site to N64net.com, but their server ran out on us, so now we are currently stationed at www.zelda-gaiden.com/aoh/index.html. But, we are going to be at our domain address later this summer! See ya there!

7/19/99 - More updates are coming! I've just gotta pull stuff off the message board and put it on the main site. Look for a new section being hosted by my site that will be the official AOH Gameshark hacking team site--coming very soon!

6/29/99 - Not a whole lot going on here at AOH, but we do have ourselves a new offender of the Wall of Shame. This time, it's "The Light Realm". See what's up on the Wall of Shame. Want to see what I've been working on lately when I've had nothing to update here on AOH? It's a website dedicated to the band Limp Bizkit. Check out my site about them here.

6/23/99 - More Mailbag for you all to read. Check the "Update Box" on the left frame for all other updates!

6/20/99 - The move to my new server is going well--we're almost done. That site still won't be updated for a little while until everything is finished. Updates today include Mailbag, GameShark Hacking Team, and GameShark Codes.

6/18/99 - The new site address is going to be this: Abstrusness of Hyrule. It's not fully operational yet, but soon will be. Still moving, so no updates, sorry!

6/16/99 - Ok, I've got good and bad news. What do ya want first? Bad news ok... this address will no longer be my main address--the one I update all of the time. Now the good news... I'm getting affiliated with N64net! I'll be opening up a new site soon on their server with unlimited space and pretty much unlimited everything else as well. New designs, new java scripts, the works. Appear Strange Places Gameshark Section was updated today along with the GS Hacking Team page. Hope you like my little pull-down navigator for updates on the left frame. I'm gonna change the music back!

6/13/99 - Been busy organizing my hacking team and hacking a few codes. The Wise Owl has yet again made another discovery--an alternate Death Mountain Crator. It has the warp pad in a different place and some other things as well. Check it out here and here for the Gameshark code. As you can probably hear, I changed the music. Click here to vote on your opinion of the new music.

6/10/99 - PAL Gameshark codes are now up! I found that some of the GS codes are faulty and may not work. Those will be in red on the code lists. If you have problems with any of the codes, please report a code. An e-mail from The Wise Owl is now in the Mailbag. Some GS codes for V1.0 were also added. Please join the GameShark Hacking Team if you can!

6/7/99 - V1.2 owners, you can now Play the Beta Quest thanks to Kola! I decided to ditch the new design. It's not working out to how I wanted it to be so the site will stay the same. Keep sending in more e-mails for the Mailbag. I've started a Gameshark Hacking Team. I'm looking for people that can hack out V1.0-1.2, PAL, and Japanesse codes. If you think you'd like to join the team, please check out the GS Hacking Team page.

6/6/99 - You can now Play Checkers Zelda style with a new JavaScript I've made. We also now have a Mailbag. Any e-mails I get will be posted here. Another update to the Mailbag will be made today.

6/5/99 - I now have the code(s) up on how to see Farore and now, thanks to me, you can see Nayru as well! You can also see all 3 at once too! Goddesses is where you'll find out how to do all of this cool stuff. I'll add the things on the Triforce scene a little bit later. It's nothing really big, don't get too excited now! Still working on that new design.

6/4/99 - Version 1.0 code for the Beta Quest is now in! Look for more later today.

6/2/99 (1:35 AM)- (See how long I work on this site!) More great news! How would you like to ride Epona in the Beta Quest?! Well I've unlocked the code to do it! Also more importantly, OWL HAS UNLOCKED A SECRET TRIFORCE CUT SCENE!! More on this after I get up at like 12 today, hehe!

6/1/99 - Owl has done it! He has unlocked what we believe is to be the cut scene for the Triforce!!!! He has also unlocked an ALTERNATE ENDING!! I am unable to try these out right now because I'm still out a GS so I need you viewers to try this and e-mail me exactly what happens in the cut scenes. Find all of this stuff at Alternate Ending! and find this totally awesome discovery of the century! He also found one where you get to TALK TO FAROE AND THE DEKU TREE! I'll try all of these out and update the full way to do this tomorrow!

6/1/99 - Ok, obvious change here. It took all night last night to perfect, but I finally converted the site to frames!! I know that the long list on the left is kind of annoying, so I've already got another idea that will do something special and make it much more organized and neat. There won't be much on the Beta Quest from me in the next week or so, I'm out a Gameshark for a little bit =).

5/31/99 - Today more on What I've Found in Beta Quest with some new things I've discovered and found. I've compiled a way to find out what version of the game you have if you're not sure and here's how to do it.

5/30/99 - BIG UPDATE TODAY!! The Wise Owl has hacked the code to play the Beta Quest/Play test version of Zelda!!!! This is sooooo big! You can actually play the game that was used to play test Zelda by using a simple Gameshark code. Go here and see the code for yourself. I'm pretty sure it works for all versions! You can also see what I've found when playing the Beta Quest. It's very long so if you don't have a shark, go and read my very long, very detailed description of what I've encountered so far. Look for an update on more stuff encountered in the Beta Quest in the days to come!

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Everything on this site is a Copyright ©1999 of Kukyfrope and maybe not be used without permission of the webmaster, John Kary.