Society of Arms Homepage


The Society Of Arms


What is the Society of Arms you might ask yourself. It is a very shadowy organisation, much like the mafia, within the PBM / PBEM game of MIDGARD UK which is very interesting and fun to play in.

There are many factions in the fantasy game world of Midgard and the Society of Arms ( or SOA ) is one of them. A SOA member lives on the darker side of life, thriving on chaos, with danger and adventure around every turn in the road.

If it's a specialist you need - contact us. If you need protection - contact us. If you need some information - contact us. If the job is too dirty for someone else's hands - contact us. That's what this organisation is known for and we'll take any contract, for any purpose.

History of the Society - under construction
Factional Goals of the Society
Contracts of the Society - currently under construction
Factional Awards of the Society
Open Contracts for the Society - currently under construction
Senior Contacts of the Society
Links to other Factions and other sites.
What is MIDGARD?

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