T-Tech Communication Center

Welcome to the T-Tech Communication Center. The links below should should fill most of your communications needs.

To say thanks to you, our loyal visitorsrs, T-Tech has created the T-Tech Commscreen to prorvide our visitors an open forum to exchange ideas, or just to chat.

If you would like to see a list of some of our visitors, enter the T-Tech Guest Login Archive
If you are new to the T-Tech database, it is reccomended that you enter the T-Tech Guest Login Registry
If you would like to link your website with ours, or to view a list of linked sites, enter the T-Tech Link Exchange Database

If your entries in the Guest Registry, or Link Exchange don't show up right away, don't worry. They require time to update. Your entry should be there within an hour.
If something about these pages is malfunctioning, or just not to your likeing, feel free to log a complaint with The Complaint Department
If you enjoyed this page, please feel free to mention it in your Guest Registry enrty. If you wever you neet to contact T-Tech with a non-complaint message, question, clarification, comment, or request, feel free to E-Mail us. We always love to hear feedback from our visitors.
If you wish to contact us, or our Webmaster (Weasel T. Wolf) instantly, use this handy Communications Pannel.

This site is powered by the IrCQ-Net Chat Panel © 1999 ICQ Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use of the IrCQ-Net Chat Panel is subject to the Terms of Service