Tina - 03/08/00 07:43:29
My URL:http://www.home.talkcity.com/gaiaway/takyra_dragon/index.html
My Email:kangangaskhan@cs.com
How did you get here?: Search Engine
Favorite RPG?: Dungeons and Dragons

I didnt think that the world of Torg actually existed in D and D. My friend who is the Dm was running a campaign and placed us in the world of Torg, I thought that it was one of his messed up worlds that he put us in.

Jimmy The saint - 03/01/00 14:01:11
My Email:saint166@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: i like torg
Favorite RPG?: torg,AD&D and Call of cthulhu

Yeah.......it is cool........ok!

SebDu - 07/12/99 12:17:16
My URL:Not for the moment
My Email:dubesebastien@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: By the TORG Web RING

I want to create a useful site for game masters.. And I need your advices and your wishes to make a good site... I would like to create again the TORG Chronicles with Scripts, and Realms evolutions .... So, what would you like to see ????

Robin Bailey - 02/19/99 20:12:15
My Email:flslippy@webtv.net
How did you get here?: geocities

I am trying to start my own web page and the info is overwhelming. Any suggestions, please help. This is all new to me. Thanks.

10/18/98 00:47:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Friso - 04/27/98 21:01:17
My URL:http://come.to/your.success
My Email:friso@positive-thinking.com

I really want to encourage people to study the books from your Success Books section ! It's a great list of powerful books wich can change your life forever !

Mrat - 02/11/98 14:23:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Alley/8967
Favorite RPG: IPSO

saw your banner on the geoguide....here i am.....will be back to check out more on your RPG....now if you like RPG's your gonna LOVE!!! IPSO......check out the players handbook at my site.......see ya soon

Neferset - 02/04/98 22:23:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~anathandra
My Email:neferset@dkeep.com
Favorite RPG: TORG

Just dropping by.

Amanda - 09/24/97 20:22:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Broadway/4572
My Email:gregs@feist.com
Favorite RPG: ummm...dunno :)


Just surfing...cool background

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