Turn Down Your Star-Glass

(and give yourself a severe case of eyestrain)

Yep, kids, you guessed it. It's "Middle-Earth Science Theater 3000" - what happens when a MiSTer eats too many Pixy Stix ("They don't just contain sugar, they also contain artificial coloring!") and decides to combine Mystery Science Theater 3000 and The Lord of the Rings into one twisted little entity. You'll be thrilled, confused, and generally dazed by our heroes' quest to defeat the tools of the Kinda Sorta Vaguely Evil - namely, the fanfics.

The Lidless Eye A small note: Those MiSTings involving Tolkien-related documents (and therefore having a tendency to get a little inside-jokey) are marked by that nifty little Lidless Eye graphic (generously donated by Evan Eckstein). If you aren't a big fan of Middle-Earthy things, it's best to stay away from those.

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The MEST3K MiSTings, in chronological order! Yay.

The Lidless EyeEpisode 101: "A Book Report? or, My Brain Hurts"
The true MEST3K first episode, 101 finds our cast members together and in very silly costumes. Their first experiment? A book report on (you guessed it) The Return of the King. It's written by our old friend Erato, which means that weird images and run-on sentences reign. Will our heroes survive? Will our villains?

The Lidless EyeEpisode 101b (the evil parasitic twin to Episode 101):
"The War Emperor Fights the Dark Lord - a.k.a. The Emperor that Wouldn't Die"

If you must ruin the cliffhanger from the last description, then yes, our heroes survive. This time, Strider's decided that MEST3K isn't pulling enough ratings (Strider worries early and often), so he gets the Satellite crew another bad story as practice. If the lovely book report wasn't bad enough for you, than you should groan at this story - it's about Aeolus, an emperor and (big surprise!) a self-insertion character, who breaks several important laws of Tolkien's universe to show how butch he is. Of course, nobody's very impressed.

Episode 102: "Tail", Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 - also available in a Zip file
"Tail" is our friends' first non-Tolkien fanfic, but that doesn't make life any better. Essentially, it's a well-written Sonic story that still succeeds in being not-good (although that's no great feat for a Sonic fic). "Tail", a tender story of Miles "Tails" Prower going through puberty and discovering that his village is filled with flat characters, to nobody's great shock, is five paragraphs worth of action crammed into 15 pages worth of story.
On a cheerier note, this MiSTing introduces us to MEST3K's permanent Mads, and it features a very special guest star. Oooh! Ahhh!

The Lidless EyeEpisode 103: "The Quest Resumes," with short "A Short, Serene Thought"
OK, folks, this is the goofy stuff. After a rather maudlin little Sailor Moon short, our friends examine a... well... fairly alternate version of their own continuity. It features extreme contrivance, merciful brevity, and Ranma 1/2 cast members like you've never seen them before! Frodo may be permanently traumatized.

The Lidless EyeEpisode 104: "Those Darned Elves"
And it's back to our roots we go! This collection of fairly odd roleplaying notes from Mirkwood MUD encompass a few universal themes: man's place in the universe, how much elves suck, how generally 1337 the Crimson Empire is, and why Stonecold and his fiery dagger will R001 j00 411!!!!!
But the real event here is, you guessed it, a Very Special Episode. Frodo is celebrating a birthday, and so is someone else...

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