The Final Fantasy 8 story
Squall attends a military school known as "Garden". The school is for children as young as six, up to young adults of 19. If a student doesn't pass an exam in their later years, however, they are expelled from the school. One skill that students learn at the school, in addition to combat skills, is magic. Magic is a hard skill to master in the world of FFVIII, and therefore only graduates of Garden are skilled enough to use it. The highest achieving students of Garden are eligible to join an elite forces group known as "SeeD". Squall is rumored to be an extremely apt student at Garden, and attempts to join SeeD. This, of course, all sounds a lot like the FF7 storyline revolving around Cloud's childhood dream to join SOLDIER. Apparently, the average person in FF8 doesn't know magic (unlike in, for example, FF7, where even some common people had materia). The game itself is based around two quests, two heroes, two worlds. At some point in the game, the two quests cross (one quest with Squall, the other with Laguna).
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