AD&D Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - links, spells, monsters, magic items, character classes, fantasy pictures, fantasy books and book buying services, information and more.

Lair of the Red Dragon

Enter the Lair of The Red Dragon

The Red Dragon has travelled far and wide across both distant realms and other-worldly dimensions to gather treasure for his lair, and here you can sample some of the gems he has collected so far...

AD&D & Fantasy Webrings Click here to follow any AD&D and Fantasy Webrings that have led to the Lair of the Red Dragon...

Most of the spells, magical items, monsters, etc. on this site are my own work and freely available for use. I would appreciate a link back to the 'Lair of the Red Dragon' if you make use of these on your own site and would be pleased to add a reciprocal link. If you believe this site infringes on copyright then please e-mail me.
