Independent Guild of Wizards Current Position and Responsibilities.

The Grey Wizard:  Solas (David Shirley: )
Leader of the IGW. 

Wizard of The North:  Plumander (Harvey Baker:
Make UK contacts and pass on the Newsletter to any non-email player.
Help coordinate UK mail players with their Dungeon Wizard.  Advertise on
the UK message board.  (Believe this position is now open)

Wizard of The South:  Samantha Stardust (Andrew Stott:
Same as the Wizard of The North but to make Oz. contacts. aka Wizard of
Oz <g>.

Wizard of The East:  Dunwich (Rainer Habekost:
Same as above, except makes contact with Euro players.

Wizard of The West:  Lady Nikki (Lynda Millsaps:
Same as above, But for US players.

Master Scribe:  Quoth  (Paul O'brien (POB): Paul.O'
All information on spells, items found and monsters fought should be sent
to this position.  Please check out the Web Page first to make sure it is
*new* information.  Mail players need to send the info to your area
Wizard (North etc) and they will pass it on.  Note:  all map information
needs to go to your Dungeon Wizard.  Basically everything but mapping
info goes here.

Web Wizard:  Morpheus  (Brian Kellner:
This position sets up and maintains the Guilds web page.  Note:  Do not
send information to this position send it to the Master Scribe.

Wizard(s) of Dungeons:  Each dungeon has it's own Wizard to oversee it.
His responsibilities are to map it and mark key areas.  He also will be
General of any campaigns into the Dungeon.  Currently our main mission is
to map all dungeons and these Wizards are to coordinate all members to do
so.  If you need something or some sort of information contact your
Dungeon Wizard he will get it for you.

The Dungeon Wizards are:

Lord Azdan the Wise, Wizard of The Red Mt. (Rich Westerling,

Dunwich, Wizard of Hells Deep (Rainer Habekost,

Shenandoah, Wizard of Mirrormane (

Ariza Hawkmoon, Wizard of The Mines (Forest Ackert,

Trayla, Wizard of Drax ( Dan Kramer,

Flamebeau, Wizard of Deamon Rift (Eric Carver,

Fatale, Wizard of Ice (Eric Carver,