Character Races

Elven Warrior Maiden

The Elven Race originated in the deep forests of Lochliador where their people developed a simple but harmonius life attuned to the natural way. In present days the whereabouts of Lochliador are unknown and the Old Race of Elves have vanished, leaving only their modern kin to haunt the lesser forests of Myriad. Elven Warrior Maiden are an elite class of fighter rangers who's bravery and strength is reknowned throughout the Land.

Glacier Barbarian

A Barbarian is a huge powerful fighter, often from the frozen South Glacier region or some other exotic climate. Although not as learned as those from the Kingdom of Bereny, the harsh life they have lead usually means that a Barbarian will be larger, stronger and hardier than Kingdom men. Barbarians are reknowned for the stormy tempers and flashes of dangerous anger, but also for their love of laughter and ale. Female Glacier Barbarians can also be found, although not quite as commonly as their male counterparts, they are nonetheless just as tough and unyielding.


An Enchanter or Enchantress is the master of the mystic arts. The ancient magical school of Enchantment is the only type of magic which is legal in the Kingdom of Bereny, other schools being largely unknown and therefore branded as evil. Enchanters and Enchantresses spent many long hours studying their complicated spells, which are cast from intricate scrolls that only they can read. Their magic makes them powerful indeed, but in combat they are usually weak and frail, having no time for the practice of martial arts.

Human Priest

Some humans feel drawn to the Priesthood from an early age. The Gods of Light favour some to pass their holy words onto the masses and these pious individuals are given to walk the lands, spreading gospel and doing good deeds. Adventuring priests take this one step further. Not content with simply spreading the word, they take the fight against evil directly into the mouth of darkness! Their ability to make Mana Bread, the healing food of the gods, is enough reason for most adventurers to travel with them, but priests are not defenceless. The Gods of Light teach that their representatives should be well able to defend themselves and so, priests are trained from an early age in many of the martial skills. Priests particularly detest the monstrous Undead races, since the corruption of dead bodies is terrible indeed in the eyes of those who walk the path of goodliness. Whereever they find the undead scourge they are driven to destroy it.

Human Monk

For many years the remote mountain schools which taught the ways of the Zen were little more than a legend, a place which none truly believed existed. When the monks began their pilgrimages down into the lowlands of Bereny, each of them an obvious student of martial and spiritual matters, they were treated with some suspicion and prejudice. To combat this, the monks took up adventuring, an accepted profession in the land, where they would gain acceptance. Monks can only be male and only be human, since the reclusive masters will teach no other. Women who have gone on expeditions to learn and study have been unable to find the high temples. It is believed that they exist only partially in the real world and appear for who they chose. Whatever the case, trained monks have only a foggy collection of their temple and no idea how to return. Instead, they must learn to live in the world once more.


Rogues are the thieves and scouts of the adventuring world. They live on the underside of society, not evil, but cunning and quick to make the most of a situation in their own favour. While somewhat weaker than a fighter, Rogues have usually trained themselves in certain unique skills. Their ability to open doors is legendary, as is the ability to pick pockets. Rogues also have a higher chance of avoiding traps than any other adventuring class.

Centaurs & Evil Centaur

Centaurs are a proud and historic race of brave creatures. These hybrides have the legs and body of a horse, with all the speed and power of a horse too, while, from the neck upwards they have a human torso, including chest, arms and head. It is generally believed that Centaurs are not a natural creature, but the result of some ancient spellcaster’s experiments. Even Centaurs accept this is likely, since their own history and legends hint at some dark master of their destiny. Nevertheless, Centaurs have always been brave-hearted, proud and noble creatures who are attuned to nature and detest anything which is perversions of that. Centaurs get along very well with Elves, but find Dwarves and Humans puzzling, although interesting. Centaurs are the undisputed master of the bow. They are taught to use it from a very young age and have their own kinds of bow which only they can use effectively.


Also known as the "Mountain People", Dwarves are like short, stout, bearded humans. But don't let THEM hear you say that. While they may look like tough people dwarves actually have very different bodies and lifestyles. Dwarves are a race of humanoids who are born and live most of their lives underground. As a people they are responsible for a large quantity of the ore metals mined and also for some of the most respected metalwork, armour and weapons in the world. They are incredible sturdy, tough and also very physically strong. They have a love for fine ale and good food and are generally considered brave and honest. Of course... that's only stereotype. Dwarves can be found in many professions all over Myriad, often mixing with humans, who they generally like, and Elves, with whom they have a fond conflict of ideals.


Humans are the most prosperous and widely-spread race of Myriad. Although many other races disdain their lack of special traits, the truly wise know that some abilities are not easily recognised. Indeed, humans are special for a number of reasons. Their tenacity, endurance and ability to find ways to survive in many different enviroments. Also, their ability to breed and multiply in adverse conditions. Wherever humans are they spread, grow and prosper. Many of the races feel it is lucky, then, that humans are intrinsically good. Of course, there are still other peoples who believe this is not so at all. Humans can be found in many of the traditional adventuring roles, but most common of all must be the warrior, where the humans height and overall good body shape are a great asset, despite their lack of superior strength.

Human Assassin

In the political hotpot that is Myriad there have always been those who walk in the shadows and deal death in the night... In time, Assassins have found that they need not live in the darkness. As adventurers, their skills can be used for the cause of good. Nobody cares if you poison or backstab a monster ! Assassins cannot equip Plate Mail of any kind, since it interferes with the use of their skills. Upon graduation from the secret Assassins‘ Academy, they are given a special Curved Dagger with which they are trained to do a special "backstab".

Crusaders of Shanna

For many years priests of the gods who worship the whole pantheon of good devoted themselves to the service of light. However, as times grew darker it became obvious to some that a stronger, more militant arm was necessary to protect the faithful and the innocent. So were the Crusaders recruited, champions of virtue who use warriors' skills to further the cause of one god or goddess in particular. The history of Myria is such that the Crusaders of Gods are always men, while the Crusaders of the Goddesses are always women. Each of them worships the whole pantheon but stands for one deity above all. The Crusaders of Shanna, Queen of Nature, exist to protect the natural world and to fight against unnatural intrusions of all kinds. Undead and Extra dimension creatures are their particular nemesis.

Crusader of Cambron

For many years priests of the gods who worship the whole pantheon of good devoted themselves to the service of light. However, as times grew darker it became obvious to some that a stronger, more militant arm was necessary to protect the faithful and the innocent. So were the Crusaders recruited, champions of virtue who use warriors' skills to further the cause of one god or goddess in particular. The history of Myriad is such that the Crusaders of Gods are always men, while the Crusaders of the Goddesses are always women. Each of them worships the whole pantheon but stands for one deity above all. The Crusaders of Cambron, King of Justice, are the Champions of law. They are believed to be the strictest and most pious of all the Crusader Arms, never taking wives, giving their lives to the pursuit of the Righteous.

Crusader of Bethseline

For many years priests of the gods who worship the whole pantheon of good devoted themselves to the service of light. However, as times grew darker it became obvious to some that a stronger, more militant arm was necessary to protect the faithful and the innocent. So were the Crusaders recruited, champions of virtue who use warriors' skills to further the cause of one god or goddess in particular. The history of Myriad is such that the Crusaders of Gods are always men, while the Crusaders of the Goddesses are always women. Each of them worships the whole pantheon but stands for one deity above all. The Crusaders of Bethseline, Queen of Love, are the keepers of peace. They are often found around great battles bringing love and hope to the beleaguered innocents there while battlng against evil warmongers.


Timber Wolf

A Timber Wolf is a wild pack animal native to the dark forests and glacier wastes of Myriad. The tribesmen and women of the Southern Glacier have even managed to tame and train them, although for a creature like the Wolf the word 'tame' is never a comfortable description.

Guard Dogs

The dog is not called „humanoids best friend" for nothing. Many adventurers favour these animal companions on their journeys for many reasons. With their higher powered senses dogs will often spot an enemy sooner than their master. They are trained to fight selflessly, willing to sacrifice their own lives in an instant to protect that of their owner. Guard Dogs will often throw themselves at a far more powerful enemy to give their master a chance to escape. While Guard Dogs can be beloved companions, most sensible adventurers avoid getting too attached to them. This is not cruelty, but simply common sense, since a dogs lifespan in the dangerous environment of a Dungeon is hardly promising. Guard Dogs are always sold in Dungeon Courtyards because adventurers will often take a team in, only to return from their adventurers with no dogs left, ready to buy the next lot. A stark reminder of the hard world in wich they live.

Black Cat

No describtion

Black Falcon

A Black Falcon is a raer and unusual bird of prey, found only in certain desolate areas of Bereny. The birds can be trained to attack and scout by somebody with the appropriate skills and so they are a much sought prize by adventurers everywhere. The Black Falcon, once trained by a master, is faithful forever. But they always retain an element of free will which stops them from ever being a 'pet'.

GMs Note: Bird sub-characters are considered to be 'flying' but cannot use this to cross dungeon obstacles like pits, since flying in the game does not work this literally for PC characters.



Orcs are the dominant race in the Goblinoid culture. While they are nowhere near as powerful as Ogres or as durable as Trolls, or indeed as prolific as Goblins, they have several traits which mark them as special. Orcs, like Humans, tend to survive wherever they are put. Tenaciously they cling to life and indeed thrive in the most inhospitable of conditions. It has been suggested that they are the nearest equivalent to humans in the Goblin world. Furthermore, Orcs have leadership abilities and an idea of structured society, albeit an evil one, that assists them in their dominance. In large groups of Goblinoids, it is the Orcs that usually rule, unless Dark Elves are present. Orcs are like large brutish humans with pig-like snouts and grey or green swarthy skin. They work in groups for the good of their community, usually ruled the strongest most-violent fighter amongst them. Orcish society is a harsh place full of harsh creatures.


Goblins, generally considered to be the lowest of the "Goblinoid" races, are small green humanoids. They have rounded ugly features and tiny eyes. Their skin is swarthy and rough and they are usually filthy, reeking of refuse and dirt. Although weak by human standards, Goblins are tough because they learn to fight almost from birth, simply to survive in the harsh chaotic enviroments in which they live. Generally, Goblins are cruel, greedy and foul. They are also notorious cowards, which is why they seldom travel other than in large groups. However, Goblins are fairly intelligent and tend to use large numbers to overpower opponents if they feel there is a good chance of winning. Goblins often live in fringe of human society.


Goblins, generally considered to be the lowest of the "Goblinoid" races, are small green humanoids. They have rounded ugly features and tiny eyes. Their skin is swarthy and rough and they are usually filthy, reeking of refuse and dirt. Although weak by human standards, Goblins are tough because they learn to fight almost from birth, simply to survive in the harsh chaotic enviroments in which they live. Generally, Goblins are cruel, greedy and foul. They are also notorious cowards, which is why they seldom travel other than in large groups. Hobgoblins are simply unnaturally large Goblins who tend to rule their weaker kin by sheer strength. Some venture that Hobgoblins may be goblins with Ogre or Troll blood somewhere in their line. It is rumoured that Giant versions of Goblins and Hobgoblins can be found by the unlucky traveller, these beings mutated versions of the creatures that stand some 8ft tall and equally muscular.


Unlike other Goblins, Demogoblins are small humanoids with an attitude. Although they look quite similiar to a normal Goblin thereis a key different between them. Demogoblins have absolutely no fear whatsoever. They will willingly throw themselves at any enemy, no matter what size. They will march in their droves to death with no second thought at all. They live to fight and kill, although they are not particularly good at it. This strange philosophy is a mystery to most sages, who have no idea why Demogoblins diverged from the traditional path of cowardice that other Goblin races have taken. Because of their utterlack of fear, Demogoblins are often used as disposable troops by powerful masters and are considered freakish and strange by other Goblins. Humans, though, have been known to spare their lives out of respect for their foolish, but obvious bravery.


One of the most feared of the Goblinoid races, Ogres stand 8 or even 9ft high, their bodies a mass of hard powerful muscle. While humanoid in shape, Ogres skin can be green, grey or a mottled brown. Their reputation for stupidity is generally, although not always true, but many people overlook a certain animal cunning that Ogres have been known to display when it comes to find their next dinner... Ogres eat almost any kind of meat, except each other. They do not work well with other Goblin races unless a powerful leader is present to keep them in line. Some Ogres have two eyes, some one. They have a very thick natural skin which is as good as Chain Mail for protection and their massive strength means they are capable of dealing a lot of damage with those terrible bludgeoning fists.

Ogre Youth

One of the most feared of the Goblinoid races, Ogres stand 8 or even 9ft high, their bodies a mass of hard powerful muscle. While humanoid in shape, Ogres skin can be green, grey or a mottled brown. Their reputation for stupidity is generally, although not always true, but many people overlook a certain animal cunning that Ogres have been known to display when it comes to find their next dinner... Ogres eat almost any kind of meat, except each other. They do not work well with other Goblin races unless a powerful leader is present to keep them in line. Some Ogres have two eyes, some one. They have a very thick natural skin which is as good as Chain Mail for protection and their massive strength means they are capable of dealing a lot of damage with those terrible bludgeoning fists.

Demon Ogres

Demons Ogres are hideous three-eyed giants who make their home in and around dimensional rifts, although stray bands can occasionally be found elsewhere. Always hungry, violent and stupid, they are a great threat. In demonic ranks, these beasts are quite lowly, although this is more due to their mindlessness than any lack of power. Demon Ogres attack with their huge fists, smashing opponents to bloody pulps. They do "normal" damage.

Undead Races


A Zombie is the magically animated body of a dead creature. Humans are often favoured for this dark rite because, for reasons unknown, their bodies are easier to embue with this new unlife. However, on rare occasions, other types of zombies can be seen, including Dwarves, Elves, Animals and even Monsters. These rarer type are usually far more dangerous. Zombies are not powerful fighters, attacking mainly with disgusting rotting nails, or in the absence of these, stumps of bones. The biggest threat is the sheer shock on being confronted by a Zombie, which has the effect on all intelligent creatures of leaving their skin crawling with disgust and dread. Zombies cannot occur naturally, so normally a master will be somewhere nearby, unless they have been left as guardians, or from past battles.

Zombie Master

No describtion

Skeletal Warrior

Skeletons are supernaturally animated piles of bones. They are one of the weaker forms of "undead" but still a threat, especially in numbers. When encountered, Skeletons will usually be under the control of a master. However, this is not always the case since the death of a master tends to lead to ‚rogue' wondering bands of skeletons and it is also possible for Skeletons to be left to guard an area, sometimes for hundreds of years. Skeletons do "normal" damage and are affected by all damage types, except "Mental" to which they are immune. Unlike their lesser kin, Skeletal Warriors have been brought to life by a more powerful spell or unholy summoning and are consequently more intelligent and more powerful.

Glowing Skeletons

Glowing Skeletons are supernaturally animated piles of bones. They are one of the weaker forms of ’undead’ but still a threat, especially in numbers. When encountered, Glowing Skeletons will usually be under the control of a master. However, this is not always the case since the death of a master tends to lead to ’rogue’ wondering bands and it is also possible for them to be left to guard an area, sometimes for hundreds of years. Glowing Skeletons do ’chemical‘ damage and are affected by all damage types, except ’Mental’ to which they are immune.

These creatures are a special form of skeleton which has been enchanted by a powerful sorcerer to give them greater combat skill and health. Worse still, Glowing Skeletons have the magical ability to spit chemicals in

the form of a hideous green flame at their enemies as well as the usual skeleton bony finger attacks.

glowing skeleton > 11 health

Lava Skeleton

Hp 5 Dam. 2-5


What more terrible form of undeath could possibly exist than the Sullen? These walking dead, wearing the form of a woman, with their chapped lips, open sores, blending eye sockets, filthy matted hair and lice-ridden rages of clothing. Sages claim that the Sullen is the restless soul of a Lady of the Night, slain in a jealous rage. These women, legend claims, were extremely beautiful, but vain, in life, their narcissism being the key to their fall into the horrors of undeath, assistance by the sheer violence of their demise, which has left them unable to find peace. As undead, the Sullen is a truly frightening enemy. Vile, hateful and truly evil, these creatures will attack and slay any living creature. Sullens attack with sharp talons and teeth, often dancing and flirting as they do so, unable to comprehend that they are not the beauties they once were. This disconcerting behaviour is also said to have a hypnotic effect on some.

Shadow Stalker

The dreadful Shadow Stalker is, thankfully, a rare type of undead creature. These creatures are pure evil, created either unnaturally by dark magic or naturally when a murderer is killed in cold blood by another murderer. However they appear, Shadow Stalkers are to be greatly feared. While often happy with simple bloodshed, they occasionally work at darker designs of their own. Free-Willed and darkly intelligent, Shadow Stalkers make deadly opponents in combat. Although not physically strong, they are able to fire beams of pure hatred from their eyes in the form of strange green energy beams which do „magical" type damage and ignore most normal armour types. Shadow Stalkers are immune to cold and mental attacks and are notoriously tough to kill.


A Meridian is a hideous form of undead that takes the shape of a gaunt humanoid woman. Some say these are the restless spirits of victims who were killed by evil during the night of a storm. Perhaps this is true, perhaps not. But it is certainly fact that a Meridian is dangerous in the extreme. While in combat with a Meridian a light magical rain begins to fall... even underground! The attacks of a Meridian are terrible claws and scratches, but worse still they can cause infection and disease with their fetid touch. Like most undead the Meridian is immune to Mental Attacks.

Health >8 <16?


Werewolves are the most common and generally the most-feared of the lycanthropes. Like all such creatures, the creature is the victim of a hideous magical disease which has transformed what was once a normal person into a terrible hybrid of man and wolf. There is no known cure for lycanthropy other than the obvious one, death. A Werewolf is a dire creature, always hungry, always craving the blood of other living creatures, particularly humanoids. Unable to help itself, the beast attacks others savagely, often on sight, using its sharp claws and teeth as awful natural weapons. The Werewolf is doubly dangerous because it CANNOT be hit by normal weapons, which will always miss it. Only weapons that do a damage type other than 'normal' have any chance of striking it. Perhaps that is why the adventurers legend says, "meet a wolf in shape of man and kiss your life goodbye."

(killed by 7 points of Fire damage and 2 Touch of Death parchments)


Vampires are creatures of darkest legend, one of the princes of the undead. Their lives, eternal twilights of blood and evil, are filled with sorrow, anger and pain. Vampires must feast every day on the blood of the living. Only humanoid blood will do. Most commonly Vampires are human, although this is not always the case, for the curse can be passed to other races, too. Contrary to popular myth, Vampires are not affected by holy symbols or silver and they can certainly be harmed by normal weapons, although their wounds heal very quickly indeed and they can take a lot of damage before weakening. Vampires are weakened by daylight and

usually stay in dark places or under the cover of night. Little is known of their hierarchy but they certainly do have cruel, intelligent minds.

Blood Hawk

The Blood Hawk is a huge bird of prey who, unlike its surface cousins, prefers to live in dark underground passages and caverns. They are powerful creatures, who can grow to have a wingspan of over 12ft. While their preferred food is cave rats and small monsters, Blood Hawks will often attack adventurers who enter their territory. They don't seem actually eat them, but simply attempt to kill them or drive them away.


Faerie folk have long been legends in the lands of Myriad. The Kingdom of Bereny itself has many tales of the tiny ones and their mischief. Spriggan's are probably the most commonly encountered of them though, some sages even going so far as to suggest they are not true Fairies at all, but some strange offshot of a magic spell gone awry many years ago. Spriggans themselves may know, but they aren't telling. This is because they are nasty, greedy, cruel and hateful in virtually every way. Spriggans that live above ground are reknowned for stealing babies for their dinner, while those that dwell in Dungeons live in small communities and prey on adventurers and weaker monsters for their wealth and food. Nobody likes a Spriggan and a Spriggan likes nobody. They enjoy hiding in dark places and throwing rocks at their enemies, but are not averse to hand-to-hand combat as well, having long sharp talons perfect for slashing and cutting.


The Leprechaun is a legendary, capricious faerie creature that lives in remote woodland areas or, occasionally, on the edge of a settled area where they can play pranks on their neighbours. While not evil, Leprechauns can be tiresome and even dangerous. They are small magical humanoids, usually male. Legend has it that certain other races can summon Leprechauns to aid them. In combat, Leprechauns can not and will not every use a weapon. Instead, they attack with various spell but damaging spells that they know. They do 'magical' type damage and are resistant to magic themselves. There is also a legend that all Leprechauns have a pot of gold somewhere hidden away, but whether that is true or not only they can say... and they aren't telling.

Rag Beast

A huge mound of vaguely intelligent rags and mould is the best way to describe a Rag Beast. These creatures inhabit deep underground places which are moist and wet. They feed on virtually anything vegetable and can actually survive an a diet of mouldy old cloth and fabric for quite some time. Legend has it they were originally the remnants of a mad wizards experiment, but since that legend is true about most of the strange races in Myriad it's truth is somewhat suspect. Whatever the case, Rag Beasts remain powerful, but generally good-natured creatures who have been known to form a pet-like attachement to adventurers sometimes, following them around faithfully for some time. While they don't actually like to fight, a Rag Beasts strength and tough body make it a fierce opponent.

Cutesy Pet

Although nobody knows where the Cutesy Pet came from or what the hell it is, there is no doubt that it is certainly "Cute". The creature, believed by some sages to be a magical experiment gone awry, is a tiny ball of exceptionally soft fur with tiny legs and hands and two huge, round gentle eyes. It has the most wonderful nature imaginable and when it considers an adventurer a friend, they are certainly a friend for life. Its intelligence is certainly far beyond that of any "normal" pet... but exactly how intelligent is anyones guess, since it cannot speak, but makes only small mewling noises.

Lizard Men

Lizard Men are barbaric, savage tribal creatures who, while basically humanoid, have scaled skin and the ability to breath underwater for extended periods. These aquatic creatures have a simple brutal lifestyle and often live in wet or waterlogged areas where they harbor an intense dislike for any race different to their own and their relations with others peoples are soiled by the fact that they see everything other than themselves as dinner. It has be entried many times to bring Lizardmen, who are quite intelligent, into the circle of friendly races. Diplomats seldom retur n. Possibly the greatest danger when facing Lizard Men is that they almost always travel in groups and know well how to work as a team.

Giant Splinterback

A Giant Splinterback is a terrible creature indeed. Arachnids of Myriad come in a great many sizes and the Splinterback is not the largest of them, but since, on average, it stands a clear foot taller than a man it is quite large enough to present a great danger. Splinterbacks have no venom, but attack with their sharp jaws and the spikes at the end of their versatile legs. The spider takes its name from the sharp ridge which arches over its back, a deterrent for any foolish enough to attempt to use them as underground mounts! Most Splinterbacks encountered are female and maybe accompanied by smaller weaker babies. These are dangerous too and should not be discounted as a threat. It is summised by some sages that Male Splinterbacks are rare and possibly grow so large they can not fit through dungeon passages, spending their lives in deep webbed lairs.

Tentacular Cluster

The hideous Tentacular Cluster is nothing more than mindless vegetation, but no less deadly for it ! These huge spherical spronge-like creatures live in deep dark wet places. They are dome-shaped and normally as big as 30ft in diameter, their apex as much as 8ft from the floor. A Tentacular Cluster looks like a huge mould and can be green, orange, red or even black colour. They are repulsive to look at, their most soft surface covered in pussy sores and many hundreds of bulging bloodshot markings which look like eyes. Tentacular Clusters attack using their dozens of whipping tentacles. Killing one piece of one of these creatures is not enough, they have four seperate nerve-centers and all must be destroyed else their regenerative powers can be used.

Moss Troll

The Moss Troll is a creature native to underground grotto´s, caverns and corridors where plant life and lichen thrive.The creatures are herbivores, despite their fearsome appearance. However, Moss Trolls are also extremely territorial and not altogether bright.... making them a danger for adventures who stumble upon their lairs. Most Moss Trolls encountered will be female, since males are rare. Moss Trolls females have an unusual reproductive system which involves laying their eggs in certain plants and fungi. Adventurers who disturb the fungi will almost certainly destroy the delicate eggs before they can reach maturity and rouse the wrath of the mother. Moss Trolls are very strong and have huge club-like hands with which they can inflict a lot of damage. When very young Moss Trolls are encountered these are called ´Mosslings´ and are smaller, weaker versions of the adult.


The Sammaritsu are a strange and magical race of elementals. These creatures, not native to the world of Myriad, find their way here by means of strange magic, usually seeking fresh blood when their own worlds have all but run out. Sammaritsu need to drink the blood of a human virgin, male or female, at least once a month or they begin to rapidly age... withering to dust in seconds. These evil creatures usually have the appearance of multi-armed women with the lower body of a serpent, but have been known to take normal human form at times as well. They are dangerous in combat because of their multi-limbed attacks and versatile weapon use and they are difficult to kill because their bodies can soak up more damage than any normal human would be able to.


The Grotesque. Generally considered to be one of the ugliest creatures to walk the face of Myriad. A Grotesque is a hideous thing, one huge bloated green sack which serves as both head and torso, supported by two clawed legs. The Grotesque is covered from head to toe with thick green scales which serve as a natural form of armour. It feeds on almost anything, but has a particular taste for meat. Elven, if possible. These creatures live deep in dungeons where they can hide their monstrous visage from the other races and prey off the weak and foolish. A Grotesque will almost attack an adventurer, using their sharp rending claws to lash out and gut their opponents or tear at the genital area. Grotesque also have several long slimy tendrils which hang from their backs and excrete a mild acid. These are also fearsome weapons.


Only a fool would fail to take a Hordling seriously. Yes, it is a small round ball of fur with huge sad eyes. Yes, it looks like the most harmless and innocent of creatures. Yet, Hordlings have tiny sharp teeth which, alone, are merely an annoyance. But in a Horde... they can strip a man to the bone in seconds... and Hordlings never forget. If you kill one, legend has it that your likeness is communicated to all of its kind, making you an eternal enemy. Perhaps this would be less of a concern if the furious little fellows weren't so damn easy to kill...

Brigand Archer

It is unfortunately all too common that human fighters turn away from the ways of light to walk the path of greed, lawlessness and evil. Human Brigands are the result, thieves and murderers who prey on those weaker than themselves, often living in dark places where it is easy to waylay travellers, beat or kill them and steal everything they own. Brigands can also be found in the employ of more powerful dark masters, since the only loyalty they know is that which is bought with gold. Brigands are usually organised so that they are led by a superior-skilled captain, with the rank and file being standard Brigands and a selection of archers (range weapons) and beserkers (high strength) as special troop members.

Giant Rats

Rats are one of the biggest vermin pests in Myriad, they breed too fast and always seem to evade any attempts to eradicate them from a region. But worse still, in recent years an unpleasant development has been the appearance of rats far larger than normal breeds. These Giant Rats stand as tall as a smallish dog and are incredibly fierce. Their bite has been known to infect the victim with disease if the wound is not treated rapidly. Giant Rats are found in dark areas and shadowy places where refuse or rot is present. They often travel in packs and are showing a steadily increasing rage of malevolent intelligence. The threat they present if they keep growing bigger and smarter cannot be ignored. Giant Rats come in several different types, the common Brown rats, the large and more intelligent Black rats and the smaller but highly-intelligent and evil White rats.

Giant Black Rat - hit points <18

easy to hit

xp 20


Darkwalkers are human outcasts of society. For one reason or another they choose , or are forced to live outside of the law and to hide from the power of the crown. They are considered monsters by many adventurers and attacked on sight. A Darkwalkers life is often short and lonely since they must forge a meager existence in dark desolate places, fighting adventurer and monster alike. Darkwalkers have the same abilities as Human Rogues. They can never wear Plate armour of any kind, since this upsets their ability to sneak about and ambush in the darkness of a Dungeon. Magical Traders will sell to and buy from Darkwalkers. This includes skills... Darkwalkers can learn all the skills a Rogue is allowed as well as all Generic Skills.

hit points 21-24

easy to hit

xp 48

Salamandrian Warrior

hits >7 < 11

Salamandrian Hatchling

hits <3


Abruptly the Mirror room went icy cold. A chill breeze blasted through, sweeping around me like a banshee. The mirrors that surrounded me on every side began to warp and flux, their cloudy surfaces swirling like a stormy sky. I stumbled back, wondering what evil magic had been unleashed. The answer was not long in coming as one pane of glass seemed to bow outwards, straining, impossible, like a thing alive. And the it popped outwards, ejecting a creature into the cave, all billowing black cloaks and one long gleaming scythe. Although silent, i could feel the seething evil and hatred coming off it in waves. A Reaper !


While Redcoat Spiders are not the largest of the Giant Arachnids they are certainly not one to be taken lightly. An adult redcoat grows to be the size of a pony ,while their young are normally about the size of a big dog. Redcoats are usually found in a family group and will attack and eat any meat that happens to wander close enough to become the next dinner. What makes Redcoats so dangerous is their ability to spit fire ... something that most adventurers don´t find the most amusing of prospects. Obviously, the breath attack does ´fire´ type damage, although it has been noted that Redcoats are particulary vulnerable to cold based attacks, even slowly down and become easy targets!

Giant Ant

No description

Lesser Succubus

A Lesser Succubus is a minor demon which takes the form of a human female in an attempt to appear alluring or unable to defend itself. Succubi always choose a voluptuos form that does not appear physically intimidating. This is very deceiving, since they are deadly creatures indeed. Once within range of their target, a Succubus can emit a terrible shriek which sucks the very life energy from its target. The shriek is a localised attack which only the victim hears. This can mean that a targets friends have no idea their ally has fallen to the demon. Succubi are higly resistant to normal and fire attacks, but are very susceptible to cold damage. They themselves do "Magical" damage with their energies.

Midnight Elves

Hundereds of Years ago the Elven race was sundered by the War of Belief. During that time legend says, the elves split into many different bands following many different spiritual and personal paths. One such band were the Midnight Elves who's evil ways estranged them from their land cousins. Unlike their even fouler cousins the Dark Elves, Midnight Elves were an orderly people who had a strict hierarchy and militaristic lifestyles. Midnight Elves live deep under the earth in Dungeons and cave networks. Little is known of their purpose or shadowy plans, but they are hostile to virtually every other race which crosses their path. Midnight Elves are famous for their long memories and violent demeanor. They never forget an enemy... and they hate almost everybody.

Anubian Male Warrior

Anubians are said to be one of the oldest races in Myriad, possibly even predating the ancient Elvish tribes. Little is known of the mysterious race except that they are irrevocably evil. Rumours abound of their consorting with demons and evil spirits. An Anubian is a tall willowy humanoid with the head of a Jackal. They speak in a strange language of hisses and yelps which no good race has ever been able to learn. Anubians live in remote desolate places, most commonly deserts although they have been known to turn up all over the world. Anubians do not like to live underground, so if encountered in a Dungeon there is usually some dark ulterior motive for their presence. In combat they often use exotic bladed weapons but some have also been seen to have strange magical powers.

Anubian Male Warrior is equipped with, Anubian Headdress, Scimitar.

Floating Skull

"The Floating Skull may look like a form of undead, but in fact most sages agree that it is not. Rather, these animated skeletal heads are caused by dormant magical energy from certain powerful scrying spells cast by ancient mages. Floating Skulls have been known to be friendly, but the vast majority are utterly evil, enjoying nothing more than to attack an adventurer who dares enter their realm. These strange creatures are exactly as their name suggests, a bodiless skull which hovers approximately five feet above the ground. They attack by opening their maws and spewing forth a cloud of sickly grey gas which causes choking and vomiting if it hits the victim, thereby doing damage to them. Rumours abound of scrolls that allow a mage to control these foul creatures."

(Direct experience shows that the skulls can be defeated by a brave warrior, but care and speed are critical as the gas is a ranged attack which can deal a large amount damage - however, if you can dodge the attacks the

skull itself falls quite readily.)

Health < 16

Drool Cats

Drool Cats can also be nasty - more through sheer numbers than individual attacks.

"The Drool Cat is something of a pet name for a creature known as the 'Felinia'. The creature looks exactly like a common village cat, but any adventurer who takes a creature by its appearance alone is bound to end up dead. The Drool Cat takes its name from the twin strings of sticky mucous which hang constantly from either side of the animals mouth. Although this looks like common spittle, it is in fact and acid substance (chemical damage). Drool Cats are fierce carnivores who can kill and eat creatures far larger than themselves. They attack by spitting acid at their victim. Drool Cats often travel in packs and show a worrying level of intelligence and tactics when hunting. Although normally found above ground, some Drool Cats like the darkness of a Dungeon."

(The Drools Cats are nasty opponents for two reasons - firstly the pack tactic, secondly that they can dodge attacks exceedingly well. Walking into a room of five or six would likely cause the death of an inexperienced adventurer, and cost the life of only one cat !)

(OOC - approx 24 to 30 damage in one turn from six cats, and likely to only kill one in return - a fellow adventurer took 23 in one round and at least three further attacks were directed against their companion).


Known creatures, but no description so far ...


Jade Spectre

Lesser Mummy


Salamander Warrior


Pit Zombie

Human Vampire

Cavern Giant


Midnight Elf Neuromancer

Orc Warrior

Giant Brown Rats

Goblin Warrior

Animated Sword



info from David

Attack 20 (Normal)

7 Hits, 4 misses VS Darkwalkers

4 Hits, 1 miss Vs Black Rat

Attack 30 (Normal)

1 hit, 2 misses vs Darkwalkers.

Darkwalkers took 21-24 points of Damage to kill and were worth 48 exp-'s.

They did not attack back.

Giant Rat Took 15-18 Hp's to kill and were killed at range so no attacks were made. Worht 10 Exp's.

Lava Skeletons

Attack 20

Hit 10 times Missed 14 times

Attack 10

Hit 3 times Missed 0 times

4 hp's to kill, there attack hit def -45 3 times missed 2 times. 10 exp's