Okay, welcome to the remains of Moloch's Online Gamebook. Right now, I'm about to tear the site to pieces and re-do...about everything in it. Unfortunately, we lost the login/passwords to all the mirrors of this site a LONG time ago, and kind of left it to rot. However, it's back up again. And I can get in. The new status is that I will be one of maybe two people updating (myself and Lugh).

And what exactly is the online gamebook? Just...well, forget it. Go see for yourself right here. Currently, our plans are to start it up again, make a new project, or do something more rpg/less gamebook related. Obviously gamebooks are dead, except among the eccentric few of us around still. Like myself. If anything, the least we will do is start up "Doom and Gloom" again. I'm considering something a little bigger than that. Anyway, go on in at the previous link.

I (that is, Lugh) am personally considering either writing another gamebook (a sort of Citadel of Chaos clone, only with better rules), or redoing Doom & Gloom with a better structure. I have no idea how interesting this is, but since I have the password for this site, I might as well use it.

Also, I'm crap at HTML, but don't hold it against me.