Hey all you Kirby fans! Its 7/10/99, been almost a half year but I finally updated the site. I now have better sounding midis and a new music file which sounds great. I'll be updating this site more so check back every couple of weeks.

This is the Audio part of the site it has a lot of files in mp3 format and some midis, but the midis sound really bad so if you have a mpeg player get the mp3's. The mp3s were made by me on my free time so don't steal them for a site unless the credit is given to me. But other than that by all means download them for listening pleasure.MP3-MIDI

The gallery is where you can find lots of screenshots on Kirbys Adventure and a few icons. If you want me to get a screen capture of a certian place, make you an icon of some sort or make a screen capture to show you a secret just E-Mail me or sign it in the guestbook and ill try doing it as soon as possible.So check out the Gallery.

This is a section to find codes on Kirby's Adventure or get help on the game. If you have any questions on the game which you shouldn't because its not very hard ill help you in whatever way I can from making screenshots to explaning it in full detail.

This portion can be sumed up into a couple things. Nesticle and Kirby's Adventure. If you want any links for other kirby games let me know.GIMMIE KIRBY!
Here you can find lots of great links from music to roms to webpages you probably wouldn't give a crap about. But check out some of these links because most of these are the best pages on what they do so check them out. The Links.

Audio Gallery Codes-n-Hints
Emulation Links

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